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Резюме от 22 декабря 2023 Файл


Перекладач англійської мови

67 лет

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For the vacancies of a School director, translator, methodologist-consultant, copywriter

Pashchenko Valentin Fedorovich 66years old, Zaporozhye

Education - Gorlovka State Institute of Foreign Languages. Specialty - English language and literature.

Labor activity in the specialty: 1977 - 2000 - English teacher, school director, methodologist of the district methodological office, head of the GORONO. Teaching activities, conducting language and country study circles, methodological work, managing educational institutions of the city, supervising safety issues, conducting safety briefings, accompanying foreign delegations as a guide-interpreter. Implementation in the practice of the school and the use of innovative teaching methods and techniques in teaching (game techniques and methods, TRIZ technologies).
2002 - 2003 - foreign trade manager. Translation of technical documentation, contracts, communication with foreign partners (England, Italy, Holland, France) by phone, Internet, correspondence.
2003 - January 2015 work in the field of recreation and tourism (director of the recreation center, head of the AHO, director of the children's health camp).
2012 freelance copywriter, part-time job.
2015-2016 work in the company Linguist as a manager-consultant.
I apply for a salary of 20,000 gr.
e-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Tel. [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

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