Резюме від 8 травня 2024 Файл



36 років
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Дистанційно, Інші країни

Контактна інформація

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[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

EVELINA DARNOSTUP evelina.darnostup.gmail.com

About Me
I have 3 years experience as a Manual QA Engineer. I worked in a product company, in a web studio for website development.
Conducted functional and regression testing of projects. Established testing processes on a new project, wrote test documentation
from scratch, managed a team of testers, proposed and implemented the features I proposed. Was an assistant project manager in
the QA team.

Manual QA Engineer at Web studio for website development D2
Managed various web projects on a daily basis. Carried out thorough testing of the functionality of websites, testing layout, user
interface testing.
Ensured that websites functioned flawlessly across multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, Android, iOS) and browsers (Chrome,
Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge).
Regularly exchanged feedback with the development team to improve the product at every stage of the process.
Actively participated in communication with customers on a daily basis in order to understand their requirements, expectations and
feedback. This made it possible to ensure that the developed web solutions meet the business needs and expectations of
Developed and implemented test processes from scratch. Managed testing processes, from planning to implementation. Organized
and coordinated the activities of the team, analyzed the results and provided feedback to continuously improve the quality of web

Manual QA Engineer in a Product company (web studio for website development Applemint)

As a Manual QA Engineer in a product company, I daily managed the quality of three key products: an online store, a portal, and a
service website.
Implemented testing processes from scratch, creating test documentation (including the preparation of test plans, the creation of
test scripts), which ensured systematization and effective testing management.
Conducted thorough regression testing, functional, cross-platform (Windows, macOS, Android, iOS) and cross-browser testing
(Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge), layout testing, which led to improved product quality, accelerated development processes
and conformity of product functionality to user expectations.
Fully participated in all stages of the project life cycle, including the proposal and implementation of new features.
Conducted API testing, ensuring the correctness and reliability of the interaction between various components of the product.
Tested a variety of queries, data processing and interaction with the database. This helped to ensure the stable and efficient
operation of the internal mechanisms of the product.
Tested the administrative panel, checking the functionality, usability and compliance with the requirements. This contributed to the
reliable operation of the interface, as well as effective interaction with the database and the internal components of the system.


Harvard Programming Fundamentals CourseCS50 – Basic javascript course

RedCamp – Project Management Fundamentals Course

ITEA – Quality Assurance Engineer

Higher education – Kharkiv National Economic University S. Kuznets, Faculty of Finance, financial analyst, master

English B1 Writing test documentation Basic JavaScript JSON
Regression testing Writing test plan, checklist, test case SDLC MySQL
Web testing Agile / Scrum HTML Figma
Functional testing Confluence CSS Illustrator
Bug reporting Jira / Worksection / Planfix VS Code Photoshop
Chrome Dev Tools Bug reporting API testing (Postman) Management Basics
Cross-browser testing Test design REST API
Cross-platform testing Basics of programming Git

Схожі кандидати

Intern/Trainee QA Engineer
Дніпро, Дистанційно


Оператор ПК, комп'ютерного набору, копірайтер, тестувальник сайтів, android-додатків



Запоріжжя, Київ, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

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