Резюме від 12 липня 2021 PRO


Delivery/project manager, team lead, 150 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
31 рік

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон, ел. пошту та адресу.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Manager II, Development

з 01.2020 по нині (4 роки 5 місяців)
SPS Commerce, Киев (IT, E-commerce)

•Manage a team of Individual Contributors and Managers across a spectrum of technical roles as well as retailer facing roles. Team members are likely to range from associate levels through mid-level positions.
•Help define and then meet operational goals and customer commitments for the Kyiv team. Goals may take the form of targets related to need-by-dates, task completion by headcount, quality goals, etc. Meeting these goals will be primarily accomplished through driving team results.
•Monitor delivery trends and execute updates to resourcing, process, other means to address issues where risk is identified.
•Advocate for needs from SPS technology teams and other Network locations to improve efficiency and quality of work.
•Own execution and results of portions of the TPD Network team’s annual operating plan goals.
•Partner with other SPS internal teams to identify and develop cross team interactions and tool/process efficiency gains for SPS product or multiple products.
•Build a strong team culture centered on passion for delivering customer value and innovation. This includes direct roles in planning All Hands meetings and building partnerships with other SPS teams as needed.
•Collaborate with other TPD delivery managers and individual contributors across multiple geographies. Need to be flexible in meeting times and communication methods to be successful.
•Opened 8 additional positions including new manager role in Ukraine department.
•Delivered new set of retailers according to updated vision on retail network.
•Owned and delivered some of PI dependencies.
•Updated internal bonuses program.
•Improved collaboration between management teams in United States and Ukraine.
•2 my subordinates were promoted to a manager role.
•Brought BA role in Kyiv’s office and helped to build a team of 3 BAs.
•Optimized the delivery process so the whole dept could move from sprint to a kanban model.
•Represented Ukraine office in one of the all company meetings and external interviews.

Manager I, Development

з 07.2015 по 01.2020 (4 роки 6 місяців)
SPS Commerce, Киев (IT, E-commerce)

•Administer processes and policies that directly affect my team.
•Review the work of my subordinates frequently.
•Focused on achieving work goals through directing the work of others providing coaching and guidance regularly.
•Conduct 1on1 sessions, performance reviews.
•Spend up to 40% of the time in an individual contributor role.
•3 my subordinates advanced their tech skills and moved to the engineering teams.
•Development of international onboarding training plan “First 90 days training plan”.
•Coached my team to be able to delegate pre-assignments and sprint reviews.
•Organized and ran Hackathons & 3 Mapathons.
•Manager/product owner of the “Inventory Upload Generator” project written on Python and Angular.
•Optimized the sprint process so my team closed 100% of requests 6 sprints in a row
•Initiated the adoption of common management practices in UA.

Application Engineer

з 07.2013 по 07.2015 (2 роки)
SPS Commerce, Киев (IT, E-commerce)

•60%: Work on sprint tasks, conducts tasks and assignments as directed. Develop almost all type of products (WebForms, File Integration, Packing slips, Shipping labels) according to retailer’s specifications and requirements. This includes client configuration as well as making technical decisions about how a map or form is built. Building the applications in many cases requires code development (Java) and scripting (Perl) in addition to application development.
•30%: Maintain and enhance the existing production codebase for all products. Work with Business Analysts, Quality Engineers and Release Manageres to ensure the lowest possible impact on customers during production deployments.
•Work with escalation tickets and bug/change requests queue
•Adapt and utilize best practices for solution development to ensure world-class service is delivered to SPS’s customers.
•Participate in internal and external training sessions.
10%: Be an available resource to peers and other employees as related to the product’s use and enhancement; takes part in trainings and employee mentoring; provides the significant feedback.


Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Information management systems and technologies, Харьков
Вища, з 2009 по 2014 (5 років)

Знання і навички

Project management Conducting trainings Interviewing Team building & leadership Talent development Resourcefulness Process design & optimization Task Delegation Coaching

Знання мов

Англійська — просунутий

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