Резюме від 21 лютого 2017


Waiter, 6 000 грн

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
30 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Одеса

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон, ел. пошту та адресу.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи


з 11.2016 по нині (7 років 7 місяців)
Big Chefs, Dubai (F&B)

Casual Restaurant
Сuisine - international
The Big Chiefs it is good restaurant with international cuisine . In this restaurant i am responsible for welcome the guests, present our menu,for explain about the menu ,up selling, we have to advise what we have ,recomend something , take the order, repeat order, bring food and drinks and make the evening very enjoyable for the guests. Cleaning of the restaurant, polishing dishes,cutlery and glasses, checking for cleanliness - the menu, salt and pepper, everything is in place.
Location - Dubai,JBR.
Adress – UAE,Dubai,JBR ./ November 2016 –till now/


з 02.2016 по 08.2016 (6 місяців)
A'la Turkish Cuisine, Doha,Qatar (F&B)

Fine dining – Restaurant
Сuisine - Turkish
Ala Turkish cuisine is a new and the most popular restaurant in the Pearl Qatar. This experience work with most richest
people gave me good knowledge. I was responsible for welcome guests, present our menu, after explain about the menu , we have to advise what we have ,recomend something , take the order, repeat order, bring food and drinks and make the evening very enjoyable for the guests. Cleaning of the restaurant, polishing dishes,cutlery and glasses, checking for cleanliness - the menu, salt and pepper, everything is in place.
Reason for Leaving - Unfortunately I had to leave because of this restaurant, I did not see prospects for further development and prospects in this company, but the company gave me a good experience, new knowledge for the development in the large companies.


з 01.2015 по 01.2016 (1 рік)
Restaraunt «Tito», Одесса (F&B)

Fine dining – Restaurant
Сuisine – Japanese & European (Serve Alcohol)
This restaurant is located in the city center. Most of the visitors were foreigners, it was a good start to learn English and
obtain skills of sales to foreigners. I was responsible for welcome guests, present our menu, after explain about the menu , we have to advise what we have ,recomend something , take the order, repeat order, bring food and drinks and make the evening very enjoyable for the guests. Cleaning of the restaurant, polishing the dishes,cutlery and glasses, checking for cleanliness - the menu, salt and pepper, everything is in place. Reason for Leaving - When my boss left, it made me realize that it was time for a change and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to move on and to grow up.


з 05.2014 по 09.2014 (4 місяці)
Beach Club and Resort - "Ibiza", Одесса (F&B)

Fine dining – Restaurant & Club
Сuisine – Japanese & European (Serve Alcohol)
This was my best experience, it was very hard, but I learned a lot, and steeled my character for life!
At first I only helped, but then I was responsible for welcome guests, present our menu, after explain about the menu , we have to advise what we have ,recomend something , take the order, repeat order, bring food and drinks and make the evening very enjoyable for the guests. Cleaning of the restaurant, polishing dishes,cutlery and glasses, checking for cleanliness - the menu, salt and pepper, everything is in place. Reason for Leaving - It was seasonal work, then I went to study in university.

Знання мов

  • Англійська — середній
  • Російська — вільно

Додаткова інформація

Maksym Zarudniak

Ukraine, Odessa, Varnenskaya 5
Cell: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») - [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
skype- maximzarudniak
Applying for position Sales Manager

I have a good experience of work in different areas in search of myself. I started work since childhood, without fear of any job, worked in many restaurants as a seller of food and good service. Before I came to Doha, I sold real estate of my friend and resulting in the money helped move to another country - Qatar, where I got a new good experience with interesting and rich people, good practice English language and new knowledges of service and hospitality . I decided not to stop and continue to grow. I would like to join your company and grow with you!

- Highly responsible and reliable - Customer service skills
- Sales skills - Customer service experience
- Works well under pressure - Team player
- Interpersonal skills - Establishing goals and setting priorities
- Excellent communication skills - Good mechanical aptitude
- Goal-oriented - Good verbal/written communication skills
- Persuasive communication expertise - High school diploma
- Flexible - Strategic planning

current work «Big Chefs»
Meraas Food&Beverage – UAE,Dubai
Casual Restaurant
Сuisine - international
The Big Chiefs it is good restaurant with international cuisine . In this restaurant i am responsible for welcome the guests, present our menu,for explain about the menu ,up selling, we have to advise what we have ,recomend something , take the order, repeat order, bring food and drinks and make the evening very enjoyable for the guests. Cleaning of the restaurant, polishing dishes,cutlery and glasses, checking for cleanliness - the menu, salt and pepper, everything is in place.
Location - Dubai,JBR.
Adress – UAE,Dubai,JBR ./ November 2016 –till now/

A'la Turkish Cuisine
Fine dining – Restaurant
Сuisine - Turkish
Ala Turkish cuisine is a new and the most popular restaurant in the Pearl Qatar. This experience work with most richest
people gave me good knowledge. I was responsible for welcome guests, present our menu, after explain about the menu , we have to advise what we have ,recomend something , take the order, repeat order, bring food and drinks and make the evening very enjoyable for the guests. Cleaning of the restaurant, polishing dishes,cutlery and glasses, checking for cleanliness - the menu, salt and pepper, everything is in place.
Reason for Leaving - Unfortunately I had to leave because of this restaurant, I did not see prospects for further development and prospects in this company, but the company gave me a good experience, new knowledge for the development in the large companies.
Adress - The Pearl, Qatar. / February 2016 to Agust 2016

Head Waiter
Restaraunt «Tito» - Odessa, Ukraine
Fine dining – Restaurant
Сuisine – Japanese & European (Serve Alcohol)
This restaurant is located in the city center. Most of the visitors were foreigners, it was a good start to learn English and
obtain skills of sales to foreigners. I was responsible for welcome guests, present our menu, after explain about the menu , we have to advise what we have ,recomend something , take the order, repeat order, bring food and drinks and make the evening very enjoyable for the guests. Cleaning of the restaurant, polishing the dishes,cutlery and glasses, checking for cleanliness - the menu, salt and pepper, everything is in place. Reason for Leaving - When my boss left, it made me realize that it was time for a change and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to move on and to grow up.
January 2015 to January 2016
Adress - Rishelyevskaya 5,Odessa

Beach Club and Resort - "Ibiza" - Odessa, Ukraine
Fine dining – Restaurant & Club
Сuisine – Japanese & European (Serve Alcohol)
This was my best experience, it was very hard, but I learned a lot, and steeled my character for life!
At first I only helped, but then I was responsible for welcome guests, present our menu, after explain about the menu , we have to advise what we have ,recomend something , take the order, repeat order, bring food and drinks and make the evening very enjoyable for the guests. Cleaning of the restaurant, polishing dishes,cutlery and glasses, checking for cleanliness - the menu, salt and pepper, everything is in place.

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати

Офіціант, помічник офіціанта

Продавец, официант
Одеса, Чорноморськ


Бариста, офіціант, бармен
14000 грн, Одеса

20000 грн, Одеса

15000 грн, Одеса

Усі схожі кандидати

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