Резюме від 12 квітня 2024 Файл


Project manager

36 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Кременчук

Контактна інформація

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Rakovsky Bohdan Valerievich

Receiving a position in your company for the position of geodata technician, mine or land surveyor

Personal data
Date of birth: 03/07/1988
Age: 34 years old
Place of birth: Ukraine, Poltava region, Kremenchuk
Marital status: married, has a child
Address: Ukraine, Poltava region, Horishny Plavni
Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)/ [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Skype: retro720
E-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
1995-2005 Secondary education (secondary school No. 22, Kremenchuk), certificate with honors

Additional education
2005-2010 Kremenchug National University named after M. Ostrogradsky
Specialty "Land management and cadastre", diploma of specialist in geodesy land management and

2010-2014 Kremenchug National University named after M. Ostrogradsky,
Specialty "Jurisprudence", bachelor's degree

2014-2015 Kyiv National Trade and Economic University, Faculty of Economics, Management and Law,
specialty "Commercial Law", Master's degree with honour


2014-2023 a precinct mine surveyor at a mine in the open pit of JSC Poltava Mining and Processing Plant
(FERREXPO Poltava Mining). Responsibilities: performance of survey work and calculations for the
creation of a backbone network, surveys and measurements of mine workings, cameral processing of
survey materials, linking projects of mine workings, structures, trails and other facilities to local
conditions and transferring them to nature, preparing documentation and materials for Technical
calculations of blasting operations, management of technicians-mine surveyors and workers in mine
surveying. The composition of my job duties includes surveying work in the calculation of reserves,
accounting for losses and dilution of minerals, observations of deformations of the earth's surface,
buildings and structures in the work areas, observations of the stability of the pits of quarries, dumps,
hydro dumps, sludge and tailings, Earth surface, buildings, structures, natural and other objects from the
harmful influence of mining operations, as well as mine survey work at mines of various types of
breakdown, periodic surveys and other types of surveying and surveying measurements in order to
control the correctness of production of construction, installation and mining operations in accordance
with With projects; Survey to reflect on the plans for current changes, to determine the amount of
excavation work, to reconstruct railways and highways and to provide other ongoing work; Monitoring
of deformation of the earth's surface in mining areas, monitoring the draft of buildings and structures in
the process of their construction and operation, calculating the volumes of the extracted rocks,
providing drilling and blasting operations: preparation of graphic documentation for drafting drilling and
blasting operations; Creation of a basis for the transfer of the design position of blasting into nature at
the site of work. Also, shooting of external dumps of overburden was performed, shooting of mine
workings. I perform the determination and accounting of the volumes of overburden, the extraction of
mineral resources taking into account the maximum use of the parameters of mining and transport
equipment, monitor the volumes of mining performed, create a network of strong points and survey
evidence, and monitor the accuracy (in accordance with the development project and development plan
Mining, other technical documentation) of mining. I perform photogrammetric surveys on a DJI Matrice
210 RTK V2 quadcopter with their subsequent processing in Pix4D software.

2013-2014 engineer of the 2nd category bureau of completion of auxiliary materials of the capital
construction department of construction management. Preparation, execution and conclusion of
contracts for the purchase of materials and equipment, work with contractors, control over the
implementation of contractual obligations.

2012 engineer of the 2nd category of the bureau of the equipment of power and mechanical equipment
of the department of capital construction of the construction management. Preparation, execution and
conclusion of contracts for the purchase of equipment.

2011 engineer-technologist of the third category of the Bureau of Preparation of Construction of the
Department of Capital Construction of PJSC "KVSZ" Conducting contractual activities for construction
and installation works, execution, approval, signing and control over the performance of contractual
obligations, work with contractors.

2010 trainee of the leading design engineer of the expert examination group and cadastre of the capital
construction department. Studying and conducting a contractual campaign when preparing technical
documentation for the land plots of PJSC "KVSZ", preparing contracts for design and survey work,
registration of property rights for construction sites.

2009-2010 Land surveyor State Enterprise "Center of State Land Cadastre"

Professional achievements
• Successfully completed training in the framework of the seminar "Geomechanical justification of the
stability of the sides of the quarry"(2014)
• Participant of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Geodesy(2010)
• I was awarded the certificate "Best in Profession" for 2013, as well as a certificate for active work and
professional skills on the day of the 145th anniversary of PJSC "KVSZ" (Public Joint Stock Company
"Kryukov Carriage Works") in 2014

Knowledge of languages
• English (Upper-Intermediate), Russian (Proficiency), Ukrainian (Proficiency)

Computer and office equipment skills
• Advanced PC user
• Knowledge of operating systems MS Windows, GNU\linux, MacOS X; office applications: MS Office,
Open Office; CAD - AutoCAD, LabView. There are skills in the ACS "Value Movement System" (based on
1C-Accounting), CAD "K-mine" (Krivbassacademinvest), CAD "GEOVIA SURPAC" for open-pit mining. I
have experience with QGIS software, Leica Infinity.
• I perform photogrammetric surveys on a DJI Matrice 210 RTK V2 quadcopter with their subsequent
processing in Pix4D software
• Have experience with Topcon total stations, as well as Leica Viva GNSS - the most versatile system of
geodetic satellite receivers.

Hobbies and interests
• Sports, cycling, computers (setting up, maintenance), law, philosophy. I do not smoke, drinks or drugs.

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати

Project Manager
Дистанційно, Інші країни


Менеджер проєктів, асистент МП

Менеджер проєктів

Менеджер проєктів
50000 грн, Дистанційно, Львів

Руководитель проектной группы, ведущий архитектор
30000 грн, Дистанційно, Одеса

Усі схожі кандидати

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