Резюме від 26 вересня 2015


Junior QA Engineer

Повна зайнятість.
37 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон, ел. пошту та LinkedIn.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

QA Engineer

з 10.2014 по нині (9 років 8 місяців)
QA Engineer(Freelance) (Freelance)

•Mobile app. 21 Animal Puzzles for Kids 2014
Device: Mobile Android v. 4.2.2
—Usability Testing
—Functionality testing

•Mobile app. Regrann – New Version Beta 2014
Device: Mobile Android v. 4.2.2
—Usability Testing
—Functionality testing

•Tabor.ru Full dating site testing v1.1 2014
Browsers: all modern browsers for computers
OS: Windows
The main objectives
—Usability Testing
—Functionality testing

"Sales representative"

з 01.2006 по 10.2014 (8 років 9 місяців)
"Vitmark-Ukraine", "TH Polaykov", "Megapolis-Ukraine" (Food industry)

•communication with the client by means of electronic communication, app mobile
•analytics sales, execution plans, accounts receivable, the search for new support existing customers, expand the market.
•work with the accounting documentation
provision of sales reports
• Ongoing work with mobile app ("Metropolis v2.1.0", "GlobalTorg v1.0", "Droid press v1.0.11")
- Submission of report on a non-working functionality
•1С, SAP

"Assistant programmer"

з 09.2005 по 08.2006 (11 місяців)
"1C: The first Bit" (1C)

•Working with databases, Installation, Configuration, Update, Support;
•Troubleshooting, typical and not typical configurations;


«National Academy of Management»

Faculty Finance, Kiev
Вища, з 2009 по 2011 (2 роки)

Occupation: Finance (Master);

«National Academy of Management»

Faculty of Computer Science, Kiev
Вища, з 2006 по 2010 (4 роки)

Occupation: System and methods of decision-making (Bachelor's);

«College of Information System and technology KNEU»

«Computer Programming», Kiev
Середня спеціальна, з 2001 по 2006 (5 років)

Occupation: Operation system for information processing (junior Specialist)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати



Знання мов

  • Англійська — середній
  • Українська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно

Додаткова інформація

Junior QA Engineer

Egor Guz
Age: 28
Location: Kiev
Phone number: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
e-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
linkedin: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
skype: egor.guz


Obtain Junior QA Engineer position, work with interesting people, strong and friendly team, get deep theoretical knowledge and improve my practical skills in QA Testing.

•Experience in testing and bug-reporting mobile app for sales ("Metropolis v2.1.0", "GlobalTorg v1.0" "Droid press v1.0.11")
•Functional testing of websites;
•Experience in developing of Test Plans and Test Cases, QA documentation;
•Analyzing the business requirements and SRS;
•Databases: basic knowledge of SQL;
•Basic knowledge of (HTTP, XML, HTML, CSS);
•Experience with bug-tracking systems (JIRA);
•Test management tools usage Testlink, Testopia;
•Automated, performance testing using Selenium IDE;
•Experience with client-side testing tools (Firebug);
•Understanding of QA processes and Software development methodologies life cycle (Waterfall, Agile (SCRUM)) and bug life cycle;
•Browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera;
•White-box and Black-box testing;
•Experience in the use of (Photoshop, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Home Plan, 1С,);
•Good analytical skills (exp. in six year);

QA Engineer(Freelance)

Mobile app. 21 Animal Puzzles for Kids 2014
Device: Mobile Android v. 4.2.2
—Usability Testing
—Functionality testing

Mobile app. Regrann – New Version Beta 2014
Device: Mobile Android v. 4.2.2
—Usability Testing
—Functionality testing

Tabor.ru Full dating site testing v1.1 2014
Browsers: all modern browsers for computers
OS: Windows
The main objectives
—Usability Testing
—Functionality testing

"Sales representative" 2006-2014
"Vitmark-Ukraine", "TH Polaykov", "Megapolis-Ukraine"

experience with:

•communication with the client by means of electronic communication, app mobile
•analytics sales, execution plans, accounts receivable, the search for new support existing customers, expand the market.
•work with the accounting documentation
provision of sales reports
• Ongoing work with mobile app ("Metropolis v2.1.0", "GlobalTorg v1.0", "Droid press v1.0.11")
- Submission of report on a non-working functionality
•1С, SAP

"Assistant programmer" 2005-2006
"1C: The first Bit"
•Working with databases, Installation, Configuration, Update, Support;
•Troubleshooting, typical and not typical configurations;

2009-2011 «National Academy of Management»
•Faculty Finance (Kiev, Ukraine);
•Occupation: Finance (Master);

2006-2010 «National Academy of Management»
•Faculty of Computer Science (Kiev, Ukraine);
•Occupation: System and methods of decision-making (Bachelor's);

2001-2006 «College of Information System and technology KNEU»
•Faculty «Computer Programming» (Kiev, Ukraine);
•Occupation: Operation system for information processing (junior Specialist);

Additional education
•2003 «Fundamentals of networks and network operating systems»
Windows server, Unix and the basics of the system administrator
•2014 « SkillUp»

Language skills

•Russian – native
•English – intermediate
•French – elementary

Additional info

My hobby is a summer cycling, kayaking, hiking, and in winter snowboarding, skiing

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