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Jefferson Kariuki
RESEARCH writer | [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)



As an academic writer, my objective is to utilize my expertise and experience to produce well-researched and insightful content that meets the highest standards of academic writing. My goal is to contribute to the academic community by sharing knowledge and insights in a clear, concise, and compelling manner.

Research Writing Consultant September 2015 – December 2017
• Worked with undergraduate and graduate students to improve their writing skills, including organization, clarity, and use of academic language.
• Provided guidance on research methods, literature review, and data analysis.
• Conducted workshops and seminars on academic writing, research methodology, and critical thinking.
• Collaborated with faculty members to develop course materials and assessment rubrics.

Freelance Academic Writer January 2014 – Present
• Conduct research and write academic papers, essays, case studies, and other forms of academic writing on a wide range of topics.
• Adhere to the highest standards of academic writing, including proper citation and referencing, while producing engaging and informative content.
• Collaborate with clients to understand their requirements and provide feedback and revisions as needed.
• Use a variety of research tools and sources to gather relevant data and information.
• Consistently deliver high-quality work within tight deadlines.



• Excellent research skills, including the ability to identify relevant sources and analyze data.
• Proficient in academic writing conventions, including citation and referencing styles.
• Strong editing and proofreading skills.
• Ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and concisely.
• Detail-oriented and able to meet deadlines consistently.
• Proficient in Microsoft Office, Google Suite, and other relevant software tools

bsc. financial engineering • MAY 2016 • jomo kenyatta university of agriculture and technology
Second Class Honors (Upper)

diploma in information technology • june 2020 • STRATHMORE UNIVERSITY
Network design and management, Cybersecurity and information security, Database design and management, Operating system configuration and management, Web development and programming, Project management, IT infrastructure management


Writers’ Manager, Uvocorp.com January 2015 – December 2021
• Supervised a team of 15 academic writers and provided ongoing training and support to improve their skills and knowledge.
• Worked with the Writer’s Department to develop policies, procedures, and assessment tools to improve the quality and effectiveness of written products.

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Sample Paper:

