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Резюме от 25 апреля 2024 PRO


PHP, Laravel Developer

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
35 лет
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Опыт работы

Junior PHP/Laravel Developer

с 01.2023 по 01.2024 (1 год)
E-chat, Дистанційно (IT)

Developed, improved, extending of the existed projects. Mastered microservice architecture, improved, extended skills of Laravel, PHP. Helped to refactor none-framework projects to Laravel.

Using Laravel, I developed microservices protected by JWT authorization, developed REST API of microservices with using JWT authentication and authorization, did scheduled mail sending using blade templates, scheduled command launches, did logging, made a selection from several database tables, placed a message in a queue, deleted queues from RabbitMQ, did QR-code transformation to URI, sent messages in telegram, integrated payment system, transferred projects from Native PHP to Laravel and reworked queries to the database using ORM and OOP, did multi-insertion, insertion, selection, deletion, updating using ORM, used upserts to receive one update request instead of two, did REST API method which accepted and saved the file, did paggination of the json output, did OAuth authorization, did authorization with roles, developed migrations, developed models and assingned them, did installation of packages. deployed together with devops projects using Docker, Lens. I have extensive knowledge of Laravel, and PHP, which allows me not to reinvent the cycle and get an elegant solution :) I use SOLID principles and principles from the book "Clean code" which makes code esayreadable, easyunderstandable, easyextendable.



Информационніх технологий
Высшее, с 2006 по 2010 (4 года)

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

Hillel IT School

2020, 1 year

Знания и навыки

PHP MySQL HTML Laravel Docker Composer Redis JavaScript JQuery REST API SPA OOP SOLID Principles Знання принципів MVC Користувач Ubuntu Git SSH FTP Веб-інтерфейси Валидація Аутентифікація Query builder Міграції Queues Schedulers Commands Events Listeners Middlewares Json-resources Blade Collections Framework Cache Resource-controllers Sanctum Vite.js Microservices JWT-Auth RabbitMQ Знання принципів ООП Користувач ОС Linux Зосередженість SQL Bootstrap

Знание языков

Английский — средний

Дополнительная информация

Cycling, rollerblading, GYM

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