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Контактна інформація

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Kyiv Ukraine


I have spent a lot of time and effort learning painting and drawing. Aim
to deliver high quality art work, using a keen eye for detail. Polite and
responsible in communication. Got a traditional art foundation and strong
understanding of basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills of
academic painting and drawing.
Experienced art teacher. Develop the artistic potential of students of any
age, prepare them for admission to art institutions.
Proficient animator with knowledge of animation principles and proven
work experience in the cartoon animation and movie industry.
Qualified artist-restorer with a gained baccalaureate and master's degree
of educational and professional program “Restoration of Easel and Monumental
Portfolio: https://www.artstation.com/emeraundis


Photography Responsibility
Photoshop Critical and analytical mind
Toon Boom Harmony Adaptability
Teaching Animation


Teacher | The Kyiv Children's School of Architecture of Fine Arts and Design -
Kyiv, Ukraine 09/2021 - 02/2024
Taught the basics of Academic Art. Instructed students in core traditional
academic principles. Offered detailed study art techniques process on a realistic
still life drawing. Contributed to the development of the students' skills of
proportions measurement.

Animator|MoreFilm|Outsourcing - Kyiv, Ukraine 08/2023 - 02/2024
Provided animation services in traditional art techniques and in Toon Boom
Harmony rotoscope and cutout for European studios.
Animator|Breakthrufilms - Kyiv, Ukraine 08/2023 - 09/2023
Created and animated frames in the technique of oil painting in the international
project "Peasants" and "Winter's Journey" of the Polish animation studio.

Restorer | HurinBrothers studio conservation-restoration of Fine Art - Kyiv,
Ukraine 06/2020 - 11/2021
Improved the experience of restoration and conservation of the easel painting on
canvas and wooden board. Improved the level of professional education and

Freelance Artist | Private customer - Kyiv, Ukraine 03/2021 - 06/2021
Created book illustrations on request.


National Academy of Fine Arts And Architecture - Kyiv, Ukraine 2021
Master of Arts: Restoration of Easel And Monumental Painting 2023

ArtCraft CG School - Kyiv, Ukraine 2021
Digital drawing course of 2D rendering

National Academy of Fine Arts And Architecture - Kyiv, Ukraine 2017
Bachelor of Arts: Restoration of Easel And Monumental 2021
College of Technology And Design - Kyiv, Ukraine 2017
Graphic Design
Sumy Lysenko Children's Art School - Sumy, Ukraine 2015
Art Education



Intermediate (B2)


Proficiency (C2)


Proficiency (C2)

Fond of black and white photography using an analogue camera and film.
Creating computer graphics as 2D art using Adobe Photoshop.


Tetiana Tymchenko – Ukrainian restorer, candidate of art history,
associate professor, head the Department of Technique and Restoration of
Artwork of the Ukrainian National Academy of Visual Arts and
Victor Svynarjov - Ukrainian painter, graphic artist, associate professor of
the Department of Graphic Art of the National Academy of Fine Arts and
Architecture. Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (1989).
Titov Alexander - Ukrainian painter, graphic artist. Member of the
National Union of Artists of Ukraine (1984).

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