Case Assignment: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

Case Assignment: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This research paper focuses on the case of Roberta, a 40-year-old woman struggling with complicated relationships, feelings of hopelessness, and potential substance abuse concerns. This paper includes an initial assessment of Roberta, legal/ethical concerns that may arise in her therapy, the appropriate theoretical approach to treating her, a theoretical assessment of her symptoms and challenges, and a treatment plan tailored to her unique needs. The primary focus is on utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), an evidence-based approach that research has shown to be effective in treating depression, anxiety, and substance abuse disorders (Springer et al., 2018). The aim is to demonstrate how a tailored CBT-based treatment plan can help clients like Roberta overcome their challenges and achieve their therapeutic goals. CBT is a practical and versatile therapy approach that therapists can tailor to address clients' unique needs and challenges struggling with depression, anxiety, and potential substance abuse concerns.
Initial Assessment
Following Roberta’s second session, it is evident that she is struggling with various emotional and social challenges. She reports feeling hopeless, isolated, and lonely, which are indicators of depression. Her challenges with relationships may further indicate that she has depressive episodes. They may also suggest that they have anxiety, making it difficult to interact with others in a social setting. Further, her anger towards her previous therapists may indicate that she has developed a mistrust of the therapeutic process, which may challenge her counseling. Roberta appeared sleepy and slurring her words during the second session, which raised concerns about substance abuse. Due to the severity of her symptoms, it is essential to consider that she may be abusing substances, which could exacerbate her depression and anxiety. In addition to comprehending Roberta's current problems, it is important to consider her overall mental health history. It is possible to understand her current symptoms by evaluating her medical and mental health history. Further, evaluating her current level of functioning and any recent causes of stress may also help develop an effective treatment plan.
Legal and Ethical Concerns
As a counselor, it is essential to uphold ethical standards and maintain confidentiality with clients. However, there may be situations where it is necessary to breach confidentiality to protect the client or others from harm. In Roberta's case, her slurred speech and sleepiness raise concerns about her potential use of substances. If it becomes clear that Roberta is driving under the influence or putting herself or others in danger due to her substance use, the counselor may need to take action to prevent harm. Another potential ethical concern relates to informed consent. Therapists should ensure they inform their clients fully about the nature of therapy, the risks and benefits associated with it, and their rights as clients (Corrie & Lane, 2015). Informed consent is particularly essential when working with clients who may be vulnerable or have impaired decision-making capacity, such as clients who are struggling with substance abuse concerns.
In addition, if Roberta reveals any information involving child abuse or neglect, the counselor has a legal and ethical obligation to report it to the appropriate authorities. While it is essential to create a safe and supportive environment for clients, it is also important to ensure that they do not endure harm in any way. Counselors must remain vigilant for any signs of abuse or neglect and take appropriate action when necessary. Finally, counselors must also be mindful of the potential for boundary violations or dual relationships (Corrie & Lane, 2015). It is important to establish clear boundaries with clients and avoid any behavior that is exploitative or inappropriate. Further, if a counselor has a personal or professional relationship with a client outside of the therapeutic context, they must be careful to avoid any conflicts of interest that could harm the client.
In Roberta’s case, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) would be an appropriate treatment strategy. In essence, CBT is a short-term, evidence-based therapy that focuses on the identification of negative thought patterns and replacing them with those that are more positive and realistic. This type of therapy is effective in treating depression, anxiety, and substance abuse disorders, which are all possible challenges for Roberta. CBT has a definite structure and is goal-oriented in that it helps clients develop coping strategies and improve their problem-solving skills (Branson et al., 2015). The therapist works in tandem with the client to note negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to their problems. Once the therapist identifies these thoughts, they help the client overcome them and replace them with realistic and positive thoughts. Through this process, clients learn to recognize and manage their negative emotions, which can lead to improved overall functioning.
CBT is also effective in addressing the social and interpersonal challenges that Roberta is facing. The therapy can help her develop more positive and effective communication skills, set healthy boundaries in her relationships, and improve her overall self-esteem (Springer et al., 2018). Additionally, CBT can be adapted to address any substance use concerns that Roberta may have by incorporating strategies for managing cravings, avoiding triggers, and preventing relapse. In summary, CBT is a versatile and effective therapeutic approach that can be tailored to address Roberta's unique needs and challenges (Branson et al., 2015). By helping her identify and challenge negative thoughts, improve her coping skills, and build more positive relationships, CBT can help Roberta achieve her therapeutic goals and improve her overall well-being.
Theoretical Assessment
Given the information provided by Roberta, it is possible to create a theoretical assessment of the symptoms and challenges she is facing. She seems to struggle with depressive symptoms, which include feelings of hopelessness, isolation, and low moods. She further finds it challenging to maintain relationships with other people, which is indicative of social anxiety. Her slurring also raises concerns that she could be abusing substances and exacerbating her symptoms. From a psychological perspective, Roberta may have negative beliefs about herself and her capabilities, which might be contributing to her perception of hopelessness. These negative feelings could be the result of negative experiences in her past. Considering her social and environmental factors, Roberta might be facing stressors such as work-related stress or recent life events such as interpersonal relationships, which might be exacerbating her symptoms (Branson et al., 2015). Further, she may lack a supportive social network, which might contribute to her feeling isolated and lonely.
Treatment Plan
Considering Roberta's initial assessment and theoretical assessment, it is possible to formulate a treatment plan to address her unique needs and challenges. This plan is guided by the principles of CBT, which is an evidence-based therapy strategy proven to be effective in treating depression, anxiety, and substance abuse disorders (Branson et al., 2015). The treatment plan begins by establishing a therapeutic relationship and cultivating trust with Roberta. This involves the provision of a safe and supportive environment where she can share her thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. The therapy will involve working with Roberta to set treatment goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
The focus of the therapy will be on identifying and challenging negative thoughts and beliefs that are contributing to Roberta's symptoms of depression and anxiety. The therapist will use techniques such as cognitive restructuring and behavioral activation to help Roberta develop more positive and realistic thoughts and beliefs about herself and her abilities. In addition to addressing her negative thoughts and beliefs, the therapy will also focus on building positive coping skills and improving her overall problem-solving abilities (Branson et al., 2015). This will involve developing strategies to manage her emotions, avoid negative triggers, and set healthy boundaries in her relationships. Finally, the treatment plan will address any potential substance use concerns that Roberta may have. The therapist will work with Roberta to develop strategies for managing cravings, avoiding triggers, and preventing relapse.
The following is a comprehensive treatment plan for Roberta:
• Carry out a thorough assessment of her mental health and substance use.
• Utilize CBT to help Roberta identify and challenge negative thought patterns that are contributing to her depression and anxiety.
• Formulate coping strategies to manage Roberta’s emotions and improve her relationships.
• Resolve any substance abuse issues through referral to a specialized treatment program.
• Evaluate progress and adjust treatment as necessary.
• Underscore the importance of self-care, such as regular exercise, healthy living, and enough sleep.

To conclude, Roberta's case illustrates the importance of conducting a comprehensive initial assessment, identifying legal and ethical concerns, and formulating an appropriate treatment plan. The assessment revealed that Roberta is facing various emotional and social challenges, including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. This paper identifies the legal and ethical concerns, including the potential breach of confidentiality and the need to report child abuse or neglect. The chosen treatment plan, which relies upon the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), considers Roberta's unique needs and challenges. The therapy aims to establish a safe and supportive environment, set SMART treatment goals, and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs to improve her overall well-being. By addressing her unique challenges, the therapy plan aims to help Roberta achieve her therapeutic goals and improve her quality of life.

Branson, A., Shafran, R., & Myles, P. (2015). Investigating the relationship between competence and patient outcome with CBT. Behavior research and therapy, 68, 19-26.
Corrie, S., & Lane, D. A. (2015). CBT supervision. Sage.
Springer, K. S., Levy, H. C., & Tolin, D. F. (2018). Remission in CBT for adult anxiety disorders: a meta-analysis. Clinical psychology review, 61, 1-8.

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