Вакансія від 21 травня 2024

National Consultant on CRSV in Security and Defense Sector

  • UN Women

      Неприбуткові, благодійні та громадські організації; 50–250 співробітників
    • Київ, вулиця Михайла Грушевського.
      0,9 км від центруНа мапі
    • Повна зайнятість. Також готові взяти людину з інвалідністю, ветерана, пенсіонера. Досвід роботи від 2 років. Вища освіта.
    • Англійська — просунутий
    Вакансію зараз переглядає 1 шукач. Відгукніться першим!

    Опис вакансії

    Only applications submitted through UNDP website will be acceptedUN WOMEN Jobs — 116236- National Consultant Security and Defense Sector Ex (undp.org).

    The assignment will include but not be limited to the following tasks developed and agreed in coordination with the Apparatus of the Government Commissioner for Gender policy:

    1. Establish and maintain effective collaboration with the co-chairs of the Inter-Agency Working Group Sub-Group «Strengthening capacity of the security and defense sector to prevent and address CRSV» and contribute to the organization of regular meetings of the sub-group, preparation of materials, monitoring of the delivery and progress reporting on the Implementation Plan.
    2. Liaise with experts and representatives of the security and defense sector actors involved in advancing of the Implementation Plan to the Framework of Cooperation to ensure the collection and analysis of information on achieving the Implementation Plan’s outcomes, prepare analytical briefs, and document good practice (Pillar 4).
    3. Assist the institutions and agencies of Ukraine’s security and defense sector in developing amendments to the legal and regulatory framework related to the CRSV prevention and response, including through a survivor-centered approach, for instance, to draft ministerial orders, governmental regulations, codes of conduct, standard procedures and resolutions.
    4. Conduct analysis of the ministerial/departmental plans of the security and defense sector institutions on the implementation of the updated National Action Plan 1325 on Women, Peace and Security and alignment with the Implementation Plan to the Framework of Cooperation to support respective actors' internal coordination in the fulfilling commitments related to CRSV prevention and response under both documents.
    5. Hold internal and external consultations, fact-checking missions, and desk research of issues related to the activities of the security and defense sector subjects on the prevention of sexual violence within the context of the Russian Federation’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and assistance to the survivors, upon request by the Apparatus of the Government Commissioner for Gender equality policy and UN Women in the framework of the project UN Joint Programme on conflict-related sexual violence.
    6. Prepare monthly reports to the Apparatus of the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy and UN Women on the implementation of tasks and the results achieved.


    Education and Certification:

    • Advanced University Degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in public administration, law, social science, security and defense, international relations, international human rights, gender studies/or related fields.
    • BA gegree with 2 additional years of experience may be accepted in lieu of MA degree


    • A minimum of 2 years of professional experience in human rights and gender equality, security, and defense, including Women, Peace and Security agenda, CRSV, and/or GBV response or related fields, is required.
    • Demonstrated experience in successfully undertaking similar assignments is required, including developing legal and regulatory acts, guidelines, policy papers, and recommendations.
    • Knowledge of managing and supporting multi-stakeholder initiatives and multi-lateral processing is required.
    • Experience with inter-agency coordination in the UN or comparable international organizations is desired.
    • Knowledge and experience in project development and management; knowledge and experience in managing internal and external communications; experience in facilitating cooperation between governmental, multilateral, and non-governmental organizations and/or UN agencies.


    • Fluency in verbal and written English and Ukrainian is required.

    UN Women

    Неприбуткові, благодійні та громадські організації, 50–250 співробітників

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