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Chief of Legal Department, Contract Manager, Senior Lawyer


Контактна інформація

Шукач приховав свої особисті дані, але ви зможете надіслати йому повідомлення або запропонувати вакансію, якщо відкриєте контакти.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Curriculum Vitae
Personal data
Name: Perekhrest Tatyana
Telephone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
e-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Date of birth: 11 of July, 1973
Citizenship: Ukraine
Social status: single

Lawyer, Chief of the legal department, Project Manager, Contract Manager, Senior Legal Consultant, Administrative Assistant/Project Manager, Legal Assistant (Contract Officer), Compliance officer.
Salary about 1000USD net. The level of wages can be discussed.
Diploma: LLM (Taras Shevchenko National University, faculty of law (full-time attendance), qualification «lawyer»).
Specialty: «Jurisprudence»
Specialization: Lawyer in sphere of business law
Year graduation: 1997
Business trainings
Training in
Supreme court of Ukraine:

German Academy of Judges, Supreme Court of Berlin, Financial court of Berlin

Center of Commercial Right

Training course of National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, specialized computer technologies department, program: “Comprehensive automation computer technologies of modern legal paperwork”, Ukraine, Kiev, 28 days.
Visit of Supreme Court of Ukraine delegation with studying purpose, program: «Civil-procedural law, administration-procedural law and jurisdiction of financial cases», in the context of Initiative of Federal President of Germany Roman Gertsog about profound German-Ukrainian legal partnership, under financial support of German Fund of international legal cooperation. Germany. Berlin, 7 days.
Seminar. Topic: «Problems in practical application of commercial (entrepreneurial) right» - «Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu» Company, under financial support of USA Agency of international development. Ukraine (Kiev) – 2 days.
Regional center of business support
Interactive video training «Open system of distance learning and interaction of managers of non commercial internet projects» in the framework of project financed by International Fund “Renaissance” (International Renaissance Foundation).
Ukraine, Kiev – 1 day.


December 2016 - April 2018

Lawyer & Compliance officer (single)

Field of business: Duties and responsibilities:
Pharmaceutical trading
Develop, initiate, maintain, and revise policies and procedures for the general operation of the Compliance Program and its related activities to prevent illegal, unethical, or improper conduct. Manage day-to-day operation of the Program. Develop and periodically reviews and updates Standards of Conduct to ensure continuing currency and relevance in providing guidance to management and employees. Lead or take part in Compliance projects being assigned by the company. Ensure proper reporting of violations or potential violations to duly authorized enforcement agencies as appropriate and/or required. Legal support of commercial trading activity of the company (in UA and USA) and building of the own business center K\Most. Represents the company affiliates in litigation and protects company’s interests during state audits. Drafting / maintenance of corporate documentation, preparation of decisions of the shareholder meeting protocols and minutes/legal support of legal entities registration, reorganization.

December 2004 - December 2020
Physical person - entrepreneur

Lawyer - in house/out house

Field of business:
Legal information, consulting and agency services for legal entities.
Field of business: real estate, construction, trade and delivery of equipment, IT, telecommunications, etc. Leading clients «Viessmann» LLC, «Wilo Ukraine» LLC, «Triumph Development» LLC, «Express Moto Ukraine» LLC etc.

Duties and responsibilities:
Legal support (full time) of commercial trading and other activities in UA, etc.

January 2005 –October 2005
«Media Arts Ukraine» Limited Liability Partnership (FCB MA Ukraine)

Field of business:
Lawyer; Senior lawyer (of advertising companies` group)
Advertising agency

September 2004 – December 2004
«BKS-Capital» Daughter Enterprise
Senior legal adviser
Field of business:
Consulting about juridical, commerce, financial, tax and copyright points

April 2004 –
September 2004
«Center of economic projects URK» Ltd.
Head of legal department of the law company
Field of business:
Consulting about juridical, financial, land, tax and copyright points

