Резюме від 3 червня 2024 PRO



Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
36 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Київ

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон , ел. пошту та адресу.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Senior creative writer

з 08.2022 по нині (1 рік 10 місяців)
Eliftech, Київ (IT)

Responsible for all content marketing activities. Content-plan conception, content development, Editing, proofreading and distribution and performance evaluation. Aim to promote the software development company services and attract potential clients from organic and paid online channels.
•Developing the content marketing strategy and content roadmap;
•Maintaining and adjusting productive workflow for requesting, creating, editing, publishing, and distributing content;
•Tracking web analytics for estimating the content performance and making adjustments accordingly;
•Market and user experience research, customer interviews for case studies;
•Coordinating copywriters team;
•Seo-audits running and implementation of recommendations.

Senior Copywriter

з 03.2021 по 09.2022 (1 рік 6 місяців)
Tino Digital Agency, Киев (IT)

Translating marketing objectives into captivating content that inspires action while maintaining consistency. Creating original copy, content, and concepts that drive target audiences to action. Participate in projects including content marketing, all forms of social media, digital marketing, and communications, brand storytelling. Convert the brand’s core identity and values into the right call to action based on project objectives.
•Collaborate with individuals and teams to devise the best solutions.
•Ensure the message is relevant to the needs of brands target audiences
•Collaborate with graphic and digital designers to inform the work of visual design
•Work with internal teams to understand the key drivers of the business.
•Seek alternative ways to inform and entertain via written, oral, and visual media channels.
•Maintain accountability for checking all content is truthful, accurate, and complies with law and industry best practices.

Contract Marketing Writer

з 08.2020 по 08.2021 (1 рік)
Almamat, Київ (Education, E-learning)

Responsible for infusing brand voice into compelling creative solutions across the digital landscape. Craft digital campaigns focused on customer experiences. Deliver compelling copy for the website, blogs, emails, landing pages, etc. Conduct SEO research and naturally integrate keywords into the copy. Create content that influences people’s behavior through words. Connects with audiences to enhance both ROI and brand awareness. Use persuasive writing to engage targeted audiences and track, analyze, and optimize content performance across digital marketing channels. Keep in mind the primary goal of driving a conversion that ultimately delivers demand.

Freelance SEO Copywriter

з 03.2020 по 03.2021 (1 рік)
Aspectum, Київ (IT)

Creating copy that’s not just great for SEO but is also a conversation piece. Take ownership of research of the topic and creating copy in English: SEO optimization of content, Creating long-form articles, creating new performance content for other site pages and more, taking responsibility or conceptualizing the visuals. Supported with research from the SEO team and also use tools to research your own keywords, topics and SEO trends, communicating your knowledge to the rest of the content team.
•Conduct thorough keyword research across multiple domains and use this to write and implement targeted updates to drive performance
•Monitor competitor performance in local search engines and feedback insights into marketing strategy
•Monitor SEO ranking performance for key search terms in designated market
•Create and SEO-optimized editorial-style copy across various sections of the designated market.

Contract Copywriter

з 03.2020 по 08.2021 (1 рік 5 місяців)
42DM, Київ (Digital Marketing (Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги))

Craft thought-provoking, clear and concise content. Produce copy that’s on-brand and resonates with diverse customer audiences. Translate complex concepts and topics into understandable conversational pieces. Create ad-messages, UX-content for landing pages, posts for blogs, and social media. Editing, proofing and creating a consistently professional piece of content. Collaborate with the in-house content team, working across content and SEO teams, supporting them in hitting company targets.

Contract Copywriter

з 03.2020 по 09.2020 (6 місяців)
42DM, Київ (IT)

Craft both creative and SEO-friendly copy for blog and guest-posting. Write a cost-effective end-user copy that deftly illustrates the requisite product knowledge at hand regardless of industry, size, or technology. Place focus on the consumer-centric approach that allows the client to effectively communicate product and service to the end-user in a manner that is crisp and concise. Aim at user-friendly writing that not only gets the message right but also positively affects the brand, sales, and customer satisfaction, while minimizing the expenses.

