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Резюме от 29 мая 2024 Файл


Support manager

33 года
Город проживания:
Готов работать:

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон .

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Mila Kozoriz

Contact info
Mobile/Telegram/Viber: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Skype: luda.1990_1

Education: Teacher of English language and literature

Languages: English – Advanced

Social and organizational skills and competences

Creating and keeping deadlines, productivity, teamwork, team leadership, multitasking, listening skills, communication, creative thinking, working with data, conflict resolution, attention to details

Technical skills and competences

Analytical skills, Data mining, Social Media Experience, Advanced PC User
Work experience

Dates (from-to)

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector

Occupation or position held

Main activities and responsibilities

Dates (from-to)

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector

Occupation or position held

Main activities and responsibilities

Dates (from-to)

09/12/2021 – till now

Media Mart Limited, Alexei Lupovanov, home based position

Online casino platform

Customer servise representative, Customer servise head manager (from 07/2022)

Processing incoming requests in telegram, messengers, email; working with financial issues, processing deposits, withdrawals; later hiring and training, coordination.


Crafts and Pets, Sergey Zimov, home based position

Amazon, Wallmart, eBay online shop

Customer support agent

Processing incoming requests in telegram, messengers, email; processing withdrawals; maintain communications between warehouse and curriers; take up other duties as assigned (like searching information, making reports)


Name and address of employer

Best Shop USA Inc, Nicolas Cruz, home based position
Type of business or sector

Logistics company
Occupation or position held

Call-center agent (2 months), HR Specialist
Main activities and responsibilities

As a call center agent - answer incoming calls, maintain communications between customers and curriers, sort and forward emails, making daily reports, answer questions and complaints, take up other duties as assigned.

As an HR Specialist - recruiting; contact/interview applicants, as well as screening applications and resumes; successfully resolved employee issues/concerns after thorough investigation

Dates (from-to)

Name and address of employer

Kensun Ltd., Haim Miller, 199 Lee Ave, Brooklyn, New York
Type of business or sector

Online car parts store
Occupation or position held

Call-center agent (6 months), Sales department manager

Main activities and responsibilities

As a call center agent - answer phone calls, provide products information, assisting in choosing and buying products, resolve any issues a customer might have.

As a Sales department manager - leading difficult customers; resolving issues with difficult customers; orders, from placing to shipping; finance responsibility, refunds; working with resellers, their orders; working with inventory, updating information on websites (kensun.com/Amazon); invoices; daily, weekly, monthly reports; etc.

Dates (from-to)

Type of business or sector

Private tuition

Type of business or sector

English lessons
Occupation or position held

Teacher of English
Main activities and responsibilities

Teaching English, working with children

Dates (from-to)

Name and address of employer

Eco-lavka, Kyiv, Vyshgorodska 45, Andrej Petryna
Type of business or sector

Grocery shop
Occupation or position held

Shop assistant
Main activities and responsibilities

Assisting shoppers to find the goods and products they are looking for; being responsible for processing cash and card payments; stocking shelves with merchandise; answering queries from customers; giving advice and guidance on product selection to customers; dealing with customer refunds; attaching price tags; responsible for security within the store and being on the look out for shoplifters and fraudulent credit cards etc; receiving and storing the delivery of large amounts of stock; daily, weekly, reports.

Похожие кандидаты

Агент підтримки користувачів

Sales Manager, Customer Support Representative
Удаленно, Другие страны

Контент-менеджер, адміністратор сайтів, Support manager
Удаленно, Чернигов

Support manager

Technical support specialist
25000 грн, Удаленно, Полтава

Customer support representative
20000 грн, Удаленно

Все похожие кандидаты

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