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Oleksii (Alex) Pechenyi
Project Manager / Civil Engineer / Analyst / Consultant


o E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
• Personal information
• Summary
o Phone number: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») / (+38) 050-351-

• Work experience/Projects 27-34
/Responsibilities o Address: 14, Sribnokilska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine; 02095.
• Improvement of o Date of birth: 12.05.1991.
qualifications (Certificates)
• Education SUMMARY .
• Computer skills
o Professional experience of work in civil service
• Additional skills
positions of categories “B” and “C”;
• References
o Professional personnel management of the relevant
structural divisions of the government organization;
o Creation of the newest direction - state architectural
and construction supervision and its development;
o Preparation of proposals for amendments to the
legislation of Ukraine in order to ensure the formation
of a state policy on issues of state architectural and
construction supervision over the activities of supervised
o Consulting in the field of urban development and civil
o An experienced user in working with the latest
electronic systems in construction (the Unified State
Electronic System for the Construction);
o Professional experience in structural engineering
(design of reinforced concrete, steel constructions and
Vertical Circulation Elements (elevators)), civil
engineering (design of roads, road junctions, road

o junctions, drainage and sewage systems) and architectural engineering (design
o of building insulation; exterior design of residential buildings etc);
o Preparation and maintaining relevant table for each construction activity;
o Professional collaboration with general and subcontractors, customers, investors, clients
and suppliers machinery (OTIS; KONE; MIZUI);
o Knowledge of national and international codes (laws and standards) – IBC, IRC,
Eurocodes, E119 etc.;
o Direction and monitoring the team;
o Highly responsible liaison with other design companies, general and subcontractors;
o Management of projects at a high level of responsibility;
o Assisting in the negotiation of critical engineering issues and tasks;
o Scheduling of the project in logical steps and budgeting time required to meet deadline;
o Implementation of high amount of work, producing the topmost quality in short terms;
o High ability to lead and collaborate with others;
o Flexibility to undertake long-term of secondment and traveling abroad;
o High standard of integrity and reliability;
o Capacity to join the job quickly and without any delay of work process;
o Enthusiastic team player with strong analytical skills;
o Fluent in written and spoken English;


❖ Experience:
o General contractor “Kievpidzemshlyahbud – 2” – 2011 – structural engineer.
o Design company “AVILONO” – 25.02.2013-12.02.2016 - structural engineer of the I
o Department of the State Architectural and Construction Inspection in the Rivne region
- 15.02.2016-29.02.2016 - Chief inspector of construction supervision of the Department of
control and supervision of inspections;
o State Architectural and Construction Inspection of Ukraine (Head office) – 01.03.2016 –
01.02.2017 - Chief Inspector of Construction Supervision of the Division methodology and
supervision of authorized town planning and architectural authorities of the Office of state
architectural and construction control of the Department of state architectural and construction
control and supervision;
o State Architectural and Construction Inspection of Ukraine (Head office) – 01.02.2017 -
21.07.2019 – Chief inspector of construction supervision of the Division methodology and
supervision of authorized town planning and architectural authorities of the Department of
permitting procedures;
o State Architectural and Construction Inspection of Ukraine (Head office) – 22.07.2019 -
09.07.2020 – Head of the Division of methodology and supervision of implementation of
declarative procedures of the Department of permitting procedures;
o Department of the State Architectural and Construction Inspection in the city of Kyiv –
09.07.2020-02.11.2020 – Head of the Division of supervision of the activities of the
authorised town planning and architectural authorities / Acting Director of the Department;
o KOMVINPROJECT LLC – 28.05.2021- nowadays – lead architect;
❖ Responsibilities:
Structural engineer of the I category
o Performing civil / structural and architectural engineering project drawings and
documentation for construction (design and construction of reinforced concrete slabs;
columns; brick walls; pylons and Vertical Circulation Elements (elevators)) - (stage “Project”
and “Working Documentation”) of residential buildings;
o Deputy of a Chief Progect Engineer;
o Supervision of building processes;
o Obtaining building permits;
o Approval of projects in state departments;
o Liaison with customers, investors and contractors.
o Coordination and management of the personnel, cost and performance monitoring;
o Ensuring proper authorization, accounting of the project processes;
o Participant in a building process as a site engineer;
o Preparation of monthly project’s reports;
o Finding technical solutions for the project team;
o Full understanding of civil working documentation drawings;
o Direction and management of the project development from beginning to end;
o Scheduling of the project in logical steps and budgeting time required to meet deadline;
o Conferencing with supervisory personnel, owners, contractors, and design professionals;
o Obtaining of the expertise’s approval;
o Development of working documentation on installation of elevator machinery;

