Резюме від 24 травня 2024 Файл


Front-end developer

35 років
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Serhii Diachenko
Front-end Developer

Contact Info:
Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

A professional front-end developer with 8 years of experience;
- Experience in creating Single-Page Applications;
- Creation of cross-browser and responsive apps;
- High level of experience in the development of web applications using Angular and
- Strong understanding of HTML5, CSS3, and SCSS preprocessor;
- Good experience in UI and UX;
- Experience in creating hybrid mobile applications with Ionic framework;
- Good experience in Shopify apps and themes development, Liquid syntax;
- Experience with Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch, Figma, and Indesign.
- Fundamentals of design: UI / UX, space, grids, typography.
- Passioned self-developer and learner.

Technical Summary:

Languages: JavaScript, Typescript, HTML, CSS, SCSS
Frameworks/Libraries: React, Redux, Zustand, Remix, Angular, NestJS, Node.js, npm, Gulp,
UI kits: Bootstrap, Material design, Ant Design
Version Control: Git, GitHub, GitLab
Network: WebSockets, socket.io
Other: Shopify, themes, and apps development, Google Maps API, Firebase
Mobile: Ionic Framework (Cordova, Capacitor)
UI/UX: Sketch, Figma, Indesign
AI systems: OpenAI, PlayHT
Related knowledge: Java/Kotlin, Android, Xcode

Working experience:

Leangenix LDA, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal - REMOTE
February 2022 - February 2024
- Creating applications based on OpenAI API, PlayHT.
- Creation and support of Shopify Partners Stores.
- Development Shopify apps. React + Remix.
- Development of Shopify themes. Implementation of new sections/blocks/pages, custom
- Creating an application for interaction between doctors and laboratory orders for blood tests to
detect early-stage cancer. Angular stack and Ionic.
- Creating an application - a voting tool, to receive customer feedback on product design,
color solutions, tastes, and prices. Angular + NestJS, Ant Design.

Starlight Management Group spzoo, Krakow, Poland - REMOTE
September 2019 - February 2022
- Creation and support of Shopify Partners Stores.
- Development Shopify apps. React + Remix.
- Development of Shopify themes. Implementation of new sections/blocks/pages, custom
- Creation and support of a few internal projects, using Angular stack.
- Development of an application for units of groups of people and calculating trips. Complex
working in Google Map API.

SSA Group, Kharkiv, Ukraine - REMOTE
April 2019 - September 2019
- Development of cross-platform mobile applications for the needs of the company. - Creation
and support of client projects with various features to simplify the company's logistics
organization and interaction of cars on routes. Angular and Ionic.

Starlight Management Group sp zoo, Krakow, Poland - REMOTE
December 2017 - April 2019
- Creation and support of a few internal projects by using Angular.
- Complex working in Google Map API.
- Translate wireframes and designs into high-quality code.
- Style Angular components by using SCSS.

Default Value, Cherkasy, Ukraine
July 2017 - December 2017
- Creation and support of a large project by using React and Redux.
Creation of cross-browser UI side by using HTML5 and SCSS.

Webquali, Cherkasy, Ukraine
February 2016 - April 2017
- Development of cross-platform mobile applications with various features to simplify the user
experience, from creating user stories and mockups to creating beautiful interfaces with
Angular, Ionic, and SCSS.
- Translation wireframes and designs into high-quality code by using Angular and
- Daily tasks are reviewing dev documentation, testing applications, and providing
production access.


Cherkasy Artistic and Technical College, Cherkassy
Completed: June 2008
Specialty: "The exploitation of information processing systems and decision-making",

Cherkasy Artistic and Technical College, Cherkassy
Completed: June 2006
Specialty: "PC operator"


"Android" (certificate).
Project Geekhub , Cherkassy. Completed: April 2019

"Java for Web"
Project Geekhub , Cherkassy. Completed: April 2018

"Front End" (certificate)
Project SPD-University, Cherkassy. Completed: April 2017

"Javascript" (certificate)
Project Geekhub , Cherkassy. Completed: April 2016

"Frontend + CMS"
Project Geekhub, Cherkassy. Completed: April 2015

"Software Testing" (certificate)

QATestLab, Cherkassy. Completed: December 2013

English - Intermediate
Ukrainian - Native
Russian - Native

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