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Резюме от 20 июня 2024 PRO


Head of marketing

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
31 год
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Киев, Удаленно

Контактная информация

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Опыт работы

Head of marketing

с 07.2021 по наст. время (2 года 11 месяцев)
Tati Group, Інші країни (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

- Development of digital marketing strategy
- Development of brand platform
- Development of partnership program
- Formation and management of the marketing department
- Development process of lead generation
- Website development
- Budgeting for marketing department
- Keeping reports
- Marketing event planning
- Search and creation of new communication channels
- Creating of non-standard mechanics of attraction and retention
- Consultation of the company clients

Achievements and results (NDA):
- Launched new website
- Assembly of remote marketing team
- Launched marketing funnel
- Launched of the lead generation process
- Processes related to PR activities are running
- Launched partnership program

Head of marketing

с 10.2020 по 06.2021 (8 месяцев)
Uployal, Київ (IT)

- Development of digital marketing strategy
- Development of communication strategy
- Development of brand platform
- Creating a marketing funnel
- Formation and management of the marketing department
- Development process of lead generation
- Website development
- Working with CRM
- Conducting webinars
- Manage reputation
- Record keeping
- Budgeting for marketing department
- Planning of marketing activities
- Creating presentation materials
- Consultation of the company clients

Achievements and results (NDA):
- Launched new website
- Launched marketing funnel
- Launched of the lead generation process
- Launched processes related to PR activities

Traffic manager

с 05.2019 по 10.2020 (1 год 5 месяцев)
Smart security, Дистанційно (Охорона, безпека, оборона)

- Analyzing and optimizing paid traffic
- Control of paid and organic traffic
- Consulting

Achievements and results (NDA):
- Audit of traffic channels was performed
- Implemented recommendations for traffic optimization (paid + organic)
- Recommendations for increasing site conversion were implemented

Head of marketing

с 08.2018 по 11.2020 (2 года 3 месяца)
Atlant Byd, Дистанційно (Будівництво, архітектура, дизайн інтер'єру)

- Development of digital marketing strategy
- Development of partnership program
- Formation and management of the marketing department
- Development of a corporate website and landing pages
- Working with CRM
- Development process of lead generation
- Maintaining reporting documentation
- Budgeting for marketing department

Achievements and results (NDA):
- Launched corporate website
- Assembly of remote marketing team
- Additional communication channels are launched: lead generators, sales through a network of partners and contractors
- Launched landing pages (promo)
- Marketplaces launched as an additional sales channel

SEO specialist

с 05.2018 по 11.2018 (6 месяцев)
Termoeng, Дистанційно (Енергетика)

- Development site promotion strategy
- Implementation and configuration of analytical systems
- Communication with contractors
- Consulting

Achievements and results:
- Launched new website
- Implemented of analytical systems
- Conducted of CRO activities
- Provided growth of organic traffic to 140%
- Provided an increase in the number of incoming leads from organic channels to 27%

Internet marketing manager

с 05.2017 по 11.2017 (6 месяцев)
Food Ingredients, Дистанційно (Харчова промисловість)

- Separating the core product, developing a short-term marketing strategy
- Development landing page
- Supervising contractors
- Consulting
- Development process of lead generation

Achievements and results:
- Implemented a short-term strategy to bring a dedicated product to market
- Developed landing page and customized analytics
- Developed and launched traffic system
- Developed and configured the advertising funnel
- Provided the increase in the amount of incoming leads from paid channels to 450%
- Provided increase in the amount of incoming leads from organic channels to 85%

Marketing manager

с 03.2017 по 12.2019 (2 года 9 месяцев)
ABM Cloud, Київ (IT)

- Optimization and promotion of websites
- Participation in development of marketing strategy
- Conducting audits, preparing suggestions for improvement of sites
- Analytics and optimization of digital channels, lead generation
- Development and implementation of the SEO-concept
- Market monitoring
- Providing technical support for websites and related resources (functionality)
- Content management
- Supervision of specialists in outsourcing
- Maintenance of reporting documentation
- Launching products in Europe and the United States

Achievements and results:
- Delivered 680% growth in organic traffic
- Delivered 730% growth in paid traffic
- Delivered 470% growth in direct traffic
- Delivered 890% growth in email traffic
- Improved CR of promo sites to 35%
- Improved CR of commercial site to 25%
- Provided 530% increase in incoming leads

Internet marketing manager

с 07.2016 по 04.2017 (9 месяцев)
Groshi vsim, Київ (Фінанси, банки, страхування)

- Development of digital marketing strategy
- Development of marketing funnel
- Implementation of all strategies within the marketing direction
- Working with conversion chains
- Partner program development
- Specialist supervision
- Connection and management of partner networks
- Budgeting for digital channels
- Brand management
- Process systematization and digitalization
- Planning of marketing activities
- Maintenance of reporting documentation

Achievements and results:
- Redesigned corporate websites and landing pages
- Connected and launched affiliate networks
- Launched marketing funnel
- Conducted additional activities in the digital environment
- Optimization of secondary communication channels
- Launched mechanics of digitizing offline activities have been prepared
- Launched processes related to PR activities
- Improved CR of the commercial website up to 35%
- Decreased total cost of sales leads to 27%
- Increased number of incoming leads to 285%
- Carried out several activities to improve the company's reputation

Internet marketing manager

с 09.2015 по 09.2016 (1 год)
Vintage, Київ (IT)

- Development promotion concepts for client sites
- Conducting audits for client sites
- Implementation of works on internal optimization of sites
- Optimization of paid channels to attract traffic
- Managing a team of contractors
- Development and implementation of advertising strategies
- Budgeting for digital channels



Programmer, Київ
Высшее, с 2008 по 2013 (5 лет)

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты



Academy of digital professions


IMB Academy


Convert Monster


Marketing Gamers


Знание языков

  • Украинский — продвинутый
  • Русский — продвинутый
  • Английский — средний

Дополнительная информация

Throughout my professional career, I worked in CIS and European markets in the field of digital marketing. High level of selforganization, flexibility and adaptability, the ability to respond to changing business needs.

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