Резюме від 19 вересня 2019 PRO


Senior Full-stack Java Developer

Повна зайнятість.
39 років
Інші країни

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Досвід роботи

Senior Full-stack Java Developer

з 11.2018 по 05.2019 (6 місяців)
Netherlands, Haarlem/Nootdorp (IT)

TransFollow, Nootdorp. Project: Transport and Logistics Platform for digital consignment notes (e-CMR)
•Added new functionality to the platform and kept it operational: Java 8 back-end server, front-end Angular 2-4 portal, mobile Android app

Sytac, Haarlem
•Developed Twitter app which connects to the Twitter Streaming API and tracks tweets, use as e-marketing tool. Provided statistics of messages across multiple runs of the app, can run as a Docker container

Principal Java Developer / Senior Full-stack Java Developer

з 06.2014 по 11.2018 (4 роки 5 місяців)
France, Estonia & Belarus, Paris/Tallinn/Minsk (IT)

BNP Paribas, Paris. Project: Front Office components in Fixed Income. FIxLink - connectivity platform interfacing/linking external and internal systems
•Saved 40% of budget money via developed Price Submission - Markit replacement over to a FIX protocol direct MQ connection into Intercontinental Exchange (ICE, Clearing House)
•Implemented Adapter for the US “Bank of the West” (IRS Trades) with XSD validation to (Deal Capture System) using FpML/AWS/MQ/CFT as a result stability was enhanced (+70%) by rejecting incorrect files
•Developed and maintained FIX connectors to Market Data Vendors/Brokers: Bloomberg, Reuters, Markit
•Participated to the resolution of issues found in production or during the acceptance testing, production releases and deployments
•Collaborated with BA, Devs, Testers and PO across London, Paris, New York, Mumbai, and Chennai

Kuehne + Nagel, Tallinn. Project: Employee and Manager Self-Service: we built analytical tool for the time appointees and evaluation tool
•Migrated Web Application from Flash to AngularJS, maintained server-side with Java
•Provided mentorship and guidance to less experienced developers
•Initiated Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Retrospective, and Grooming/Refinement

Minsk. Projects:
•Developed Log Monitor, achieved positive performance impact (+90%) by using UNIX natives (awk)
•Implemented “Spaceship” game - distributed space battle simulator: the protocol, and the user API
•Developed SOAP Bank Web Services to operate information about Clients, Accounts, and Orders
•Implemented Geographic Information System (GIS) Application using 4-Neighbor Flood Fill (Seed Fill)
•Developed Travel Agency Service to find out the optimal city for travelers to take a vacation to

Senior Java Developer

з 03.2013 по 06.2014 (1 рік 3 місяці)
Belarusian Telecommunications Network (Turkcell), Minsk (IT)

•Implemented SMS Ticketing multiuser, multithreaded, and distributed app with its own realization of GOST 28147-89 symmetric key block cipher to secure subway tickets transfer
•Coordinated project development requested by Project Manager, internal and outsource that helped our 3 business partners in Sweden, Ukraine, and Turkey
•Transferred expert experience in Cypher, GUI, Protocol, and Security to 2 Devs on reporting to me
•Rewrote Web/Mobile Application from C# to Java. Optimized its load up to 3 times faster by using AJAX
•Full Base Station Subsystem (BSS) Swap, migrated to a new billing system in 1 year of 1.3M clients
•Developed cryptographic mechanism based on AES: security of the applications +90%

Java Developer

з 08.2012 по 01.2013 (5 місяців)
International Business Alliance (IBM partner), SaM Solutions (Microsoft and Oracle partner), Minsk (IT)

Projects: Large-scale Payment Server: ATM Payment, Mobile/SMS/Internet Banking
•Fixed 30+ critical bugs (e.g.: incorrect converting from one currency to another, decimal points rounding, calculations, etc.) in Payment System
•Participated in developing software applications modules (Import/Export, and Processing) for Self-Service Terminals with support from Architect and Senior Developer
Project: E-Commerce
•Developed an online store from scratch for small business: user-friendly interface, demonstrated hands-on experience with the new technologies

Senior Software Development Engineer in Test (Java)

з 07.2007 по 03.2011 (3 роки 8 місяців)
BelHard Development (outsource for Paris, France), Minsk (IT)

Project: Kyriba. Internet-based Automated and Centralized Cash Management System (SaaS)
•Demonstrated top 1 performance in defect reporting, analysis and tracking
•Transferred expert experience in Bank and Cash system modules to 2 testers on reporting to me



Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Minsk
Вища, з 2002 по 2008 (6 років)

major: Information Systems and Technologies, minor: Economics

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Introduction to Software Testing


Convergent Charging, Billing and Financial Management System


Working with Oracle SQL and PL / SQL


Developing Applications with the Java SE Platform


Java Programming Language Enterprise Edition


Clean Code


Extreme Programming (XP) & Test-Driven Development (TDD)




Delivering Projects in Global Markets


Знання і навички

HTML CSS MySQL JavaScript Java Git SQL Spring Framework Hibernate Apache Maven JUnit Windows JSP IntelliJ IDEA Linux XML Apache Tomcat jQuery Eclipse PostgreSQL Servlets JSON Bootstrap REST AJAX SVN React Mockito Oracle Database MS SQL Server GitHub Jira Internet User Docker JSF Angular ANT MS Visual Studio Jenkins GlassFish UNIX EJB SOAP JBoss Jetty AWS BASH JMS TestNG RabbitMQ

Знання мов

  • Англійська — просунутий
  • Російська — вільно

Додаткова інформація

•I am looking for a long-term position where my 10+ years of experience in Java front-end / back-end / full-stack development, and test automation will contribute to your company’s success
•Solid working knowledge on Java SE and EE frameworks like Spring and Hibernate
•Proficient in applying Agile / Scrum / Kanban + DevOps software development methodology
•Hands-on experience in TDD, BDD, and DDD methodology, and SOLID principles
•Experience in migration applications from C# / .NET and Flash / Flex to Java and Angular
•Hands-on experience in debugging and performance tuning
•Expertise in designing, developing secure, and cryptographic applications
•Highly-motivated self-starter focused on the latest leading-edge technologies and eager to adapt to new processes and environments, never settling into the comfort zone

Схожі кандидати

Senior Full-Stack Developer
295000 грн, Інші країни, Житомир, Дистанційно

Full stack developer
Інші країни

Full-Stack WordPress Developer
30000 грн, Інші країни, Дніпро , ще 6 міст

Full stack developer
Інші країни

Full-stack developer
40000 грн, Інші країни, Дистанційно

Full stack програміст (WordPress, PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript)
Інші країни, Київ, Дистанційно

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