Резюме від 12 березня 2024 Файл


Manual QA engineer


Контактна інформація

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Pishchanetska Mariana
Uzhgorod, Ukraine
Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Qualification Summary

● QA engineer with hands-on experience in test case creation and execution, bug reporting
● Experience in Web testing
● Knowledge of SDLC (Software Developments Life Cycle) and DLC (Defect Life Cycle), QA processes, approaches,
● Experience with Functional testing
● Requirements analysis and testing skills
● Proficient in finding and reporting defects using Defect Tracking systems
● Experience in usage of Test Management tools.
● Automation reports analysis
● Experience in automated test features creation using gherkin language
● Jenkins pipeline creation and configuration
● Knowledge of Agile Scrum process
● Basic knowledge of SQL and relational databases
● Basic knowledge of REST API
● Analytical skills
Technical Skills
Web Technologies: HTML, CSS;
Bug Tracking Tools: Jira, Mantis;
Operating systems: Windows;
Test Managment Tools: QMetry, Zephyr, TestLink;
Code Editors: Visual Studio Code; Intelij IDEA
Design Tools: Figma;
CI/CD: Jenkins;
Version Control System: Git;
06/2022-11/2023 Forte Group, QA Engineer. Test new features and functionality, create and update test documentation
(test cases, checklists). Executing smoke, regression, functional testing. Maintain and prioritize test cycles in QMetry. Support
the full cycle of defect tracking. Starting from 07/2023 transition to AQA role on the same project - gain knowledge about the
automation infrastructure, create/update test features, prepare and analyze automated test reports, create/update Jenkins

04/2022-05/2022 Forte Group, QATraining Program. Organized and structured theory knowledge regarding SDLC, STLC,
software requirements analysis, software development models, practices, and process frameworks. Practiced in test design
techniques, such as use case testing, decision table, equivalence partitioning, and boundary values analysis. Practiced skills in
defect reporting, test case creation, and execution.

2016 – 2021 Yazaki Ukraine Limited, position Design Engineer. Was part of the new project launching team. Сreation of
work instructions based on customer data, requirements and specifications. Data entry and configuration of the SAP ERP
production system.

2014-2016 “Centr sertufikacii ECP”, position Programmer-engineer. Mainly work with software for electronic key certification,
and take responsibility for customer support.
2007-2012 Uzhgorod National University – Physical faculty, master’s degree in Information Security.
Additional education
Online course “The Fundamentals of Software Testing” in QATestLab Training Center

- Ukrainian – Native.
- English – Intermediate.

Схожі кандидати

Trainee, Junior Manual QA Engineer
Ужгород, Дистанційно

QA Engineer
Ужгород, Інші країни, Дистанційно

Ужгород, Мукачево, Дистанційно

Ужгород, Дистанційно

Junior QA engineer

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