Система управління фінансами, ТОВ

Система управління фінансами, ТОВ

Освіта, наука, 50–250 співробітників

We — are an international coaching company ATM Group.

For 16 years we have been helping entrepreneurs solve business problems, increase company profits and personal income. We provide seminars, courses and coaching programs. We have offices in 3 countries: Spain, Ukraine, USA and almost 20,000 clients with great results: revenue growth from 60% to 540% in 6 months.

Our goal is to help companies in the real sector increase profits and gain financial independence through individual, practical business training and the introduction of a Financial Management System.

The main direction of ATM: finance training. We help entrepreneurs to put things in order in the field of money and earn more for themselves.

The company pays special attention to the competence of each employee, that is why we help each new team member to get used to, understand what is required of him, and start getting the first results!


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