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Резюме от 22 мая 2023 Файл



22 года

Контактная информация

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Saprykin Vladyslav
Brand Manager, Digital Marketing,
Creative Marketing
04.10.2001 / Vinnytsia

Contact Experience
Oct. 2022 - Until today
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Brand Manager at AIESEC Ukraine
AIESEC is engaged in international internship programs. My duties in the
Email organization:
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Communication with bloggers, mass media, organization of events
Development of brand strategies, creation of merch
Communication with consumers, maintaining the brand image
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Planning sales and advertising campaigns
a9b916240 Maintaining an Instagram page, creating posts

Education Hard skills
Creation and optimization of advertising campaigns
2019 - 2023 Conducting A / B tests and analyzing results
Business Economics Work with data: excel, google analytics, similarweb, google trends,
socialblade, telemetr, livedune
Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and
Content creation: copywriting, rewriting, seo, preparation of technical
specifications, assessment of provided materials
Proficient user of Adobe Illustrator
Canva, Wix, Figma, Photoshop

Soft skills Courses
Analytical skills
Brand Management
Active, inquisitive
Introduction to Social Media Marketing
Learning quickly
Adapt to changes
Vector graphics. Adobe Illustrator CC
Strong desire to learn
new things
Introduction to the Digital Advertising Landscape

Language Hobby
English - Intermediate (B1)
Creation of illustrations Reading books

Volleyball Participation in intellectual group

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