Резюме від 3 червня 2024 Файл


Спортивний трейдер, футбольний аналітик

29 років

Контактна інформація

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ODDS COMPILER, FOOTBALL/BETTING ANALYST, FRAUD/RISK ANALYST ŁÓDŹ, 90-254, POLAND [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Łódź, 90-254 Highly skilled, experienced and enthusiastic football/sports analyst, also with multiple
Poland years experience in the news writing and news editing on a various topics.
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
• C1 in English, native speaker for Ukrainian and Russian, Polish A1
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
• strong in computer skills, working with MS Office and Google docs;
Date / Place of birth • have an expertise in info research across different sources;
24.08.1994 • understand an importance of various found information.
Ukrainian Football analyst at MJA Sports Consultancy, Remote
April 2021 — November 2023
LINKS Covered multiple football leagues and tournaments across the globe for a betting
Linkedin consultancy firm from UK.

• wrote number of previews every week in Google Sheet, also was making LU's for
SKILLS every team covered in a special app, rated every player in my teams;
Adaptability • dig deep in research for a team and club news (injuries, suspensions etc.), found a
tricks in Google searching etc to be able to find a needed info in specific countries.
Effective Time Management • worked closely with Odds compilers to make sure they getting all the info they need
to make the best bets advises to the clients.
Ability to Work in a Team
My previews and research much helped to have profitable successive seasons in some
Fast Learner leagues like Finnish 2nd tier Ykkonen which is one of the toughest for a research, Indian
Superleague and Czech 1st tier Fortuna Liga.
Microsoft PowerPoint
Experience from this job allows me freely to start to work with practically every league
Computer Skills and competition in the world, able to dig an info from every country if this info exists in
the Internet.
Microsoft Office

Computer Science General news editor at Rbc.ua, Remote, Ukraine
September 2020 — March 2021
Was an editor on a news feed, writing news for eight straight hours five days a week. Wrote
the news on a various topics, from sport to politics.
• provided quality and quickness in posting news and make us one of the first in the
English country to reveal news from both domestic and international scene;
• working here helped me to learn some additional stuff in research and searching
info from various sources, including Google, Twitter, Telegram etc;
Russian • got deeper understanding all the specifics about various news makers.

Polish Vice-chief-in-editor at Sportarena.com, Remote
September 2019 — August 2020
Was promoted to this position since leaving this site in 2018. At my position I was in
charge of daily reviewing news and articles quality, controlling the look of main site

During my time there I shared my multi-year experience in news writing and editing with
other news editors, helped them much improve their understanding all the specifics of
sports news writing, as well as gaining them confidence in their skills. Some of them
found better positions in this industry later.

Editor at Dynamonation.com, Remote
August 2019 — January 2020
Was writing and editing news and articles about FC Dynamo Kyiv on a daily basis. Left this
job as a site has been closed.

During my time here I was using all my experience for quality writing news, exclusive
inside news and articles about the most popular football club in Ukraine, helped to make
this source relevant in the Ukrainian sports news industry, soon other sites were posting
news from us with a hyperlink references.

Editor at Betnews365.com, Remote
August 2018 — October 2019
Was writing various kind of articles about betting stuff on a daily basis, also making a
researches and making a text predictions on various football games.

During my time here I was using both my news writing and betting expertise to make
quality betting-related news, articles and predictions.

Football/Sports news editor at Sportarena.com, Remote, Ukraine
April 2016 — July 2018
My first job in news writing industry. Has been writing football and other sports news and
articles on a daily basis, worked 6-hours shifts six days a week. Worked in a WordPress
app, swiftly learned to write news properly. Left that job by my decision.

This job got me to understanding the fundamentals of the news industry, the way things
works there.

I improved all the necessary skills there pretty quick and at some point was asked to take
all the major news and post them quick when less experienced colleagues came onto our
site, as well as writing articles about important football topics.

Another important outcome from this job was major improving of my English skills, both
writing and verbal.

Primary School Computer Science Teacher at School #69 Zaporizhia, Zaporizhzhya
September 2014 — August 2016
My first job ever. Was a teacher from 2nd to 4th primary classes in school in my
hometown, covered Computer Science subject.

Had a great connection with pupils who really liked to attend my lessons, liked to learn a
new things from the subject.

At the same time was helpful for some colleagues to fix different issues in the computers,
was able to find a good connection with them.

Bachelor of Science, Zaporizhia National University
January 2014 — January 2017

Junior Specialist,, Zaporizhia Pedagogical College
January 2010 — January 2014

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