Резюме від 26 травня 2024


Marketing, Communication, PR, Executive Assistant, 75 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
35 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та адресу.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Project Associate

з 02.2024 по 05.2024 (3 місяці)
Deloitte, Київ (Консалтинг, бухгалтерія, аудит)

* This one was a character test and you can consider this as my cover letter (below).

Health Reform Support - USAID project

Story of "How to leave a toxic team, even if they have a "big" name and reputation - not for the weak-hearted."

Accepted the job offer with a tremendously exciting scope of work for assisting project leaders and managers with their day-to-day work.

Reality: I was working one-two hours out of forty per week. Regularly, kindly asked management for more tasks to work on. Showed respect, initiative, and proactiveness.

Nothing changed in three months. I had to sit at my desk 8 hours per day with 30 minutes - maximum - of work.

To put me down for my efforts, patience, and respectful, friendly attitude that never wavered – toxic management, after pretending I didn't exist for three months, decided to bring me down by assigning cleaning duties.

I left.

Sharing this on my CV because this is who I am - patient, kind, decisive. Don't take abuse. No drama either. My actions are my sigature. Even in a toxic situation I will not abandon my high standards of communication.

Finally, I am not afraid of standing up to disparity. I know the difference between toxicity, abuse, negligence and inefficient project structure. This was the former ("let's make her feel invisible and then diminish her, she is such a soft, kind heart"). Hence, I acted.

I think people do these things to us when they are envious of our inner beauty and professionalism, and we must set boundaries. Firmly. Fiercely.

Without getting down to their level.

Learning Coordinator / Executive Assistant

з 12.2021 по 12.2023 (2 роки)
Ernst and Young, Kyiv Madrid Toronto (Консалтинг, бухгалтерія, аудит)

Worked for Kyiv, Madrid, Toronto offices. Started in Kyiv as EA in audit, moved to Spain as EA in consulting; last role - Learning Coordinator for Talent Management.

As EA, assisted partners and senior managers in invoiсing, documentation, calendar management, other miscellaneous tasks (e.g., birthday greetings)

As HR admin, helped organize trainings throughout Canada for all audit employees of mid-management level (these were online and offline trainings; the organization process included managing logistics, from registration via software and sending invites, to contacting catering and hotels for renting space; post-training: awarding credits via special software, the registration/credit award processes were complex and entailed multiple steps)

Account Manager

з 08.2016 по 01.2017 (5 місяців)
Kreston GCG, Київ (Консалтинг, бухгалтерія, аудит)

Contacting potential clients, managing CRM, signing documentation; left job because this start-up did not move forward and the project closed (other options offered by employer did not work for me, so I left, going back into copywriting)

In-house/Freelance Copywriter

з 06.2011 по 11.2021 (10 років 5 місяців)
Freelance, Київ (Маркетинг, реклама, PR)

Writing texts in English for international clients; topics: business, liberal arts; type of texts: articles, editing for academic-type texts; some extent of ghost writing

Manager Assistant / Internship

з 06.2011 по 11.2011 (5 місяців)
Unilever, Київ (Маркетинг, реклама, PR)

Helping manager with marketing activites: presentations, meeting with marketing agency, pilot research - qualitative interviews, data analysis via Excel and special software (left after internship was over, choosing to explore copywriting as a sphere of interest)

Department Assistant / Internship

з 06.2009 по 09.2009 (3 місяці)
Kantar, Київ (Маркетинг, реклама, PR)

Media research department; executing reports and data analysis for media outlets (part-time job; left to have more time for my studies)

Department Assistant / Internship

з 01.2008 по 06.2008 (5 місяців)
GfK, Kyiv (Маркетинг, реклама, PR)

Helping department in execution of reports; compiling presentations; data analysis (part-time job; left to have more time for my studies)

PR Department Internship

з 12.2007 по 05.2010 (2 роки 5 місяців)
National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, Київ (Освіта, наука)

Coming in to assist PR Department team (about 6 hours per week) in writing, editing and publishing press releases on the university website; assistance in organizing university events, such as graduation; contacting other departments for updates to be published in the yearly NaUKMA information guide


EDHEC Business School

MSc in Marketing Management, Lille
Вища, з 2010 по 2011 (1 рік)

National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy

BA in Sociology with a Certiciate in Public Relations, Київ
Вища, з 2006 по 2010 (4 роки)

Знання мов

  • Англійська — вільно
  • Французька — середній
  • Українська — вільно

Додаткова інформація

Master's thesis topic: Authentic Leadership

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