o Development and improvement of civil engineering design processes and procedures to
ensure design quality, consistency and repeatability.
❖ Projects:
▪ Approval of the expertise; accomplishing of working documentation on
installation of elevator machinery; accomplishing of structural
documentation (drawings of pylons, reinforced concrete slabs, columns,
foundations) and architectural documentation; coordination of the staff;
successful putting in operation buildings of the objects:
o “Building of residential buildings with infrastructure objects at Gmuri and Kollectorna
Streets, Kiev, Ukraine” (stage “Project” and “Working Documentation”) / high (CC3)
class of consequences (liability) of buildings and structures;
o “Building of a residential complex with underground parking and nursery school at 1,
Cosmonaut Komarova Street, Kiev, Ukraine” (stage “Project” and “Working
Documentation”) / high (CC3) class of consequences (liability) of buildings and
o “Building of a residential building at 29-31, Garmatna Street, Kiev, Ukraine” (stage
“Project” and “Working Documentation”) / high (CC3) class of consequences
(liability) of buildings and structures;
o “Building of a residential building with underground parking at, 2A, Kaunaska Street,
Kiev, Ukraine” (stage “Working Documentation”) / high (CC3) class of consequences
(liability) of buildings and structures;
o “Building of a residential complex with underground parking at 3, Sormovska Street,
Kiev, Ukraine” (stage “Project” and “Working Documentation”) / high (CC3) class of
consequences (liability) of buildings and structures;
o “Building of a residential complex with underground parking at3, Trutenka Street,
Kiev, Ukraine” (stage “Project” and “Working Documentation”) / high (CC3) class of
consequences (liability) of buildings and structures.
Chief inspector of construction supervision
o Supervision and control over inspections;
o Creation of the newest direction - state architectural and construction supervision and its
o Verification of city planning conditions and restrictions, construction passports for the
development of a land plot, temporary structures for business activities for compliance with the
requirements of the law, construction regulations and rules;
o Carrying out inspections within the framework of state architectural and construction
Head of the Division
o Coordination and management of subordinates of the division and territorial bodies of the
head office;
o Verification and analysis of documents provided for obtaining permits for construction work
for compliance with legislation, including: verification of project documentation construction
for compliance with the requirements of the law, construction regulations and rules;
o Methodological assistance of the department of state architectural and construction
supervision in its activities;
Lead architect
o Performing civil and architectural engineering project drawings and documentation for
o Managing of projects;
o Consulting in the field of urban development and civil engineering.


2016 – Business Ukrainian language. Organization of office management in the bodies of executive
2016 – professional development of the Kyiv City Center for retraining and professional
development of employees of state authorities, local self-government bodies, state enterprises,
institutions and organizations;
2017 – Ethical principles of public service;
2018 – certificate of honor of the State Architectural and Construction Inspection of Ukraine, for
conscientious and fruitful work, exemplary performance of official duties, high professionalism, and
significant personal contribution to the development of architectural and construction control and
2019 – certificate of honor of the State Architectural and Construction Inspection of Ukraine, for
conscientious and fruitful work, exemplary performance of official duties, high professionalism, and
significant personal contribution to the development of architectural and construction control and

2021 – Qualification certificate of a design engineer of the II category (АР017172) by
specialization: engineering and construction design in terms of ensuring mechanical resistance
and stability;
2021 – Certificate of the qualification of a forensic expert in the specialty “10.6 Investigation of
real estate objects, building materials, structures and relevant documents”;
2022 – Qualification certificate of technical supervision engineer of II category (АТ010690) for
the construction of buildings and structures (for objects of minor (СС1) class of consequences


2008-2013 – “Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture”, faculty of Geoformation
systems and management technologies; Master’s Degree of “Civil Engineering”. The topic of the
graduate work – “Analysis of licensing documentation for construction and reconstruction of
urban development”.

2022-nowadays – “Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture”, postgraduate
education (aspirant) for PhD in specialty “Construction and Civil engineering”


o AutoCAD (2D; 3D) – creating of structural and architectural drawings; creating of 3D
models of construction details.
o AutoCAD Civil 3D – creating of road junctions (in two and more levels); the design of
utilities and other infrastructure systems.
o Revit – creating 3D drawings of residential buildings (exterior and interior);
o Robot – calculation of reinforced concrete and steel constructions;
o Microsoft Office (Word, Excel).
o Adobe Photoshop.


● Languages:
o English – Advanced;
o Ukrainian – Proficient (Native);
o Russian – Proficient;
● Calculation and determining of construction beams,
● frames, girders to ensure the reliability of structures.
● Clear driving license.
● Capacity to draw by hand.


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