
General, Operations, Supply chain manager

Повна зайнятість.
49 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Вінниця, Дистанційно, Дніпро, Київ, Кривий Ріг, Львів, Одеса

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон, ел. пошту та LinkedIn.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи


з 04.2021 по нині (3 роки 5 місяців)
INTERPIPE NIKO TUBE LCC, Нікополь (Металургійна промисловість, металообробка)

Member of Project team. Leading all customs process activities that concern of the project and supplying equipment’s, accessories from EU, China, Brazil, and Vietnam to INTERPIPE NIKO TUBE PLANT.
•Preparing all technical documents for explanation for Ukrainian customs.
•Cooperation and supporting of broker during supply preparation process, customs clearance.
•Cooperation and supporting of forwarders during supplying of project cargo.
•Preparing addition agreements, annexes, detailing specification for supplying project equipments.
•Communicating with partners in supplying of equipments for project via email communication, video conference etc.
•Recommendation for shipping documents issuing and checking all invoices, packing lists.
•Leading of delivery of equipment from supplier to customer.
•Leading of unloading process, storage, registration shipping documents.
•Organization of flow of equipments from warehouse to building place for erection.


з 06.2018 по 07.2020 (2 роки 1 місяць)
KUEHNE+NAGEL UKRAINE, Покров (Transportation Logistics)

• Organize and control day-to-day operations of the department in line with the right priorities defined together with the customer;
• Department processes owner, reporting to Procter and Gamble Ukraine at the Pokrov plant;
• Possess overall information about problematic/critical deviations in deliveries;
• Personal involvement in critical situations/non-standard deliveries;
• Gather feedback from the client regarding operational performance of the department and satisfaction with the service provided;
• Monthly sharing of operational reports to the client;
• Analysis of ineffective supply chains, processes at client’s side and other opportunities for improvement;
• Work out and implement the required documentation: working instructions, service level execution agreements (SLEA), operation procedures;
• Project management for all savings projects are in scope (as per SLA, as per PACE), from initiation till realization, in accordance with targets and tasks of the project;
• Quarterly, Annual saving projects review with P&G Ukraine plant;
• Placing transportation order to the LSP / Sending Load Plans;
• Back up HUB and EU Supply Chain tracking/planning process;
• Monitoring of “in transit” status of the delivery – dispatched from supplier, crossed border, in 24 hours from the plant, registration at customs, customs clearance status, unloading status (in accordance with Time Dependency Model);
• The request of document for the delivery – suppliers & carriers part;
• Creation of the Advanced Shipment Notification in Client’s ERP system.
• Experienced user in MS Office, Power BI, SAP.


з 06.2017 по 06.2018 (1 рік)

• Operational management of the department.5 direct subordinates and 100+ total department staff
• Development of work procedures.
• Budget planning and cost control for capital repairs of mining bulldozers, road trucks and other department types of equipment.
• Leading the implementation of scheduled technical repairs and maintenance of bulldozers and road trucks.
• Monitoring of compliance with industrial safety and health standards.
• Conducting analysis of technological processes.
• Order planning spare parts and consumables for servicing mining and road vehicals/equipments.


з 12.2012 по 09.2016 (3 роки 9 місяців)
CENTRAVIS PRODUCTION UKRAINE, Никополь (Metallurgy and production)

•Work organization at department (5 different operation areas in Ukraine + FP warehouse abroad ). 4 direct subordinates and 70+ total department staff.
•Health, Safety, Environment and Quality SOP development at department.
•Control QA and HSE SOP following at department.
•People development responsibility.
•Development technical knowledge of people on the floor(involving in process for individual results tracking system implementation)
•Execution monitoring of department targets.
•Daily Direct Setting System Implementation.
•Technological process and packing materials analysis to development and introduction of modern technological methods to improve the quality of business processes at the site.
•Budget planning and cost control.
•Implementation and leadership development projects to reduce costs.
•Fixed assets control.
•Organization and inventory counting manage at the department.
•Manage of construction projects.
•Purchasing process participation (warehouse equipment, machinery, spare parts, services and expendable materials).
•Equipments and Machinery repair planning.
•Planning and manage FP shipping process.
•Manage of Transportation logistic service.
•Cooperation with Customer Clearance Service department.
•Negotiations with the state inspection services, suppliers, contractors.

Raw and Pack materials Warehouse leader

з 04.2005 по 10.2012 (7 років 6 місяців)
PROCTER AND GAMBLE UKRAINE, Покров (FMCG, Household chemicals manufacturing)

•Work organization at department.
•Health, Safety, Environment and Quality SOP development at department.
•Control QA and HSE SOP following at department
•People development responsibility
•Execution monitoring of department targets
•Budget planning and cost control
•Implementation and leadership development projects to reduce costs.
•Fixed assets control.
•Organization and inventory counting manage at the plant.
•Manage of construction projects
•Purchasing process participation (warehouse equipment, machinery, spare parts, services and expendable materials.
•Equipments and Machinery repair planning


Krivoy Rog State University «Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University»

International Economics, Кривой Рог
Вища, з 2007 по 2012 (4 роки 8 місяців)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Time management, QA Management, Change Management, Safety Management System, Purchasing Process, Department Budgeting, Leadershi


Знання і навички

  • MS Office
  • MS Power BI
  • Driver license В, С, С1 – 28 year Forklift driver license and ex

Знання мов

Англійська — середній

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