Резюме від 11 червня 2024 Файл


Laravel developer

39 років

Контактна інформація

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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Country: Ukraine
Sviatoslav Dubov City: Rivne
Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Junior PHP/Laravel Developer Github: https://github.com/sv-dubov
Facebook: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Date of birth: May 08, 1985 LinkedIn: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Education Certificates
• STEP Computer Academy (2017-2020): has • “Deluge on a Luge: Learn Zoho Programming”
successfully completed the course in (Udemy, 2022);
“Software Development”; • “Zoho CRM and Zoho Creator Masterclass”
• Rivne State Humanitarian University. (Udemy, 2022);
Faculty – Ukrainian philology. Specialty – • “Basics of Web UI development” (Prometheus on-
“Ukrainian language and literature and foreign line course, 2020);
(English) language and literature” (2002- • “Basics of programming in Java” (Prometheus on-
2007). line course, 2020).

Skills Languages
• PHP/Laravel; JavaScript/jQuery; • Ukrainian – Native;
• HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, Bootstrap, Ajax; • English – Pre-Intermediate.
• MySQL, MariaDB, phpMyAdmin, HeidiSQL;
• OOP, RESTful, API;
• Composer, Git, Github;
• PHPStorm, VS Code, XAMPP, Open

Work experience
• Feb, 2023 – Present: PHP/Laravel Developer (Full Stack) at IT Group Kazakhstan:
- Independent development of the company's internal website for training (e-education),
including planning, coding and hosting.
- Independent development of a site for training and testing (e-education), including planning,
coding and hosting.
- Work in a team on the development of a CRM system with a focus on the backend.
- Independent website development for a local utility company, including planning, coding
(backend) and hosting.
- Work in a team on the development of a tourist site: backend, connecting services via API.
- Updating the application for displaying records from the Instagram business page on the
client's site: backend, working with the API, obtaining the necessary permissions.
- Development of an application for displaying records from the Facebook page on the client's
website: backend, working with the API, obtaining the necessary permissions.

• Mar – Jun, 2022: Junior PHP Developer (Full Stack) at SoftSprint:
- Mastered the CakePHP framework for future development work.
- Enhanced client company's existing website, covering both backend and frontend aspects.

• Dec, 2021 – Feb, 2022: Developer at CRMOZ (probation):
- Collaborated on Zoho CRM app implementation projects.
- Effectively communicated with clients and programming team.
- Executed tasks in accordance with project requirements.
None IT
• 2018-Present: Head's assistant of Rivne Regional Public Organization “Committee of Voters of
Ukraine” (responsibilities: PR, analytics, events);
• 2006-2018: Head of the Information Department of Rivne Regional Public Organization
“Committee of Voters of Ukraine”, Editor of newspaper “Point of view. Rivne” and the official
website of the organization (responsibilities: PR, analytics, events);
• 2003-2009: Information editor (Press secretary) of public organization “Drivers Union”
(responsibilities: PR, analytics).

Some Personal/Educational projects
Simple PHP MVC Framework: Simple PHP MVC Framework 2:
https://github.com/sv-dubov/MVC_Framework https://github.com/sv-dubov/MVC_Framework2
Technologies: PHP 7.4, HTML/CSS, MySQL. Technologies: PHP 7.4, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap 4,

Products Filtering System: Todo List REST API App:
https://github.com/sv-dubov/Products-Filtering https://github.com/sv-dubov/Todo-List-REST-API-
Technologies: PHP 7.4, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, PHP
jQuery, Ajax, MySQL. Technologies: PHP 8.1, MySQL.

Simple URL Shortener: User Management System (CRUD without
https://github.com/sv-dubov/Shortly refreshing page):
Technologies: PHP 7.4, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, https://github.com/sv-dubov/Sprint
jQuery, Ajax, MySQL. Technologies: PHP 7.4, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap,
jQuery, Ajax, MySQL.

Posts with Comments and Rating System: Users CRUD CMS with CakePHP:
https://github.com/sv-dubov/Post-Comment-Rate https://github.com/sv-dubov/Users-CakePHP
Technologies: PHP 7.4, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, Technologies: CakePHP 4, MySQL.
jQuery, Ajax, MySQL.

Site “Rivne promises”(Back-end and adaptation of Inventory Management System:
free layout, deploying to hosting, searching and https://github.com/sv-dubov/Inventory_MS
publishing information): Technologies: Laravel (v. 8.64), Vue.js, Bootstrap 4,
https://obitsianky.rv.ua/ MySQL.
Technologies: Laravel (v. 8.12), Bootstrap 3 and 4,
MySQL, jQuery.

Products and users management system: Laravel 8 REST API Example:
Back-end part: https://github.com/sv- https://github.com/sv-dubov/REST_API
dubov/LaravelAdmin Technologies: Laravel (v. 8.40), Bootstrap 4,
Front-end part: https://github.com/sv- MySQL, JavaScript.
Technologies: Laravel (v. 8.40), React.js, MySQL.

Articles with tags and comments app: Posts with categories CRUD (using Laravel Best
https://github.com/sv-dubov/Articles-Test Practices):
Technologies: Laravel (v. 8.75), Vue.js, MySQL. https://github.com/sv-dubov/Laravel9Posts
Technologies: Laravel (v. 9.32), MySQL.

MYBIKE Landing Page: MOYO Catalog Page:
https://sv-dubov.github.io/layout_miami/ https://sv-dubov.github.io/layout_catalog/
Technologies: HTML5, SCSS, Sass, BEM Technologies: HTML5, SCSS, Sass, BEM
methodology. methodology.
Watch: Harder Styles DJanes of DJane Mag Top 200:
https://sv-dubov.github.io/layout_stop-watch/ https://sv-dubov.github.io/Harder-DJanes/
Technologies: HTML5, SCSS, Sass, BEM Technologies: HTML5, CSS, BEM methodology.
Calendar: Catch-Me-If-You-Can Game:
https://sv-dubov.github.io/layout_calendar/ https://sv-dubov.github.io/Catch-Me-If-You-Can/
Technologies: HTML5, SCSS, Sass, BEM Technologies: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript.

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