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Резюме от 15 мая 2023 Файл


Game Designer

22 года
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Киев, Удаленно, Черкассы

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Dubinevich Fedir
Unity 3D Developer, Game Designer
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Cherkassy, Ukraine

Dubinevich Fedir

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)



I've been studying Unity3D and game development lately, honing my skills in creating engaging 2D game prototypes and
conducting thorough market analysis. Through my experience, I have learned invaluable lessons from both my successes
and mistakes, which ultimately led to the creation of 2 microgames and the completion of a project that I brought to the
testing stage. In addition to my individual projects, I have gained invaluable skills in testing, game design under time
constraints, team management, pitching, and collaboration through my most recent project developed as a team. I'm
eager to bring my passion, creativity, and experience to the game design role, and I'm confident that my skills and
experience make me a valuable asset to any game development team.

Professional Skills
● Developing game concept and prototype ● Basic Unity C# Scripting
● Unity 3D Editor ● Create simple art concept
● Create GDD ● Analyse game analytics and make changes
● Team management ● English(C2) + Ukrainian(Native)

Work Experience

● Creating design document (GoogleDocs)

● Creating project prototype (Unity3D)

● Find & Use & Implement assets for project
Ludum Dare
+ ● Creating art for game (UI, Background, Fighting Map)
Graduate Work at Kharkiv Kuznets National University of
Economics ● Create Basic bot
Indie Development ● Create Save & Load systems(Using UnityPrefs,
(7/2021 - 12/2022) Newtonsoft)
(Project - “Colliseum - arena of heroes”)
● Publish on Google Play

● Leaderboard, and start creating internet save system(
Using PlayFab)

● Fast creating of playable prototype (Unity3D)
● Upgrade existing art assets for project
Ludum Dare 51
(10th planet of the Alos system) ● Creating build for HTML5/PC

● Fast creating prototype of game (Unity3D)

● Create references for art (Stable Diffusion,
Midjourney, personal art)

Global Game Jam 2023 ● Leadership, management and communication with
( Dreams of Revival: the Adventures of Brave Rabbit ) the team (Notion, Trello)

● Manage the creation of a demo game in 1 week

● Analyze feedback, creating fix list

● Pitching game for judges, presentation

● Creating a concept document
Indie development
(2/2023 - now) ● Recruit and manage team

Link to projects

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