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Резюме от 21 мая 2023 Файл


Специалист по комплаенсу

71 год

Контактная информация

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Konstantin Zahharov CV
ID: 35305100314,
Registered address: Valdeku 105-179, Tallinn, 11213, Harjumaa, Estonia,
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»), [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»), SKYPE - [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Professional summary
Estoest OÜ reg.nr. 11487364 (Financial services, trust fund services and business associations FIU000286 license since 2018) Chief Executive Officer and supervisor experienced in companies incorporation, managment, liquidation, START-UPS industry. proactive, resourceful, and results-focused. Adept at understanding markets, key business decisions, and financial operations.
Data Protection Officer/Know Your Customer investigator (GDPR/KYC/DPO), Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism advisor (AML/CFT sertified), Sanctions Scanning Supervisor (SSS), Estonian Tax Department Contact Person.

Work history
Untill 1991:
Journalist – CEO of culture and siencise information in Estonian Telegraph Agency (ETA as a part or TASS (Telegraf agency of the Soviet Union).
1991 – 1999
Pront AS, CEO, The first private (non-sencored) printhause in Estonia, joint-venture with a Swedesh partners/stakeholders.
1999 – 2002
Index OÜ, Russian platform moderator, The first online E-shop in Estonia index.net.
2002 – 2004
Exchange OÜ, Russian platform moderator, The first ORACLE IT-solutions provaider in Estonia excahnge.com.
2002 – 2008 on outstaffing and outsoutcing base:
Russian platforms moderator/editor of State portal riik.ee, first cataloque www.ee, first online auction osta.ee, State Computerisation programm tiigrihype.ee, State Integration programm integratsioon.ee, Occupation museum website okupatsioon. ee etc.
2020 – 2021
Webspay OÜ, AML Officer, Memeber of the board.
2022 - 2023
Big Drop OÜ, AML Officer, Member of the board.
2008 - current
Estoest OÜ, CEO, Estonian companies incorporation, outsourcing, liquidation,
DPO/KYC/AML/Sanctions Scanning Supervisor, https://estoest.wordpress.com/, [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Regulatory compliance since 1991
Good written and verbal communication
Business startups administration
Contract negotiations
Policy and procedure modification
Documentation and control
GDPR/DPO/KYC/AML/Sanctions Scanning Supervisor
1981 - 1987 in absentia, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education the «Maxim Gorky Institute of Literature and Creative Writing»

Russian – native, Estonian – second language, English - advanced

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