Резюме від 31 жовтня 2022 PRO


Marketing Director, PR Manager

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
38 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Marketing Director

з 09.2018 по нині (5 років 9 місяців)
Noblesse, Kyiv (Multi-Brand Retailer of Swiss Watches and Jewelry)

•Brand development and positioning. Executed multi-channel communication strategy
•Developed and implemented marketing strategy combining online and offline tactics
•Responsible for marketing cooperation with the international brands (Ulysse Nardin, Breitling, Damiani, etc): applied for marketing support and budgets, conducted negotiations, developed contracts, managed co-op advertising campaigns
•Launched first digital initiatives for the company including online store Noblesse https://noblesse.ua/, rebooted social media, executed digital marketing campaigns ( Google Ads, Facebook, and Instagram Ads, SEO, PR projects with influencers)
•Media planning and budgeting
•Managed contacts with press, prepared press releases and PR materials
•Created content for Noblesse website, copywriting
•Provided guidance to the marketing agencies (2 agencies) and team.
Achievements: launched website and online store noblesse.ua and executed first digital initiatives. Reconfigured sales strategy and marketing from offline to offline and online. Being online has helped to keep sales and meet new customer needs during the pandemic.

Marketing Manager

з 09.2017 по 03.2018 (6 місяців)
La Famiglia Restaurants, Kyiv (Restaurants)

•Event planning and coordination: banquets, private and corporate events
•Developed partnership with event agencies and corporate clients
•Marketing activities inside the restaurants
Achievements: organization of a private gastronomic dinner with a Michelin-star chef for VIP guests and press.

Senior Marketing Manager

з 11.2015 по 03.2017 (1 рік 4 місяці)
Join UP! Tour Operatour, Kyiv (Tourism)

•Collaborated with Ministries of Tourism: applied for marketing support and budgets, prepared media plans, conducted negotiations, developed contracts, managed co-op advertising campaigns
•Developed partnerships with a third parties: hotels, airlines, managed co-op projects
•Media planning and budgeting
•Implemented integrated marketing campaigns including OOH, Radio, Digital, BTL, PR
•Worked closely and coordinated marketing team
•Coordinated online marketing activities (website, digital advertisement, SMM)
•Managed daily activities with press and marketing agencies
Achievements: co-op advertising campaign with Israeli Ministry of Tourism - 24% growth in tourist flow; Dubai promo campaign -15 % sales growth in off-season;

Senior Account Manager

з 02.2013 по 10.2015 (2 роки 8 місяців)
B4B Group, Kyiv (Full Service Marketing Agency)

•Managed marketing communications and special projects for international brands (BTL): Jack Daniels whisky, Finlandia Vodka, Nestle, Coca-Cola, Remy Cointreau etc.
•Developed and implemented promo campaigns: prepared creative proposals and mechanics, managed budgets, launched and coordinated, compiled reports
•Implemented brand activations in off trade and on trade (HoReCa)
•Managed cross-marketing and sponsorship projects
•Organized different types of events: entertainment, business, sponsorship, product presentation ( from 10 up to 1000 people)
•Coordinated POSm production and outlet branding
•Liaised on a high level with clients, partners, artists, subcontractors
Selected Projects: Jack Daniels Birthday Campaign 2013, 2014, Jack & Music Platform Launch, International Bartender Championship Finlandia Vodka Cup

Executive Assistant to the President

з 02.2012 по 02.2013 (1 рік)
Helen Marlen Group, Kiev (Retailer of Premium Clothes, Shoes and Accessories)

•Administrative support, travel and visa arrangements

Event Manager

з 12.2010 по 10.2011 (10 місяців)
European Consulting Company, Kiev (International Cooperation)

•Organized business events (seminars and trainings): developed event program, managed budgets, communicated with speakers, attracted participants, event logistic

Executive assistant to the President

з 10.2008 по 12.2010 (2 роки 2 місяці)
Premier International, Kiev (Hotel Management Company)

•Acted as liaison and maintained open lines of communication between the President, board members, shareholders, middle management, and staff


Kiev National University of Arts and Culture

International Tourism and Hotel Management, Master, Kyiv
Вища, з 2003 по 2008 (5 років)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Bootcamp for Leaders, Young Business Club


"English for Marketing", Yappi Business School

February-June 2015

Intensive English Language Program , Concordia University, Montreal ,Canada


Restaurant Management School, KMBS


Digital Marketing, UaMaster School of Digital Marketing

2018, 68 hours

Online English with native speakers, Preply


Ukrainian Digital Forum


Знання і навички

MS Excel MS PowerPoint Google Analytics Canva Google Docs Facebook Ads Manager Trello Google Ads Розробка маркетингової стратегії Digital-маркетинг Креативність

Знання мов

  • Англійська — просунутий
  • Російська — вільно
  • Українська — вільно

Додаткова інформація

A result oriented professional offering over 7 years of experience in Marketing Communications and Project Management. Developed and implemented marketing strategies in some of Ukrainian leading companies, successfully conducted marketing projects for International brands.
Areas of expertise: Brand Management, Project Management, Communication Strategy, Digital, ATL, BTL, MICE, PR, Copywriting
Objective: work for a dynamic, innovative company with an exciting and challenging tasks. To be inspired by a product/ project to work for.

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