Резюме від 16 червня 2023 Файл


Sound designer

33 роки
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Контактна інформація

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Philip Sivitsky
Sound Designer, Music Composer.
DOB: 11/Mar/1991
Languages: Russian, English(intermediate)
Place of residence: Poland, Warszawa
E-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Mobile phone:
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Experienced sound designer and music composer. I have many years of experience in the field of sound
design (13 years), ranging from film and TV projects, ending the game industry. Since childhood I love to
play computer games. And at some point in my career I realized that the sound design in the gaming
industry - my vocation. In the last 4 years I have dedicated myself to work in this field, to gain experience
in a team of professionals in the implementation of projects of gaming (casino slot games, mobile casino,
casual games). But I want to grow as a professional on and participate in larger projects.

Technical Skills:
Sound design and implementation;
Dialogue/VO editing and post-processing;
Audio processing and mixing;
Field recording;
Composing music in various genres;
Project management, budget evaluation and scheduling;

Software: Fmod Designer, Steinberg Cubase, Waves, iZotope ,Sound Forge, Vegas Video, Reason,
Wwise(basic), Fmod Studio(basic), Unity(basic)
Work Experience Game Dev :
Sound Designer, Music Composer June 2020 – January 2023
Belka games (Poland)
Clockmaker, Cruise solitaire

Sound design;
Audio editing and post-processing;
Composing music in various genres.

Sound Designer, Music Composer August 2021 – May 2022
Bgaming studio (Belarus)
Casino slot games

Sound design;
Audio editing and post-processing;
Composing music in various genres.

Sound Designer June 2021 – December 2021
Plarium global ltd (Ukraine)
Mech Arena, Raid : Shadow of Legends

Sound production for marketing videos(cinematic, TV commercials, ads and etc);
Audio editing and post-processing; Voice over editing; Music editing

Sound Designer, Music Composer July 2020 – May 2022

Glera games, Stark games (Lithuania, Belarus)

Casual games

Riddle road – sound design, music tunes and additional music.
Pool clash – sound design, music accents
Elochka (social) – sound design, music

Sound Designer, Music Composer September 2019 – August 2021
Onseo studio (Ukraine)
Casino slot games

Sound design;
Audio editing and post-processing;
Composing music in various genres.
Sound Designer, Music Composer July 2017 – September 2019
@ Skywindgroup (Belarus, Israel)
Casino slot games
Sound design;
Audio editing and post-processing;
Composing music in various genres.

Freelance Sound Designer, Music Composer August 2015 – July 2017
@ iFuture, Codeworks, My Town Games Ltd, Onseo (Belarus, Israel, Ukraine) Casino applications
for PC, Games for Kids.
Project management: organizing and supervising the whole process of creating audio assets for computer
Budget evaluation and scheduling;
Sound design;
Audio editing and post-processing;
Composing music in various genres.

Sound Designer, Music Composer September 2012 – August 2015.
@ JVL Corporation (Minsk, Belarus; Markham, Canada ).
Casino slot games.
Sound design and implementation;
Audio editing and post-processing;
Composing music in various genres.

Freelance Sound Designer, September 2010 – September 2012.
@ NovaIdeas (Minsk, Belarus).
Casino slot game, Casual Games (PC, Android, iOS),
Sound design
Composing music in various genres; Audio
editing and post-processing.

Freelance Sound Designer, September 2010 – September 2012.
@ Playtika (Minsk, Belarus).
Casino slot game, Casual Games (PC, Android, iOS),
Sound design
Composing music in various genres;
Audio editing and post-processing.
Feature Films :

Assistant to the sound Producer, July 2011
@ Belarusfilm(Minsk, Belarus).
The 8th serial television movie “Department of the USSR”
Laying background and field recording
Boom operator

Assistant to the sound Producer, January 2011
@ Belarusfilm(Minsk, Belarus).
The 4th serial television movie “All that is necessary for us…”
Laying background and field recording
Boom operator

Assistant to the sound Producer, October 2010
@ Belarusfilm(Minsk, Belarus).
The 4th serial television movie “Silent center”
Laying background and field recording

Assistant to the sound Producer of Re-recording, August 2010
@ Belarusfilm, Art Cinema Group(Minsk, Belarus).
Television movie film version “Sniper. Punishment weapon”
Sound Design

Assistant to the sound Producer, May 2010
@ Belarusfilm(Minsk, Belarus).
The 4th serial television movie “Hunting illusion”
Sound Design

Assistant to the sound Producer, December 2010
@ Belarusfilm, (Minsk, Belarus).
Television movie film version “Attempt”

Assistant to the sound Producer, October 2010
@ Belarusfilm, (Minsk, Belarus).
Feature film “Wolves”
Documentary Films :

Sound Producer, June 2013
@ T.R.O union channel, (Minsk, Belarus – Moscow, Russia).
The 6th serial television movie “Holidays in History. Cossacks”
Sound Design
Music Editing

Sound Producer, March 2013
@ T.R.O union channel, (Minsk, Belarus – Moscow, Russia).
The 6th serial television movie “Holidays in History. 1812”
Sound Design
Music Editing

Sound Designer, December 2012
@ T.R.O union channel, (Minsk, Belarus – Moscow, Russia).
The television movie “Albert Veinik Attraction”
Won a prize at New York Television & Film Awards
Sound Design

Sound Designer, October 2012
@ T.R.O union channel, (Minsk, Belarus – Moscow, Russia).
The television movie “5th Element”
Sound Design

Additional Experience :

Sound Design Challenge June 2013
@ Gamebox.ru, Moscow film school (Moscow, Russia
Second prize in the Sound Design Challenge

Music Composer May 2014
@ HL-Movie (Worldwive)
Fun made movie “Half-Life : Downfall of Evolution”

Sound Designer
@ Sound re-design for Motion graphic, Game trailers

Education :
Belarussian State Academy of Arts
Sound engineering Film and Television 2009-2014
Hobbies and Interests :
Field recording, music composing, walking, playing computer games, sound design in games, sport, airsoft,
opening new horizons, challenges.

Social Networks :

LinkedIn : [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/phil-sivitsky

Vimeo : https://www.vimeo.com/philsiv

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати

Композитор, музикант, аранжувальник, саундпродюсер
25000 грн, Дистанційно, Київ

Звукорежисер, музикант
Дистанційно, Київ

Ведучий ефіру, звукорежисер, брендвойс
25000 грн, Дистанційно, Запоріжжя

Sound Designer
20000 грн, Дистанційно

Sound design, soundengineer, music producer, classical pianist
Дистанційно, Одеса

Promo DJ, Music Coacher, Contract Artist
18000 грн, Дистанційно, Дніпро , ще 4 міста

Усі схожі кандидати

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