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Контактна інформація

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Dmytro Kasianenko

Mobile phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
E-Mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Kyiv, Ukraine

Profile Summary:
Master of Arts (USA) educated professional with over two decades of practice in global companies (Telenor, Norway) and international organizations (United Nations).
Strong expertise in copywriting, content creation, and crafting SEO-driven texts.
With a passion for bringing value to my customers, I write engaging narratives encompassing academic and commercial texts, blogs, social media posts, product listings, and articles on a variety of topics.
Work experience:


April 2023 – present

• Writing & re-writing commercial SEO texts.
• Writing academic texts (term paper, essay).
• Preparing and editing product listings.
• Editing and proofreading texts.
• Work with various digital tools and applications (Grammarly, Quillbot, ChatGPT).

September 2020 – February 2023
• Writing, re-writing, editing and proofreading articles, SEO texts, social media posts, and blogs on various topics including education, marketing, technology, science, psychology, etc.
• Work with various digital tools and applications (Grammarly, Hemingway, Copyscape, Quillbot).
Freelance Writer, Translator, Voice Artist
January 2017 – present
• Writing academic texts, editing and proofreading.
• Working on commercial landing pages & product listings.
• English language translations.
• YouTube videos voice-over.

Senior Adviser - Strategic Workforce Planning
in Talent Management team, People Development, Telenor ASA, Telenor Group
June 2012 – December 2016
Management of Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP) process – a systemic approach that ensures the business has the right people, in the right places, at the right time, and at the right costs:
• working with leaders to understand long-term business priorities;
• performing internal and external labor market research;
• segmenting the workforce into job families and critical roles;
• workforce analytics for the business and HR;
• advanced SWP techniques: scenario planning, workforce demand and supply forecasting, risk management;
• managing talent and expert pools.

Employee Survey Project Manager
in People Processes team, People & Organization, Telenor ASA, Telenor Group

January 2010 – June 2012
• Managed the Employee Engagement survey in Telenor Group: across 19 companies and legal entities in Europe and Asia. Responsibilities: vendor management, budgeting, development of the questionnaire, leading survey community, development and delivery of training programs, survey results analysis and internal presentations, team workshops facilitation.
• Member of various projects and processes in People & Organization including strategic workforce planning, performance management, talent management, IT & collaboration systems, etc.


Organizational Development Manager, Employee Relations Unit, HR Division, JSC “Kyivstar G.S.M.”

March 2006 – December 2010
• Managed the Employee Engagement survey. Responsibilities: planning, budgeting, cooperation with Telenor, vendor relations, development of an IT tool for action planning, PR campaign planning and execution, survey data analysis and presentations, and management of regional HR coordinators.
• Implemented the “Stars of Kyivstar” contest – nomination of the best employees of the year. In particular: I developed the contest concept and rollout plan, statistical evaluation method and tool, conducted a communication campaign, and coordinated contest activities in regional offices.
• Implemented the Way of Work (WoW) project – enhanced collaboration by means of IT technologies: promoted WoW applications, coordinated the work of local IT specialists, trained employees in using new technologies.
• Adviser in employee performance system: assessment of all employees on an annual and quarterly basis, launch of performance assessment based on competencies system, leadership and top talents development, etc.
• Co-managed the change project on corporate values: complete values review and update, development of relevant internal communications and employee workshops, conducted employee opinion surveys, etc.
• Maintained job descriptions for top and line managers.


Department of Strategic Management and Organizational Development, JSC “Kyivstar G.S.M.”
March 2004 – February 2006
• Business plans methodology & process management. Prepared business plan methodology for various organizational units up to the regional branch level. Implemented a balanced scorecard.
• Launched the first Employee Engagement survey.
• Lead projects and activities shared with Telenor in the sphere of organizational development (OD): employee assessment and development, corporate and leadership values implementation, and Codes of Conduct.


Analyst at UNDP, the United Nations Organization in Ukraine
November 2002 – March 2004
Member of Human Development and Good Governance Project – a principle project of UNDP. Co-author of the “National Human Development Report 2003: “The Power of Decentralization”: efficiency of state governance in Ukraine, anti-corruption, economic development, national health, education, environmental and gender challenges, efficiency of local budgeting:
• Data analysis for economic and social content of NHDR 2003.
• Maintained contacts with over 150 national non-governmental organizations. Worked with American consultants. Organized internal workshops in UNDP.
• Lead negotiations in several State Ministries of Ukraine. Promoted UNDP work in the Parliament of Ukraine.

1. Master of Arts in International and Area Studies at Brigham Young University, USA, Provo (August 2001 – August 2002). Major: International and Area Studies with a focus on economics and statistics.
• Won a Scholarship to conduct research on MA thesis at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (May – June 2002).
• International Group leader at the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies of the University (January – April 2002). Planned and fulfilled cultural and social activities for peer students.

2. Master of Arts in International Information Relations, Degree of English Language Translator at the Institute of International Relations, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kiev (August 1996 – July 2001). Major: Public Relations.

Major trainings, master classes, conferences
1. Strategic Workforce Planning Academy – by The Conference Board: Stacy Chapman, Mary B. Young (Brussels, April-December 2012);
2. Master class: “Strategic Human Resource Management” – prof. Paul Evans (Moscow, 02.2007);
3. Speaker at HR conference: “Personnel motivation: strategy, tactics, and instruments”. (Kiev, 12.2006);
4. Facilitator: “Efficient Facilitation Techniques”, by Telenor (Budapest, 10.2005);
5. Other corporate training: “Personal brand or career in WOW style”; “Effective Business Presentation”; “Corporate Culture and Internal PR”; “Elaborating Corporate Strategy on Public Relations”.

Academic practice
1. Internship at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Responsible for PR assistance to ministerial Press Service: inter-ministerial communication, correspondence with Ukrainian embassies abroad (January – June 2001);
2. Internship in Lisbon, Portugal: PR support to Ukrainian exposition at EXPO’98, an assistant guide to the President of Portugal, Jorge Sampaio, during his visit to the Ukrainian exposition (September 1998).

Language skills: Fluent in Ukrainian (native), Russian (native) and English languages, Norwegian language – beginner level.

Personal references: available upon request

Схожі кандидати

Копірайтер, автор технічних текстів
40000 грн, Київ

Копірайтер, перекладач

Копірайтер, коректор
30000 грн, Київ, Дистанційно

Київ, Дистанційно


Контент-менеджер, копирайтер
Київ, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

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