
Project Manager, Logistics specialist, director, 40 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
37 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон, ел. пошту та адресу.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Logistics Manager

з 08.2017 по нині (7 років 1 місяць)
TREBLAB, Харків (Retail)

- Development and implementation of Logistics Department optimization strategy; its implementation monitoring;
- Analysis of costs and logistics processes, development and implementation of their optimization methods within the Department;
- Management of Logistics Department operational activities;
- Organization of products supply to warehouses in accordance with need and allocation;
- Control and prompt response (organization of inter-warehouse movements) to changes in demand and large deviations from sales plans in order to avoid out of stock or overstock of goods;
- Monitoring the compliance with the requirements of international organizations for the transportation of goods;
- Control of movement of consignments to warehouses and prompt response in case of delays;
- Control of the receipt of goods at warehouses by quantity and quality;
- Organization and control of work with returned from warehouses to preparation centers goods with their subsequent inspection and sell as Refurbished goods (reverse logistics);
- Reflection of the movement of goods in the accounting system;
- Creation of policies, procedures and operational documentation;
- Interaction with other departments of the company and subsequent coordination and control of related tasks solving;
- Search and negotiation with partners (carriers, fulfillment centers, preparation centers, contractors), coordination of cooperation conditions and signing of contracts;
- Organization of the work of warehouses and centers for returns processing (planning and delivery of goods, providing the necessary for proper work materials, creating procedures and instructions for outsource workers, etc);
- Ensuring and monitoring the timely shipment and delivery of ordered products s to the buyer;
- Control over the receipt of automatic orders to OMS (order management system);
- Organization and control of the correct and timely transfer of orders to fulfillment warehouses, preparation centers, as well as control of the correct transfer of shipping information back to marketplaces;
- Monitoring trends and initiation a review of shipping mapping with warehouses;
- Monitoring and recording the movement of goods/returns, reconciliation with fulfillment centers and preparation centers;
- Conducting settlements with counterparties;
- Organization of sending the defective goods back to suppliers and receiving compensation for them;
- Updating SKU catalog data in OMS;
- Preparation of reports regarding the availability of goods at warehouses and preparation centers for the proper work of other departments of the company;
- Processing customer care department's requests about logistic issues;
- Preparation of complaints at all stages of logistics chain and monitoring of their implementation by partners.

Project Manager

з 10.2015 по 06.2017 (1 рік 8 місяців)
NOVY STYL, Харків (Product Development)

- Creation, continuous support and control of Assortment updating Projects in accordance with approved product strategy;
- planning and organization of the process of creating new products, control of terms and quality;
-collection and processing of information related to the led project;
-creation and leading (on the basis of previously received information) of the relevant consolidated documents with the requirements of the Client, documents with tasks, deadlines, quality of product and other, necessary for a particular Project, documentation;
- control of the implementation process according to approved requirements, tasks and deadlines;
- continuous monitoring and audit of compliance with the project deadlines and the actual quality of the product at each stage;
- with the help of marketing techniques and economic feasibility to conduct the constant monitoring of the relevance and effectiveness of the Project;
- ensuring effective, uninterrupted operation and communication with foreign designers and customers of active projects of development and introduction of new products (families of product).

Manager of the foreign exchange department

з 04.2011 по 10.2015 (4 роки 6 місяців)
Kharkiv regional headquarters of ''Oschadbank Ukraine'', Харків (Finance, banking, and insurance)

-accounting and consolidation of bank currency transactions and indicators of Kharkiv regional headquarters of ''Oschadbank Ukraine'' by whole Kharkiv region, creating a database;
-monitoring and analysis of market, assessing the competitiveness of the proposed bank product, developing opportunities for its improvement;
-conducting consultations for both clients and employees of the network of branches on the explanation of innovations of the National Bank of Ukraine regarding foreign exchange transactions;
-preparation and signing of contracts with business entities in order opening of current accounts in foreign currency, as well as placing deposits in foreign currency in Kharkiv regional headquarters of ''Oschadbank Ukraine'';
-monitoring the work of bank branches within Kharkiv region;
-experience of the acting head of one of the bank branches.


Kharkiv National University of Economics

International Economic relations, Specialty - “International Economics”, Харків
Вища, з 2005 по 2010 (4 роки 9 місяців)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

IT school “Source IT” - the course “Project Management” (certificate availability)


IT school «Hello, World» - the course «Front-end Development» (certificate availability)


Знання і навички

  • MS Office
  • Windows
  • Email
  • Email client
  • MacOS
  • OpenOffice
  • Operating systems
  • Confidence

Знання мов

Англійська — просунутий

Додаткова інформація

Main Skills and Abilities

- upper-intermediate written and spoken English skills;
- the skill and experience of organizing and controlling the uninterrupted and optimized operations of the product supply chain and warehouses;
- practical skills in calculating and optimizing costs and processes within operational and strategic activities of Logistics Department;
- the skill and experience of organizing and coordinating a team for a specific project;
- experience in formalizing of Department's processes;
- confident knowledge and skills with Mac OS, MS Windows;
- confident use of Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, email clients, specialized office software;
- skill and experience in preparation and maintenance of technical documentation;
- practical experience in market analysis;
- Strong knowledge and understanding of the development and management cycles of project leading;
- excellent written and oral communication skills;
- experience in conducting constructive negotiations and signing contracts;
- the ability to persuade and reasonably substantiate the point of view.

Personal qualities

- ambitiousness;
- determination;
- leadership skills;
- sociability;
- punctuality and hard work;
- perseverance;
- easy to learn;
- creative approach to solving problems;
- the ability to work in a team;
- focus on the result.

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