Резюме від 2 червня 2024 Файл


Marketing manager

28 років
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Контактна інформація

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Irina Dimova
Accumulated over five years of experience in a dynamic
advertising agency setting, honing skills in project management,
CONTACT brand strategy, and campaign execution.
Merged creativity with analytical prowess to craft marketing
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») campaigns that transcend traditional boundaries. Achieved the
dual goals of enhancing brand recognition and fostering
+4151120468743 customer loyalty through insightful campaigns.


Marketing Manager | Jan 2023 - Jul 2023
Vedang Plant Burger, Berlin
Spearheaded comprehensive marketing strategies to elevate brand prominence.
Project Management Orchestrated seamless collaboration with cross-functional teams including designers,
Brand Strategy website developers, SEO optimizers, and photographers.
Social Media Strategy Deftly managed and allocated advertising budget, optimizing resource utilization for
maximum impact.
Devised and executed media plans, ensuring targeted message delivery to key
Campaign Management audiences.
Data Analysis and KPI Collaborated closely with designers to craft captivating product packaging and
Tracking website designs.
Strategically developed and implemented content plans, amplifying brand resonance
Team Leadership and
across platforms.
Collaboration Pioneered engaging Social Media Marketing (SMM) campaigns, fostering vibrant
Content Planning and online community engagement.
Coordination Cultivated influential partnerships with bloggers, broadening brand reach and
audience connection.
Media Planning and
Authored and distributed compelling press releases, garnering media attention and
Budgeting public interest.
Customer Engagement Vigilantly monitored media responses, capturing invaluable feedback for continuous
Conducted meticulous analysis of marketing efforts, generating insightful reports to
inform future strategies.


Successfully elevated Vedang Plant Burger's brand awareness through targeted
marketing campaigns, resulting in a 20% increase in online mentions and
UNIVERSITY. UKRAINE, ODESA. Coordinated a multi-disciplinary team to launch a visually captivating product
packaging design that resonated with the brand's ethos, contributing to a 15% growth
in sales within the first quarter of launch.
Orchestrated a dynamic influencer collaboration, which led to a 35% surge in social
media followers and an influx of new customers.
Introduced a streamlined media monitoring system, enabling real-time tracking of
brand sentiment and facilitating agile response strategies.

Head of Social Media Marketing | Global Rise | Kyiv | Jan 2021 - Mar 2022

Led and managed the SMM department, overseeing a team of 7 professionals.
Crafted comprehensive communication and SMM strategies for diverse clients, ensuring alignment with their unique goals and
target audiences.
Orchestrated effective media planning, optimizing campaigns for maximum reach and impact.
Monitored KPIs and conducted in-depth analysis of ongoing advertising campaigns, proactively making data-driven adjustments
to enhance performance.
Prepared persuasive commercial proposals for both existing and prospective clients, showcasing the value and innovation of our
Presented strategic ideas and campaign plans to clients, demonstrating a strong ability to communicate complex concepts in a
clear and compelling manner.
Successfully organized and managed photo and video shoots, ensuring seamless execution and high-quality deliverables.
Skillfully monitored the work of contractors, guaranteeing alignment with project objectives and brand guidelines.

MARKETER | Jan 2019 - Jan 2021Fitness by Greak | Ukraine, Kyiv
During my tenure at Fitness by Greak, I undertook a multifaceted role as a Marketer, contributing significantly to the company's
growth and brand recognition. My key accomplishments include:

Team Leadership and Task Delegation
- Led and managed a dynamic team of 7 individuals, fostering a collaborative environment that boosted productivity and creativity.
- Strategically delegated tasks, optimizing team members' strengths and ensuring efficient project execution.

Strategic Marketing Budget Planning
- Spearheaded the development of comprehensive marketing budget plans, ensuring optimal allocation of resources for various campaigns
and initiatives.
- Demonstrated a keen understanding of cost-effectiveness, resulting in improved ROI across marketing efforts.

Dynamic Social Media Management
- Orchestrated the end-to-end management of social media platforms, driving engagement and expanding the brand's digital footprint.
- Pioneered impactful content creation strategies that resonated with the target audience, resulting in increased follower engagement.

Innovative Creative Briefs and Copywriting
- Conceptualized and executed compelling creative briefs, guiding the design and content teams to produce captivating visuals and
- Showcased exceptional copywriting skills, crafting persuasive and memorable content for diverse marketing materials.

Visual Content Creation
- Demonstrated proficiency in visual storytelling by personally shooting and producing photos/videos for engaging social media stories and
- Elevated brand aesthetics and consistency, enhancing platform visual identity.

Precision in Targeted Advertising
- Strategically set up and managed targeted advertising campaigns, leveraging data-driven insights to reach the most relevant audience
- Achieved impressive click-through and conversion rates through precise audience targeting.

Effective Media Planning
- Skillfully devised media plans that optimized exposure across various channels, enhancing brand visibility and resonance within the
- Leveraged industry trends and consumer behavior data to drive strategic media placement decisions.

Client Engagement and Special Projects
- Crafted compelling commercial proposals that resonated with both existing and potential clients, showcasing the value proposition of the
brand's offerings.
- Developed and executed innovative partnership and sponsorship programs, fostering mutually beneficial relationships and increasing
brand partnerships.

Innovative POS Material Development
- Drove the creation of eye-catching point-of-sale (POS) materials, enhancing in-store experiences and effectively promoting products and
- Contributed to increased foot traffic and higher conversion rates through impactful POS materials.

Successful Event Management and Sponsorship Acquisition
- Orchestrated the seamless planning and hosting of sports events, creating memorable experiences for participants and attendees.
- Secured notable sponsors for various projects, including competitions, tournaments, and holiday events, contributing to enhanced event
quality and financial support.

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати

Маркетолог, project-менеджер, лектор
45000 грн, Дистанційно, Київ

Маркетолог, менеджер
Дистанційно, Черкаси

Помічник маркетолога

Операційний менеджер, маркетолог
Дистанційно, Київ, Харків

SMM-фахівець, маркетолог
19000 грн, Дистанційно, Миколаїв , ще 2 міста

Junior таргетолог, маркетолог (SMM)

Усі схожі кандидати

Кандидати у категорії

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