Резюме від 4 червня 2024 Файл


Engineer constructor

24 роки

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

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[Bohdan Maltsev]

[Contact Information: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»), [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)]

[[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)]


To leverage my passion for and expertise in designing machines and mechanisms in a role that allows
me to contribute my creative problem-solving skills and technical knowledge. I am highly proficient in
utilizing CAD software and possess a strong understanding of mechanical principles. I am seeking
opportunities to apply my design expertise to develop innovative solutions and contribute to the
advancement of technology-driven industries.


Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications and Radio Engineering:

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Year of Graduation: [2017-2021]

Master's Degree in Intelligent Technologies of Microsystems Radio-Electronic Engineering:

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Year of Graduation: [2021-2022]

During my master's degree, I gained valuable knowledge and practical experience in the field of
Intelligent Technologies of Microsystems Radio-Electronic Engineering. This program provided me with a
deep understanding of advanced concepts and techniques related to microsystem design and

Thesis Experience:

Title: "Computer-Aided Design and Factory Automation in Telecommunications"

During my bachelor's degree and master's degree, I focused my thesis research on the integration of
computer-aided design (CAD) and factory automation techniques in the field of telecommunications.
This involved exploring the applications of CAD software and automation systems in optimizing the
design and production processes within the telecommunications industry. I conducted extensive
research, analyzed data, and implemented innovative approaches to improve efficiency and

As part of my bachelor's degree, I conducted extensive research and analysis to explore the applications
of CAD software in optimizing telecommunications design processes. I worked with various CAD tools,
including Inventor, Fusion, and SOLIDWORKS, to develop and improve design models, simulations, and
prototypes. This experience provided me with hands-on exposure to industry-standard CAD software
and sharpened my skills in utilizing these tools effectively.

Furthermore, when applying for my master's program, I took the B1 English exam to demonstrate my
proficiency in the English language. This certification highlights my ability to effectively communicate
and collaborate in an international academic and professional environment.

Through this thesis experience, I honed my skills in research, problem-solving, and project management.
I developed a strong ability to analyze complex systems and propose practical solutions. This hands-on
experience allowed me to apply my theoretical knowledge in a real-world context and further enhanced
my understanding of the interplay between telecommunications, CAD, and factory automation.

Overall, my educational background in Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, coupled with my
specialization in Intelligent Technologies of Microsystems Radio-Electronic Engineering, has equipped
me with a solid foundation and practical skills necessary to excel in the field. My experience with
computer-aided design and factory automation has further enriched my skill set, enabling me to
contribute effectively to projects involving advanced technologies and process optimization.

Work Experience:

No work experience


Technical Skills:

Proficient in CAD software: Inventor, Fusion, SOLIDWORKS

Familiarity with factory automation systems

Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities

Communication Skills:
Excellent verbal and written communication skills

Effective collaboration and teamwork

Other Skills:

Project management

Research and data analysis

Presentation skills


B1 English Exam Certification


[Language 1]: Ukranian

[Language 2]: English


Reading Books: I have a deep love for reading and enjoy exploring various genres, from fiction to non-
fiction. Reading helps me broaden my knowledge, gain new perspectives, and fuel my creativity.

Walking: I find solace and inspiration in nature, and walking allows me to unwind, clear my mind, and
stay physically active. It is a rejuvenating activity that helps me maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Listening to Music: Music is a source of joy and relaxation for me. I appreciate different genres and
find that music enhances my focus, creativity, and overall well-being. It serves as a constant companion
during both work and leisure time.

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