Резюме від 10 травня 2024 Файл


Разработчик мобильных приложений

22 роки
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон .

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Middle Mobile Developer

1. General

Artem Pronenko.
Poltava, Ukraine.
GitHub, linkedin, Telegram, [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

English — Pre-Intermediate
Ukrainian — Native

2. Summary
Middle Mobile/Front-End goal-oriented developer 5+ years of experience.
Able to take full responsibility for the Front-End and Mobile applications.
Experience working in a team, solo development, mentorship (consultant, code review)
Development of large and scalable applications.
Able to convert business requirements into technical solutions.
Advanced knowledge of user experience design.

3. Education

2017-2021 - Software Engineering, Poltava Polytechnic College
4. Skills

MOBILE (primary)
● Flutter, Dart.
● BLoC, GetX, Provider, Dio, Firebase, Hive, Shared Preferences, RxDart.
● localization, Animation.
● (fundamentals) Java, ReactNative, Fastlane, AppCenter, Riverpod, MobX.

FRONT-END (secondary)
● JavaScript, TypeScript (ES6+) HTML, CSS, SASS, Less.
● React, Redux, MobX, Firebase.
● (fundamentals) Gulp, Webpack, VueJS, Vuex, JQuery, Bootstrap, Material.

● OOP, SOLID, DRY, KISS, BLoC architecture, Clean Architecture.
● Firebase (Distribution, Crashlytics, Analytics, Realtime database, Storage, Firestore, Authentication, Hosting)
● Git, GitHub, Jira, Bitbucket.
● Photoshop, Figma, Avocode.
● Postman, JetBrains.

5. Experience
2021 – 2024 (3.5 years)
Mobile Developer
Digicode, Poltava, Ukraine
Development of Mobile/Web apps

2019 — 2021(2 years)
Freelancer, Mentorship. (Web)
Glo Academy
● Code review.
● Personal and group meetings with error analysis.
● Created my own course on Firebase for students.

6. Recent projects

1. (Flutter) Developing a large-scale system for doctors from scratch. Client management, document management,
managing your schedule and meetings, etc.
Used tools: Flutter 2-3, Firebase, Shared preferences, Dio, BLoC, GetX, Fastlane, RxDart, Flutter Flavors.
● Flutter migration to null safety.
● Implementation of the user interface.
● Configuration Fastlane.
● TestFlight, Firebase distribution.

2. (Flutter) Medical app for clients. Appointment scheduling, document management, contract payment etc.
Used tools: Flutter 3, Firebase, Dio, GetX, BLoC.
● Implementation of the user interface.
● Configuration Fastlane.
● Firebase distribution.
● Creating a NodeJS CLI script for generating new applications based on a template, using config data.

3. (Flutter and React) Supporting multiple applications, fixing and improving various functions, such as searching for
nearby Bluetooth beacons, waking up the phone in lock mode, sending reports, and more.
Used tools: Flutter 2-3, Firebase, Dio, BLoC, Provider, Method Channel, RxDart, React, Redux.
● Flutter migration to null safety.
● Support and improvement of existing functionality.
● Support and addition of new features for the website.
● Firebase distribution.
● Apple Store & Google Store releases.
● Bug fixes.

4. (Flutter) Dating App. Supporting the existing application and redesigning the interface.
Used tools: Flutter 3, Firebase, Dio, BLoC, Redux, Provider.
● Support and improvement of existing functionality.
● Configuration AppCenter.
● Apple Store & Google Store releases.
● Code review, Mentorship.
● Bug fixes.

5. (Flutter) Withdrawal services for credit cards and account creation for clients. Implementation of the user interface
from scratch.
Used tools: Flutter 2, Firebase, Dio, BLoC, OAuth.
● Implementation of the user interface.
● Apple Store & Google Store releases.
● Configure OAuth authentication.
● Bug fixes.

6. (Flutter) Managing your child's actions on your phone. Implementation of the user interface from scratch.
Used tools: Flutter 3, Firebase, Shared preferences, Dio, BLoC, Method Channel.
● Implementation of the user interface.
● Apple Store & Google Store releases.
● Code review, Mentorship.

7. (Flutter) Fast booking of bus tickets. Assistance in developing the user interface, implementation of feedback pages.
Used tools: Flutter 3, Dio, BLoC.
● Implementation of the user interface.
● Optimization of performance.
● Implementation Animations.

8. (React) Communication Application. Creating an admin modal window.
Used tools: React, MobX, Axios.
● Creating an admin modal window.

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