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Резюме от 29 сентября 2022 Файл


Врач неотложной помощи

41 год
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Mariupol, Donetsk region, Ukraine • 37 years ago
Male gender
Contact Information
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Viber. WhatsApp, Telegram [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
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Career objective
Neurologist, doctor "Covid-19" hospital

Employment type
full employment
salary is negotiable

Skills and achievements
Diagnosis and treatment of neurological syndromes and diseases, diseases caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, placement of a nasogastric tube, lumbar puncture, paravertebral blockade, teaching experience, scientific articles, experience in staff training, management experience, etc.

Work experience
Assistant professor of the department of neurology and neurosurgery
Donetsk national medical university (Education)
october 2020 – to present day
Assistant professor of the department of neurology and neurosurgery
Assistant professor of the department of physiology and pathological physiology
Donetsk national medical university (Education)
october 2019 — to december 2019
Assistant professor of the department of physiology and pathological physiology
Neurology nursing teacher
Mariupol medical professional college (Education)
september 2019 — to december 2019, september 2020 – to present day
Neurology nursing teacher

Psychiatry Nursing Teacher
Mariupol medical professional college (Education)
january 2020 - to february 2020
Psychiatry nursing teacher

City Hospital No. 2 in Mariupol (Medicine and Health)
Nurse of the Internal Medicine Department
Medical center "Health code" Mariupol (Medicine and Health)
september 2018 — to may 2019, june 2020 – to present day
Physician-neuropathologist "day hospital" of the medical center, Physician-neuropathologist at the consultative and diagnostic polyclinic
Medical center «Medifast» Mariupol (Medicine and Health)
2016 – 2017, august 2020 – to present day
Physician-neuropathologist at the consultative and diagnostic polyclinic
Medical center "Greek medical foundation" Hippocrates "" Mariupol (Medicine and Health)
august 2019 – to february 2020
Physician-neuropathologist at the consultative and diagnostic polyclinic
Medical center «Clinic of health plus» Mariupol (Medicine and Health)
august 2019 – to december 2019
Physician-neuropathologist at the consultative and diagnostic polyclinic
Head of the neurological department
Mangush central district hospital (Medicine and Health)
january 2017 — to january 2018
Head of the neurological department, neuropathologist of outpatient reception with on-site counseling of residents of the district, head of the neurological service of the Mangush district of Donetsk region of Ukraine, neuropathologist of the military registration and enlistment office, deputy chairman of the medical advisory military medical commission
City hospital No. 5 in Mariupol (Medicine and Health)
august 2008 — to december 2016
Physician-intern of the neurovascular department of city hospital No. 5 with experience in conducting thrombolysis, neuropathologist at outpatient reception, responsible physician for clinical examination and disability, rehabilitation of patients in the area

Municipal non-profit enterprise "City hospital No. 4 named after Matsuka " neurologist of the intensive care wards of the neurological department (Medicine and Health)
october 2019 – october 2020
Municipal non-profit enterprise "City hospital No. 4 named after Matsuka " doctor of the 3rd infectious, therapeutic, trauma department (specializing in the treatment of patients with Covid-19)
october 2020 – to present day (Medicine and Health)
Clinical resident
Kharkiv medical academy of postgraduate education (Medicine and Health)
september 2013 — to november 2013
Clinical resident and neuropathologist of the vascular department of the central clinical hospital of the "Ukrainian Railways"

Donetsk state university of management
Healthcare management. Graduation year - 2020
Kharkiv medical academy of postgraduate education
Clinical residency graduation year - 2013
Kharkiv national medical university
2nd faculty of medicine, general medicine Graduated in 2008
Donetsk state medical university M. Gorky
Internship at the Donetsk regional clinical territorial medical association – 2008 – 2009
Kharkiv medical academy of postgraduate education
Internship at the central clinical hospital of the "Ukrainian Railways" - 2009 - 2010

Courses in neurology, neurosurgery, higher pedagogical education, trainings, certificates, an assistant-consultant course at the Center for Political Education, was a member of a public organization.
Knowledge of languages - Russian, Ukrainian - fluent, English - A1, A2
Certificate of achievement UNDSS
Category B driver
Continuin medical education, Istanbul, Turkey

Другие резюме этого кандидата

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