Senior Copywriter

з 08.2018 по 08.2020 (2 роки)
FluentPro (IT - разработка ПО), Харків (IT)

Bring brands story to life by planning, writing and editing multiple content deliverables simultaneously, including blog, SMM content, digital advertisements, landing pages, tip sheets, product white papers, ghost-writing, press releases, etc. Produce content for website and digital channels, implementing SEO best practices. Develop and deliver copy, including marketing campaigns, website assets, e-books, how-to guides, video scripts, and more across multiple digital categories. Conceptualize and write engaging content for creative initiatives, campaigns, and projects. Collaborate with editors and other writers to align in-house marketing messaging with online messaging. Maintain brand content guidelines and style guide.

Senior Copywriter

з 01.2018 по 01.2019 (1 рік)
PDFfiller.com (IT - разработка ПО), Київ (IT)

Create clear, engaging and consistent content for a variety of marketing campaigns designed to cultivate customer relationships and drive action. Ensure grammatical accuracy, message clarity and a consistent style throughout all content. Write crisp, clear, concise and conversational copy including both short-form and long-form. Create a content marketing strategy, SMM plans, user personas, editorial standards, editorial calendar, etc. Apply writing strategies for the digital world, integrating SEO best practices into all web content. Proofread copy and review page layouts with a keen attention to detail.

Work independently and manage simultaneous projects with many moving parts.
Incorporating feedback to meet goals while remaining consistent with the company brand.
Concept and write copy for all assets across multiple brands.
Collaborate with web designers to craft pages that are on brand and on strategy.
Analyse external websites and content sources for missed opportunities with the result being insights on potential new sources of inspiration and opportunities.
Brainstorm, concept, collaborate, present work with stakeholders to craft internal communications when necessary

Creative Copywriter

з 01.2018 по 01.2019 (1 рік)
SignNow, Київ (IT)

Find creative ways to facilitate engagement with social media followers across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Actively contribute to the optimization of content strategy and brainstorms creative topics and themes that drive awareness and increase revenue. Manages multiple content projects in a fast-paced agile environment, with the ability to efficiently meet set deadlines. Strategize with leadership, the project team, and IT Communications to identify communication priorities, develop communication plans and creative briefs, research and analyse information and manage the overall communication program to fulfil the goals and objectives of the project.

Senior Copywriter

з 08.2016 по 12.2017 (1 рік 4 місяці)
101 LEGO (Digital Marketing, Advertising, PR), Київ (Digital Marketing (Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги))

Work independently and manage simultaneous projects with many moving parts.
Concept and write copy for all assets across multiple brands.
Collaborate with web designers to craft pages that are on brand and on strategy.
Analyse external websites and content sources for missed opportunities with the result being insights on potential new sources of inspiration and opportunities.
Brainstorm, concept, collaborate, present work with stakeholders to craft internal communications when necessary.
Creating suitable written and visual content for the corporate blog and social media pages.
Creating content for the websites and landing pages.
Social Media management. Client support via email and social media.
Development of the strategies to promote the brand.
Development of the media plan.
Managing the direct mail content.
Creating scripts and screenplays for videos and animation

Creative Copywriter

з 08.2016 по 03.2017 (7 місяців)
Marketing Bar Digital Agency (Digital Marketing, Advertising, PR), Київ (Digital Marketing (Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги))

Writing articles on Classical and digital marketing, advertising, headhunting, human resources, productivity management, charity.
Creating content for the websites and landing pages. Social Media management.
Development of the strategies to promote the brand.
Development of the media plan.
Managing the direct mail content.
Creating scripts and screenplays for animation.
Managing the photo and video teams during the educational conferences of the Higher School of Communication.


Киевский Международный Универнситет

Журналистика, Київ
Вища, з 2005 по 2011 (5 років 8 місяців)

Знання і навички

Copywriting SMM Content management Overall digital communications support. Marketing strategy development Branding, naming, creating corporate style Writing scripts, video production, and post-production

Знання мов

  • Англійська — вільно
  • Українська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно

Додаткова інформація

My name is Olga. I am extremely motivated to constantly develop my skills and grow professionally. I am confident in my ability to come up with new exciting ideas and memorable content. I want to develop and grow professionally in a stable and successful project.

Схожі кандидати



SMM-менеджер, контент-мейкер, копірайтер, відеограф

Копірайтер, SEO, контент-менеджер
38000 грн, Інші країни, Дистанційно

Переводчик, учитель, копирайтер
10000 грн, Харків, Дистанційно


Усі схожі кандидати

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