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Резюме от 29 мая 2024 PRO


Керівник проєкту

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
42 года
Город проживания:
Готов работать:

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Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Опыт работы

Супервайзер кол-центру

с 10.2021 по 06.2023 (1 год 8 месяцев)
Autodoc, Харків (Роздрібна торгівля)

Dynamic and results-driven Call Center Supervisor with a proven track record of success in leading a team of 26 representatives across French-speaking African countries. Adept at optimizing workflows, elevating team performance, and implementing efficient training processes.

Key Achievements:

Implemented workflow enhancements, contributing to a 15% increase in the team's average Key Results Indicator (KRI).
Successfully streamlined the onboarding process, ensuring new team members are fully operational on all communication channels (email, chat, calls) within three weeks.
Elevated the overall team's readiness and adaptability through effective training and adaptation programs.

Supervised a diverse team of 26 representatives, fostering a collaborative and high-performance work environment.
Developed and implemented efficient workflows resulting in a significant improvement in team KPIs.
Led training and adaptation initiatives for new team members, enabling quick integration into all communication channels.
Proficiently trained team members in utilizing internal company programs, enhancing overall productivity.

Leadership and Team Management
Workflow Optimization
Training and Development
Multichannel Communication
Adaptability and Change Management
Proficient in Internal Software Applications


с 03.2021 по 10.2021 (7 месяцев)
Netronic, Харків (IT)

Proactive Project Manager with a demonstrated history of revitalizing documentation, schematics, and components for existing products within a streamlined workflow for future productions. Adept at fostering collaboration between diverse teams and implementing operational enhancements that led to successful contract closures.

Key Achievements:

Revitalized documentation, schematics, and components for existing products, contributing to operational efficiency and contract closures.
Organized cross-functional collaboration between departments, including designers, Java developers, microchip manufacturers, and controller programmers.
Facilitated seamless communication and workflow coordination, ensuring the successful production of laser tag devices for gaming and training.

Managed the end-to-end process of revitalizing documentation, schematics, and components for existing products.
Coordinated and optimized workflows across departments, fostering collaboration between design, development, and manufacturing teams.
Facilitated efficient communication and collaboration between diverse teams, including designers, Java developers, and hardware manufacturers.
Oversaw the production of laser tag devices for gaming and training, ensuring quality and timely delivery.

Project Management
Workflow Optimization
Cross-Functional Collaboration
Documentation and Schematic Revitalization
Team Coordination
Product Development


с 02.2019 по 03.2021 (2 года 1 месяц)
OSI, Бердянськ (IT)

Results-driven Project Manager at Open Source International with a proven track record of optimizing workflows and fostering efficient collaboration across departments. Successfully implemented a workflow that enabled the Frontend team to eliminate technical debt, delve into JavaScript, and deliver projects using Typo3, Drupal, and WordPress. Established hierarchical structures and streamlined interactions between departments and clients.

Key Achievements:

Developed and implemented a workflow that enabled the Frontend team to eliminate technical debt and master JavaScript, leading to enhanced project delivery capabilities.
Organized and optimized the hierarchical structure within the company, improving interactions between departments and clients.
Established a dedicated post-delivery projects department, allowing other teams to focus on developing new websites.
Introduced a website starter kit, reducing the site development timeline to an average of 2-3 months through optimization.

Oversaw the development of web projects using Typo3, Drupal, and WordPress.
Led a team of 21 frontend developers and 10 testers, assigning tasks, ensuring timely project completion, and managing issue resolution.
Facilitated effective communication between clients and the development team.
Established and optimized hierarchical structures within the company to improve collaboration.
Implemented a dedicated post-delivery projects department, allowing other teams to focus on new website development.

Project Management
Workflow Optimization
Team Leadership
Technical Debt Elimination
Hierarchical Structure Implementation
Client Communication
Web Development Technologies: Typo3, Drupal, WordPress



Law, Дніпро
Высшее, с 2005 по 2008 (3 года)

Specialized in various aspects of law, including civil, criminal, and corporate law.
Acquired a comprehensive understanding of legal frameworks, statutes, and case law.
Skills Acquired:

Legal Analysis: Developed strong analytical skills to interpret and apply complex legal principles.
Research Proficiency: Gained expertise in legal research, utilizing databases, and staying updated on precedents.
Contractual Understanding: Studied contract law, enabling a profound comprehension of legal agreements and negotiations.

Participated in moot court competitions and mock trials, honing practical advocacy skills.
Applied legal knowledge through internships, contributing to real-world cases and legal proceedings.
Collaborated with legal professionals to understand the practical aspects of legal practice.


Переклад, Харків
Высшее, с 1999 по 2004 (5 лет)

1. Tactical-Level Officer Training

Attained a degree in Tactical-Level Officer Training, specializing in strategic planning, leadership, and operational execution.
Acquired comprehensive skills in managing tactical operations and leading teams in dynamic and challenging environments.
Developed expertise in decision-making, crisis response, and resource optimization.
2. Translation and Linguistics

Earned a degree in Translation and Linguistics, with a focus on English and French languages.
Honed translation skills to facilitate effective communication between diverse linguistic communities.
Studied advanced language structures, idiomatic expressions, and cultural nuances.
Skills Acquired:

Tactical Leadership: Successfully led groups of up to 30 individuals, demonstrating effective command and decision-making.
Multilingual Proficiency: Fluent in English and French, with the ability to provide accurate and culturally sensitive translations.
Crisis Management: Developed skills in crisis response and strategic planning during tactical-level officer training.
Communication: Enhanced communication abilities through linguistic studies, ensuring clear and precise interactions.

Applied tactical-level officer training in real-world scenarios, demonstrating adaptability and leadership in dynamic environments.
Provided translation services to bridge communication gaps between English and French-speaking individuals.
A dual-degree holder with a strong foundation in tactical leadership and multilingual communication. Proficient in leading teams and facilitating effective communication in English and French.

Знания и навыки

Висока працездатність Уміння аналізувати Управлінські навички Ведення CRM MS Excel Trello Управління ІТ-проєктами Управління проєктами (виробництво) Користувач Бітрікс24 Scrum Figma Jira CSS Робота в команді Управління командою Автоматизація маркетингу GitHub Комунікабельність Організаторські здібності Управління персоналом Операційний менеджмент Аналітичне мислення

Знание языков

  • Украинский — свободно
  • Английский — выше среднего
  • Французский — выше среднего

Дополнительная информация

Highly experienced people and team manager with over 15 years of leadership expertise. I excel in steering micro-teams toward continuous skill improvement and fostering a proactive approach to problem-solving. My extensive background in international collaboration equips me with effective communication skills. I believe in collaborative decision-making and am adept at swiftly mastering new skills. My robust soft skills, coupled with a quick learning curve, make me a valuable asset to any team. Looking forward to contributing to a dynamic and forward-thinking organization.

Похожие кандидаты

Удаленно, Киев

Менеджер проєктів (меблі, обладнання, рекламні конструкції)
Удаленно, Киев

Project coordinator
75500 грн, Удаленно

IT Project manager, руководитель проектов (web)
35000 грн, Удаленно, Днепр , еще 4 города

Керівник проєкту
Удаленно, Днепр

Керівник будівельних проєктів
Удаленно, Львов, Другие страны

Все похожие кандидаты

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