Резюме від 19 серпня 2019 PRO


Quality manager

Повна зайнятість.
36 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Lead specialist of Industry Department

з 07.2015 по нині (8 років 11 місяців)
Bureau Veritas Ukraine, Київ (Testing, inspection and certification.)

Providing shop inspection, production technical audits, production process control and quality control in accordance with requirements.
Industry products/process certification in accordance with requirements of standards and directives.
Evaluation and analysis of Supplier.
Providing technical expertise of equipment and metal construction.
Monitoring of resources misuse, implementation of QMS and loss decreasing methods.
Wilding process and products control.
Project managements.
Sales activity and preparation of commercial offers.

Manager | Department of hydraulic and lifting equipment

з 10.2014 по 07.2015 (9 місяців)
Enerprof LLC, Київ (The dealer of Enerpac, Crossby, Gunebo, Kito)

Visiting enterprises to present the equipment; identification of weaknesses in technological schemes and equipment; determining causes of wearing and ways to improve reliability and fault tolerance of machines.
Design of technological scheme and selecting equipment; searching for ways to improve effectiveness of production.
Providing maintenance and repair of hydraulic station and pumps; producing hydraulic hoses with working pressure up to 400 bar, assembling hydraulic elements in one hydraulic unit.
Providing maintenance of hydraulic jack and lifting equipment (hand hoist and electric crane elements).
Monitoring of resources misuse, implementation of QMS and loss decreasing methods.

Mechanic assistant - Maintenance of offshore drilling units

з 09.2012 по 10.2014 (2 роки 1 місяць)
Chernomorneftegaz, Chernomorsk (Oil&Gas production and fields development in the Black Sea shelf)

BOP system mounting, testing and servicing. Providing safety mounting, servicing and hot work at wellhead. Mounting Christmas tree, Chock and Kill lines, packers; providing hydraulic testing of mounted equipment.
Servicing and repairing Varco top drive system including emergency repair work at highest. Carrying out scheduled maintenance work for TDS, rail and hydraulic systems, wire-line anchoring device, sand-line crownblock sheaves, wire pore supply reed, braking system, wire-line, hydraulic and pneumatic supply systems, wire rope supply reel.
Scheduled maintenance and servicing of main pumps:
•Supercharger centrifugal pumps (replacing rotors, sealing and valves)
•Mud pump (pistons and valves replacing, servicing of relive valve unit, repairing and gas-filling of hydraulic damper, servicing mud pump manifolding system, servicing cooling systems
•Servicing and repairing pneumatic pumps
Servicing and scheduled maintenance of main drilling equipment: turntable, iron roughneck, well kill line system, derrick mounting system, jack-up system of drilling rig, etc.
Assembling cement line; leading the operation of cement bulking, cement cleaning and storage. Servicing and repairing storage bulk systems: storage tanks, separators and dust collect systems, pneumatic and bulk lines with technological and safety valves.
Scheduled maintenance of drilling mud separators and cleaner systems, cumulative and storage equipment, chemical mixers, supply and agitator, filtration and dust collect systems.
Service and repair of pneumatic, hydraulic, hand rope and chain hoists, hoisting blocks, etc. Performing lifting equipment tests.
Work with high and ultra-high pressure equipment. Scheduled maintenance, repair and internal testing : emergency process control system, drill HPU, hydropneumatic accumulators, assembling of high/ultra-high pressure lines and manifolds.
Maintenance, repair and testing of pneumatic lines, valves, receivers and pneumatic hand equipment.

Project Manager | Department of pumping equipment and systems

з 08.2010 по 06.2012 (1 рік 10 місяців)
Logrus LLC, Київ (Sales and service of technological equipment)

Enterprises visiting for provide presentations of equipment, identify weaknesses in technological scheme and equipment, determining causes of wearing and ways to improve reliability and fault tolerance of machines.
Provide Internet marketing, consulting in technical issuies.
Design and preparing of technological scheme with pumps, mixer, storage and transporting systems, searching for ways to improve effectiveness of production process (for chemical, petrochemical and miming fields).
Searching incompleteness of resources, providing QMS and methods for loss decreasing.


National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

Faculty of Chemical Engineering - Department of Machines and Apparatus of Chemical and Oil Refinery Productions, Київ
Вища, з 2006 по 2012 (5 років 6 місяців)

Master’s degree of National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Qualification - Mechanical Engineer

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Tank container periodic inspections according to ADR and RID; IMDG

2017, 3 month

Risk-management System: Principles, Risk Assessment Recommendations and General Techniques for Managers and Experts.


New Construction Commission and Authorized Inspector Course. ASME Section I, IV, V, VIII Div. 1, IX, QAI-1 (2016 Edition), and

2016, 6 month

Quality Management System Lead Auditor Training Course ISO 9001:2015,


Non-destructing training course in accordance with EN 473-2008, UT, VT

2015, 3 month

Rules of design and safe operation of pressure equipment - Training center of “Chernomorneftegaz”-


Blowout preventer equipment. Safety operation. - Training center of “Chernomorneftegaz”


Training “Negotiations with the active sales” - IBT


2nd Mechanic assistant (maintenance of drilling units) - Training center of “Chernomorneftegaz”


Security basic training and instruction for ship crew. - Sevastopol National Technical University


Firefighting (extended program) - Sevastopol National Technical University, Center for training and certification


Specialist on life boats and float boards - Sevastopol National Technical University


First Aid on ship board - Sevastopol National Technical University


Training “Aggressive selling market B2B” – NTA


ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental management - a course for leading auditors. (Bureau Veritas Ukraine).


ISO 50001 Energy Management - Course for Lead Auditors. (Bureau Veritas Ukraine).


Safe work at height with individual insurance funds (Training Center "Novator").


International Welding Engineer Qualification (IWE).


Знання і навички

AutoCAD Знання офісних програм КОМПАС Mathcad КОМПАС-3D Знание офисных программ Проведение регламентных работ грузоподъемным механизмам Разработка планов контроля производств Контроль качества металлоконструкций ДСТУ Б В.2.6-199 и ISO 1090 Сертификация согласно с требования ISO 3834 и EN 1090 Монтажные работы Ремонт поршневых, центробежных насосов Сборках линий высокого давления Обслуживание и ремонт запорной арматуры Монтаж лесов и др. оборудования для высотных работ Работы на высоте. Подготовка и обеспечение. Подготовка и обеспечение безопасных огневых работ Обслуживание и инспекция оборудование под давлением Ведение бизнесс-переговоров Управление легковым автомобилем 1С:Підприємство CRM MS Excel MS PowerPoint SolidWorks Terrasoft CRM Windows MS Word Операційні системи Водіння авто Підготовка економічної доцільності реконструкції Проведення регламентних робіт та ремонту обладнання Ведення перемов та підготовка проектів реконструкції Обслуговування насосів відцентрових, поршневих Обслуговування гідравлічних станцій та систем управління NDT Visual inspection, Sector 7,12, Level 2 Inspector Quality Management System Auditor Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) Hydrostatic testing Working at Height Maintenance of equipment Industry products/process certification Production process control and technical audits Wilding process and products control. Аудитор ISO 9001, ISO 14001,ISO 50001 Cертифікаційні аудити ISO 3834 та EN 1090 Контроль металоконструкцій ДСТУ Б В.2.6-199 та ISO 1090-2 Інспекції виробниств Preshipment Inspection

Знання мов

  • Українська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно
  • Англійська — середній

Додаткова інформація

Personal skills
Analytical thinking, ability to find compromise solutions, communication skills, ability to extract useful knowledge from any source, ability to learn quickly, responsible attitude to job, effective task performance, resistance to stress.

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