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Резюме от 9 марта 2024 Файл


Technical superintendent, Vessel Manager

56 лет
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Контактная информация

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Yaroslav Koshkul
1/19 Ovidiopolskaya str.
Mob. [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
E-mail. [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

I was born in seamen’s family.
Working as seamen since 1991 until now. During this time was repair engineer, 4th engineer, 3rd engineer, 2nd engineer and chief engineer.
Worked on different type of ships: General cargo, Reefer, Container, Ro-Ro and Bulk carriers. Also worked on different engines: Sulzer, MAN, B&W, Kawasaki and Hyundai. I have experience with different type of engines: MCC, ME and ME-B.
Took part in ship dry docking preparation. Last 6 years was involved in shipbuilding and delivery of new ships.
Last 14 years working as a Chief Engineer. Good in solving the problems, which can be on the ship. During delivery of the new building was involved in inspections for the mechanical part, safety and ship construction.
Familiar with demands most of new resolutions as MARPOL, SOLAS, Class requirements. All PSC and other inspection, audits on the ship passed with minor observations. PC user. Good in collecting information and reporting.
Last two and half years worked as Vessel Manager in Anglo Eastern UK LTD.
From February 2020 till June 2021 sailed again as Chief Engineer in Anglo Eastern Hamburg on Oldendorff vessels. Vessels was equipped with scrubber and BWTS ( both retrofitted )
Work history:
1991 - 1997
4 th Engineer, 3 rd Engineer
1998 - 2001
3 rd Engineer, 2 nd Engineer
2002 - 2003
2 nd Engineer / Chief Engineer
2004 - 2010
Chief Engineer
2010 - 2011
Anglo Eastern UK
Chief Engineer
2011 - 2017
Anglo Eastern UK LTD
Vessel Manager
2017 - 2019
Chief Engineer

Marine School
technician engineer
National Academy
Bachelor of Science
State Academy of Marine & River transport
Master of Science

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