Резюме від 1 травня 2024 Файл


Викладач англійської

25 років

Контактна інформація

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Zain Ul Abideen Malik
Technical Sales Executive


Berlin, 12247 Germany
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Teamwork and Collaboration
Active Listening
Good Telephone Etiquette
Written Communication
Planning and Coordination
Routine inspections
Organization and Time Management



To seek and maintain full-time position that offers professional challenges utilizing interpersonal skills, excellent time management and problem-solving skills. Organized and dependable candidate successful at managing multiple priorities with a positive attitude. Willingness to take on added responsibilities to meet team goals. Hardworking and passionate job seeker with strong organizational skills eager to secure entry-level position. Ready to help team achieve company goals.

Work History

2021-04 - Current

Telecom Executive
Technical Sales Executive
Communicated effectively with vendors to determine pricing and technical specifications for available hardware, software and services.
Increased revenue by implementing effective sales strategies in sales cycle process from prospecting leads through close.
Analyzed past sales data and team performance to develop realistic sales goals.
Executed local, regional and national marketing and branding initiatives to drive sales within existing and prospective accounts.
Evaluated costs against expected market price points and set structures to achieve profit targets.
Maintained detailed records of sales progress, inventories and marketing success to better align goals with company priorities.
Directed sales support staff in administrative tasks to help sales reps close deals.
Researched sales opportunities and possible leads to exceed sales goals and increase profits.
Achieved sales goals and service targets by cultivating and securing new customer relationships.
Grew sales and boosted profits, applying proactive management strategies and enhancing sales training.
Remained current on industry trends to better understand customer needs, product effectiveness and sales tactics.

2015-03 - Current

President/Trustee Administrator
Zain Welfare Trust, Islamabad
President / Trustee
Zain Welfare Trust
Performing my duties as an Ambassador for the Trust. I also help to tell people about the important work we do to educate the poor orphans and those can't afford fee to get modern education. Providing help to poor patient's, widows etc
Developed overall yearly curriculum for teaching English-language learners based on school and national requirements.
Delivered instruction in language arts encompassing reading, grammar, composition and literature, working with teachers in other subjects to integrate skills across curriculum.
Developed teaching materials to supplement standard curriculum, enhancing learning concepts and promoting student engagement.
Implemented innovative teaching approaches for special needs students to meet requirements of individualized education plans.
Teamed with other faculty members and parents to outline IEPs for gifted, talented and special education students, addressing diverse teaching approaches for special learning requirements.
Planned and implemented lessons to positively increase vocabulary and sentence structure skills.

2021-05 - 2021-10

Call Center Customer Service Representative
Bitcoin Finacial firm , Kyiv
Responded to customer comments and questions via LiveChat during shifts.
Resolved concerns with products or services to help with retention and drive sales.
Performed various clerical duties by filing and faxing documents and creating customer databases.
Answered over 200 calls per shift to meet fast-paced call center demands.
Detailed payment options and explained price, receipt and billing details to customers.
Helped large volume of customers every day with positive attitude and focus on customer satisfaction.
Educated customers on current promotions, upgrades or new offerings available under current plan.

2020-09 - 2021-02

Native English Teacher
Kyrgyz National Agrarian University University, Bishkek
Developed and implemented full English curriculum to meet school mission and goals.
Developed teaching materials to supplement standard curriculum, enhancing learning concepts and promoting student engagement.
Implemented innovative teaching approaches for special needs students to meet requirements of individualized education plans.
Created hands-on curriculum to promote student interest and receptive learning.
Used SCANTRON answer sheets and electronic marking devices to grade and compute homework and tests.
Tutored and assisted students to help with English language comprehension and mastery.

2020-07 - 2021-02

English Language Teacher
Erudite school Kyrgyzstan , Bishkek
Developed overall yearly curriculum for teaching English-language learners based on school and national requirements.
Delivered instruction in language arts encompassing reading, grammar, composition and literature, working with teachers in other subjects to integrate skills across curriculum.
Developed teaching materials to supplement standard curriculum, enhancing learning concepts and promoting student engagement.
Implemented innovative teaching approaches for special needs students to meet requirements of individualized education plans.
Teamed with other faculty members and parents to outline IEPs for gifted, talented and special education students, addressing diverse teaching approaches for special learning requirements.
Launched focused writing program for students enrolled in AP courses to teach advanced composition in preparation for college composition classes.
Planned and implemented lessons to positively increase vocabulary and sentence structure skills.

2020-07 - 2021-01

Native English Teacher
Be free , Bishkek
Facilitated learning of English language using variety of instructional methods, resources and technological tools.
Created reading lists with materials to promote student comprehension of written English.
Assigned and lectured on great works of English literature to develop students' reading comprehension and cultural literacy,
Promoted student's comprehension of English script by assigning and lecturing on notable works of English literature.
Held culture and theme days to show country culture and language history.
Held theme days focused on various Enghlish speaking countries to promote cultural literacy in students.

2015-04 - 2018-08

English Teacher
Academy SkyLark School System, Islamabad
Prepared and implemented lesson plans covering required course topics.
Administered assessments and standardized tests to evaluate student progress.
Utilized multimedia strategies and technology to convey information in fresh and interesting ways.
Kept classroom organized, clean and safe for students and visitors.
Planned coursework to introduce students to important literature.
Coordinated activities to encourage interest in reading.
Established appropriate deadlines and provided complete instructions for reading assignment and homework.


2019-02 - Current

M.D.: Medicine
International European University - Ukraine


Pet Care
Perfume Collection

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