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Резюме от 28 декабря 2021


Creative writer, storyteller, 16 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
24 года

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон.

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Опыт работы

Creator, theater and math teacher

с 09.2020 по 09.2021 (1 год)
Privat School "Unicron School Kyiv", Київ (Education and science)

Tasks & Responsibilities:
-Writing screens for performance
-Acting with students
-Organization and participating in performance
Organized 4 original performances: “Christmas Watch”, “Features of Cultural Magic”, “Red Moon”, “Physic Magicians”


с 06.2020 по 09.2021 (1 год 3 месяца)
Summer camps of PO Doloni Dotyk, Київ (summer camps)

Tasks & Responsibilities:
-Creating LOR of the summer camp
-Writing main and side quests, characters and dialogs
-Creating and writing “diystvo” – big final of the main quest
-Organization and participating in face-to-face meetings
-Organized 4 summer camps for more than 100 children;
-Created new “wolf myth” in Polissya region

Writer; narrative designer

с 03.2020 по 04.2021 (1 год 1 месяц)
Triuna Fox, online (mmorpg startup)

Tasks & Responsibilities:
-Creating the main plot of the game: where, what, when and with whom sheep happening :)
-Creating name and slogan of the game
-Writing main world: creating cultures, new race, physics laws and game mechanics
-Finding new team members
-Organization Zoom meetings
-Taking part in promotion – creating references for posters

-Creating plot and name of the game “Majestic arrival”
-Creating new race and culture - “naar”
-Creating new religion – “star blood”, after that - new “race” of magicians
-Creating history and lor of the “Majestic arrival”

Writer of novels with interactive choices

с 09.2019 по 02.2020 (5 месяцев)
Revolution Fist, Київ (web novels)

Tasks & Responsibilities:
-Novel writing: creating plot, creating goals, thoughts and action of characters
-Dialog writing: characterizing dialog, dialog foundation, using of dialect
-Work with Visual Department: finding references for characters, creating character appearance
-Participation in online meetings
Created a prequel “The elfes of New-Etter” to the main story “Bands of New-Etter” with covering more than 5000 players.

Script Editor of 2D Sci-Fi You-Tube Chanel

с 02.2019 по 12.2019 (10 месяцев)
Rocket Hacks, online (blogging)

Tasks & Responsibilities:
-Creating topics of releases
-Writing script of my original topic “what if what if”- storyline and visual part
-Creating a mascot of the Chanel: creating story and visual part
-Editing of colleagues scripts
-Re-watching 2D animation content
-Finding new team members – script writers and 2D animators
-Organization online meetings
-Communication with colleagues regularly to assure that our view of channels content is the same
-Created Ben as a mascot of the Rocket Hacks Chanel
-Videos of my original topic “what if what if” has more than 500000 reviews
-Chanel has more than 33000 subscribes

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

Litosvita "Online courses of scriptwriting and stоrytelling"

2021, 5 місяців

LbS "Creative bussines design"

2021, 7 місяців

Знания и навыки

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Английский — выше среднего

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