September 2002 –
April 2004
«Union of young businessmen of Ukraine» All-Ukrainian Youth Public Organization.
Free-lance assistant of the Member of Parliament of Ukraine – chairmen of subcommittee of Committee of finance and bank activity Khomutinnik V.Y.
Field of business:
Legal support of commercial activity of public youth organization members and youth, participation in realization of Governmental program of youth entrepreneurship support for 2002-2005 years, approved by regulation of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine form 12.04.2002 №536, regional program of development of small-scale entrepreneurship in Kiev for 2003-2004 years, etc.
Head of Law Department
October 2001 –
January 2002
«Bureau of economic development» Private Enterprise
Field of business:
Consulting activity in the field of investments.
Preparation of documents for registration and registration of subjects of commercial activity, work with contracts, preparation of legal conclusions for contracts projects, claims and suits, legal work with objects of intellectual property, legal support of entrepreneurs by solving of conflicts with executive state authorities, etc., consulting of entrepreneurs about legal points.

March 1999 –
October 2001
Supreme Court of Ukraine

Field of business:
Provision of courts activity in justice realization

Senior legal adviser; Acting deputy of Chief of law administration executive – head of department about justice points
Responsibilities :
Preparation and scientific and legal review of projects of international contracts, drawing up of bills of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and Supreme Soviet of Ukraine, laws, codes and other regulatory legal acts about courts activity (justice) and improvement of legislation, organization of carrying out of generalizations of court practice, legal support of economical activity of organization (work with contracts, claims and suits, preparation of court conclusions), court reformation, participation in interdepartmental meetings, round table discussions, negotiations with representatives of another organizations, administrative and regulatory functions by management of activity of Law department.

September 1998 –
January 1999
«Law company «Pilot» Ltd.; «Drozdovich and son» (DC-patent) Ltd.
Field of business:
Legal services
Legal adviser of director
Responsibilities :
Preparation of documents for registration and registration of subjects of commercial activity, work with contracts, preparation of legal conclusions for contracts projects, claims and suits, legal work with objects of intellectual property, legal support of entrepreneurs by solving of conflicts with executive state authorities, etc., consulting of entrepreneurs about legal points.
May 1998 –
August 1998
Subsidiary of Podol branch of joint-stock commercial bank «Ukrsotsbank» in Kiev.

Field of business:
Bank activity

Consultant of 1st category

December 1996 –
May 1998
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
Field of business:
International public and private law
Leading consultant of Administration of international contracts legal examination

Honors and rewards
Diploma of State Committee of Ukraine on the questions of family and youth for substantial contribution in realization of governmental youth policy, high professionalism, devotion to the business and on occasion of celebration of Youth Day.

Pan-Ukrainian specialized magazine for public organizations and charity funds “Perekryostok”
№5 (10), 2000 Heading «Resources NPO. Our consultation»
Consulting article about readers’ question: «Voluntary contributions, grants entered without VAT. Unprofitable organizations pay for purchased goods and received VAT services, but don’t take back its compensation. Practically charity costs are subjected to 20% tax»;

№6 (17), 2002 Heading «Jungles of legislation. Tax consultation»
Topic of article: «Are changes necessary if they are only for the worst? »
In what way changes of Ukrainian Law «About taxation of profit of enterprises” can influence on functioning of unprofitable organizations»;

№7 June-July 2003. Heading «practical pieces of advice for entrepreneurs»
Topics of articles: «How to check legal capacity and financial status of contractor»; «Visit of tax executives. By what regulatory legal acts check-ups are regulated».
№2(11) March 2004 Heading «Consultations»
Topic of article: «Regulation of legal relationship about placing of advertisements in the Internet».

My strong points:
Good knowledge of civil, financial (tax and credit), administrative, international private and public, commercial and corporate right, FATCA, high level of responsibility, orderliness and discipline, diligence, purposefulness, ability to generate new ideas, sociability, tolerance of other people's shortcomings, striving for all-round development (not only to a professional one), etc. I am ready for business trips but business trips shouldn’t take more that 30% of working time. I’m ready to work overtime but one day off in a week is a must.


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