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Резюме от 5 марта 2023 Файл


Спеціаліст з навчання персоналу

29 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Киев, Удаленно

Контактная информация

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I am a passionate people-oriented professional with 10 years of experience in Hospitality industry, looking to apply my skills and
knowledge working with international teams in a modern, challenging and fast-growing environment, where I could make a difference
and help creating and supporting a healthy, productive and cooperative culture.
Contact Details
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») LN – anastasiiahorashchenko
Professional Experience
Mar 2022 – Now EST Grand Hotel Savoy Budapest, Hungary
Operations Manager, pre-opening
o Assembled efficient Service team from former Hilton Kyiv colleagues, acted as their mentor and coach
o Shaped Kitchen and Service team operations, internal departments’ structures and reporting systems, ensuring that all staff members
were trained and equipped to perform their tasks effectively
o Took part in designing compensation packages and benefits system for the team
o Formulated Food & Beverage strategy, including menu planning, pricing, and supplier evaluation, taking into account existing
market conditions and the hotel's positioning within the market
o Worked closely with local suppliers finding and negotiating tailored solutions for the hotel
Jan 2021 – Feb 2022 Hilton Kyiv Kyiv, Ukraine
Assistant Food & Beverage Manager act. Food & Beverage Manager
o Conducted Performance Development Reviews, mentored in creating and executing Career Development Plans, designed and
implemented strategical planning for department’s lines of succession
o Implemented new training and development practices, as well as a mentoring system, to quickly bring new employees
without any operational experience to a 5-star hotel service level
o Suggested, designed and implemented new bonus system
o Developed and delivered training programs for employees on new brand and local COVID guidelines for hotel
operations and reopening after the pandemic lockdown
o Restructured the department to achieve successful operations with decreased staffing (42 to 15 employees)
o Recruited, trained and adapted 20 new employees in F&B department for various teams to re-grow the team
o Worked closely with suppliers to achieve Beverage Cost of 17.9% (to 18% budgeted)
o Conducted market analysis, designed and implemented initiatives and events, which lead to F&B Revenue of 93.5mil
UAH for 2021, overachieving the budget by 50% (compared to 62mil UAH budgeted)
Feb 2018 – Dec 2020 Hilton Kyiv Kyiv, Ukraine
Outlets Manager, Assistant Outlets Manager, Food & Beverage Coordinator
o Monitored and facilitated employee development using proven L&D techniques, tailored to meet the specific needs of
the department
o Developed and delivered training programs for new and existing employees, focusing on operational and sales skills to
enhance employee productivity and revenue generation
o Spearheaded the recruitment and selection process for new employees
o Analyzed, forecasted and controlled department’s revenue on a monthly basis. Conducted quarterly Menu Engineering
with following supply and prices modifications to keep department’s costs within 25%
o Designed and executed an innovative month-long educational project “Food and Beverage School of Excellence”, aimed
at creating a positive brand vision among students of local Hospitality schools as well as at hiring new talents. As a result
of the program, 8 people were successfully hired
o Acted as department’s 4DX leader, which included conducting weekly “Wildly Important Goal” meetings with various
outlets, designing together with the team strategies for achieving the goal, engaging personal involvement of every team
member. This resulted in Hilton Kyiv achieving highest results in SALT (Satisfaction and Loyalty Tracking) for F&B in full
service hotels in Europe for 2019
Sep 2016 – Nov 2017 Hotel ICON Hong Kong
Capstone Consulting Project
o Formulated operational background for an Instant Messaging application, including features, functionality, and UX, to improve
communication and collaboration among team members as well as deliver a more tailored guest experience
o Benchmarked performance of industry-leading property, conducted a thorough analysis of guests’ needs and wants to
identify opportunities to improve overall guest satisfaction and loyalty
o Created a backlog for a Shuttle Bus tracking application to improve transportation services and ensure a seamless guest
Jan 2016 – Aug 2016 Radisson Blu Hotel Kyiv Kyiv, Ukraine
K-Largo Lounge Bar Supervisor
o Designed and implemented On-Job skills training programs to enhance employees’ knowledge and performance, as
well as train new colleagues and facilitate cross-training culture
o Analyzed costs and revenues to identify opportunities for improvement and efficiency within the bar operation
o Coordinated the creation of digital menus to improve the customer experience and increase revenue
o Demonstrated exceptional leadership and performance, resulting in being awarded Employee of the Month in July
Higher Education

Sep 2016 – Dec 2017 Master of Science in Global Hospitality Business
Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne Lausanne, Switzerland
Project Management / Financial Analysis / Hospitality Business Strategies in EMEA
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, SHTM Hong Kong
Operational Management / Service Quality / Hospitality Business Strategies in Asia Pacific
University of Houston, Conrad N. Hilton College Houston, TX
Organizational Behavior / Strategic Planning / Hospitality Business Strategies in Americas and Caribbean
o Voted as Class Representative for a multinational cohort of 42 students
o Acted as a liaison between educational institutions and student group as well as a facilitator for internal group issues
o Managed issues with studying program delivery and student expectations
o Conducted group’s needs and wants analysis which was further communicated to the educational institutions and
transformed to program modification
o Organized, planned and successfully coordinated housing solution for the cohort on other continent
o Voted as “Spirit of the Cohort” by the end of the program

Sep 2012 – Jun 2016 Bachelor Degree in International Economics and Management
Kyiv National Economic University Kyiv, Ukraine
o Member of university’s trade-union bureau, activist
o Curator for first-year students

Courses and Certificates
Mar 2023 Business Analysis for IT – Beetroot Academy Online
Feb 2023 Career in HR: Roles, competencies, challenges – Prometheus Online

Skills and Competencies
Soft Skills: Hard Skills: Programs and software:
o Leadership o Budgeting and financial management o Microsoft Office products
o Communication o Learning management systems (LMS) o Adobe products (Photoshop,
o Collaboration and software Illustrator, InDesign)
o Problem-solving o Curriculum design and development o Atlassian products (Confluence, Jira)
o Adaptability o Training needs assessment and analysis o Miro, Figma
o Time management o Instructional design principles o 1C
o Conflict resolution o Assessment and evaluation
o Attention to detail methodologies
o Customer service o Vendor management
o Empathy o Performance management
o Creativity o HR laws and regulations
o Teamwork o Employee engagement strategies
o Decision-making
o Emotional intelligence


English (CAE ESOL; IELTS 7.5), French (DELF B2), Hungarian (A2), German (A2), Ukrainian (Native)

Extracurricular Activities
Youth mentoring in 10:11 community
Acting, improv theater and comedy

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