Резюме від 1 серпня 2019


Head of pricing, value proposition

Повна зайнятість.
41 рік

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Revenue assurance manager

з 10.2017 по нині (6 років 8 місяців)
“Ukrtelecom” Private Joint Stock Company, Київ (Telecommunications and networking)

SQL scripts creation
Process reengineering to increase revenue
Process reengineering to decrease cost
Detect revenue leakages via SQL scripts

Head of Revenue Assurance

з 04.2016 по 09.2017 (1 рік 5 місяців)
«Vega» Private Joint Stock Company Farlep Invest, Київ (Telecommunications and networking)

•Detect revenue leakages
•Process creation to prevent revenue leakages
•Business cases analysis / Post analysis (Sales / Marketing)
•Revenue / EBITDA forecast on weekly base for B2B, B2C, WLS businesses
•Bad debts management (deal with collector partners)

Process Manager

з 07.2015 по 04.2016 (9 місяців)
«Kyivstar»PJSC VEON group, Київ (Telecommunications and networking)

Business process development
Project management
Performance transformation project

Head of Trade Marketing

з 07.2014 по 07.2015 (1 рік)
«Volia» LTD, Київ (Telecommunications and networking)

• Managing of Trade Marketing
• Elaboration of marketing strategy, business requirements, product road-map,
pricing policy, offers to the customers
• Provision of business analysis (business cases, offers attractiveness and profitability), working out actions and solutions for customers

Finance analyst

з 05.2010 по 07.2014 (4 роки 2 місяці)
LTD «Astelit» lifecell, Київ (Telecommunications and networking)

• Assessing the tariff/product/campaign structure and the tariff/product/campaign impacts on the revenue in order to assure long term profitability and prevent losses
• Supervision of market estimation, planning, forecasting within any investment project, which is going to be implemented
• Post analysis (fact/plan) tariff/product/campaign impacts
•Business case analysis and campaigns evaluation (NPV, Payback, IRR ,etc.). Finding possible revenue leakage and develop recommendation for campaign improvement

Marketing analyst / product manager

з 05.2008 по 05.2010 (2 роки)
LTD «Astelit» lifecell, Київ (Telecommunications and networking)

• Market investigation: monitoring and reporting of existing tariffs and campaigns, analyzing of cost and revenue figures, monitoring of tariffs between operators;
• Development of core tariff plans and pricing campaigns for subscribers, interaction with other divisions (tax, legal, etc.) in order to implement offers with minimal risks for company.
• Analysis of impacts of each activity (effect of increasing revenue, profitability, number of subscribers);
• Preparing of documentation for new offers (Briefs, PTR (Product/Service/Tariff Requirement Document), Orders, text for WEB and IVR), receiving final approvals from Sales, Finance, Legal, Technical and CuRe Departments.
• Provision of business analysis (business cases, offer attractiveness and profitability), working out actions and solutions for customers

Marketing analyst / product manager

з 04.2006 по 05.2008 (2 роки 1 місяць)
Vodafone (ex Ukrainian Mobile Communication CJSC), Київ (Telecommunications and networking)

•Elaboration of marketing strategy, business requirements, product roadmap,
pricing policy, selling and distribution policy, offers to the customers
•Developing sales and business processes
•Provision of market estimation, planning, forecasting
•Provision of business analysis (business cases, offers attractiveness and profitability), working out actions and solutions for customers
•Coordination of implementation of business requirements
•Statistical data fetch on various issues/activities
•Mobile Market research and supporting management reporting, customers base analysis

Credit analyst

з 10.2005 по 04.2006 (6 місяців)
PRAVEX-BANK Official (INTESA SANPAOLO GROUP), Київ (Finance, banking, and insurance)

• Analysis within loan risks for private clients,
• Analysis within loan risks for corporate clients,
• Signing agreements with new companies


International University of Finance

Finance, Economic of business department, Київ
Вища, з 2003 по 2006 (2 роки 9 місяців)

National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”

Mathematics and Physics, Theory of probability department, Київ
Вища, з 2000 по 2006 (5 років 5 місяців)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Finance management (International Finance Account certificate)

2010, 2 months

Business analysis (KMBS) Business statistic, Business forecast, Segmentation, Prognostic analytics

2010, 6 months

Internship for entrepreneurs.TÜV Rheinland” university,Germany

2011, 1 month

Знання і навички

MS Excel MS Word MS Office Пользователь ПК PC User MS PowerPoint MS Access MS Project САПР MS Visio CAD Планирование Planning SQL Jira Python Oracle Database BSCS JRM

Знання мов

Англійська — просунутий


Молибога Андрей

Молибога Андрей

СFO, Farlep-Invest

Контактні дані приховані

Інші резюме цього кандидата

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