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Резюме от 5 декабря 2023 Файл



51 год

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Ruslan Chernetskyi

Contact Information:

Experienced entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience managing his own business and driving vehicles in categories B and C. Basic proficiency in English (level A2), but eager to improve language skills.


Managed own enterprise for over 30 years
Drove various category B and C vehicles for 30 years


Excellent management skills
Strong communication skills
Effective time management abilities
Skilled in driving category B and C vehicles
Capable of working in and managing a team


Higher education in the field of __________
Completed business management and driving courses
Desired position:
Driver with potential for growth to managerial role


To apply management experience and driving skills to effectively perform duties and achieve success in the new position. Committed to ongoing learning and professional development.

Additional Information:

Honest, responsible, and reliable employee
Willingness to work continuously and perform additional tasks
Basic PC skills
Experience working with various types of transport, including trucks, cars, and buses
Willing to travel for business and work abroad
Experience working with corporate and individual clients


Colleagues and business partners are available to provide recommendations about professional competence and personal qualities. Please contact me for further information.


Confident that I can add value to your team, I welcome new challenges and opportunities for growth. I appreciate the opportunity to demonstrate my skills and commitment to success. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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