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Резюме от 15 марта 2024 Файл


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Korliakova Iryna

Personal data: 21.05.1972, married

Contacts: Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
e-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Languages: Ukrainian (native), English (Intermediate),
Russian (perfectly), Italian (A2)

Link to Facebook page: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Readiness for business trips: yes

Trainer; facilitator; mediator, community mobilization specialist; project manager, representative
of the women's dialogue platform for analytical work in the field of security, peace and social


12.2022 – currently - Case Management Coordinator in the Central Office Area of the
International organization “Save The Children”
12.2020 – 12.2022 - Svatove Deputy Mayor on the activities of the executive bodies of the City
Council (on social and humanitarian issues)

● ensuring the organization of timely and high-quality execution of administrative and official
documents of all levels, which in particular in accordance with current legislation or the
resolution defined by the control;
● chairmanship and participation in the work of commissions, advisory, consultative and other
subsidiary bodies formed under the mayor and the executive body of the city council;
● organization and execution of decisions of council, executive committee, orders and
instructions of the mayor (as appropriate);
● organization and work of executive bodies of council on other directions of activity on behalf
of the mayor;
● preparation of program’s projects of social, economic and cultural development of the city,
target programs on health care, other questions;
● establishing effective humanitarian activities, including combating domestic and gender- based
● implementation of measures to facilitate the organization of public hearings in the city;
● support for interaction between local governments, public administration and local NGOs;
● coordination of «Youth leadership development»

11.2022 – founder, head of the NGO “Slobozhanshyna’s Women’s Unity”
Link to Facebook page: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

02.2019 – 06.2021. co-founder, head of the NGO «Luganochki»
Link to Facebook page: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

20.06.2021 – 10.2022. Deputy head of the NGO «Luganochki»

● creating and maintaining projects (control over deadlines, budgets, coordination of project team
work, writing and submitting reports);
● supporting for interaction between local governments, public administration and local NGOs;
● monitoring and evaluation of the organization's activities, conducting trainings; promoting
human rights and gender equality:
combating domestic and gender-based violence;
○ violence against children;
○ combating human trafficking;
○ negotiations;
○ women's and youth leadership;
○ on conflict transformation and peacebuilding;
● organization events, trainings, forums, conferences, ets.

2021 – Member of the Council of Advisers on Social Unity at the UN RPP.

2020 – Regional representative of the Ukrainian women's Congress.

04.2019 – 12.2020. Mobilizer of communities in Svatove district of Luhansk region in The
International Charitable Foundation «Ukrainian Women's in the framework of a joint UNDP and
UN project «Restoration of governance in the crisis-affected territories of Ukraine» Foundation»
(component 4 “Community mobilization for capacity building”).

● support and assistance in project implementation and provision of necessary communications
in communities;
● coordination of self-help groups;
● organization of events and trainings, technical support of project beneficiaries in
● data collection and analysis, preparation of regular reports.

08.2019 – currently. Representative of the regional network of "mediators", which brings together
conflict resolution specialists from Luhansk and Donetsk regions in the "pilot" experiment
"Implementation of effective conflict resolution practices through the creation of a permanent
geographic information system for monitoring, analysis, assessment and resolution of conflicts."
The experiment is conducted within the framework of the United Nations Peacebuilding and
Reconstruction Program. I organize and hold dialogue meetings on resolving social conflicts.

2019 – 2022 Member of the IDP Coordination Council at the Luhansk State Administration.

2018 – 2020 Director of the Private Agricultural Company «Mriya» (Svatove).

2001 – 2014 private entrepreneur (Luhansk);

1996 – 2001 English teacher of the secondary school № 6 in Luhansk.

1989 – 1994. Luhansk State Pedagogical Institute named after Taras Shevchenko University of
Eastern Ukraine, Faculty of Philology, speciality – Russian language and literature.

1994 – 1997. Luhansk State Pedagogical Institute named after Taras Shevchenko University of
Eastern Ukraine, Faculty of Philology, speciality – Russian language and literature, English.

2021 – 2022. “Institute of Public Administration” Kharkiv National University. V.N.Karazin
educational level "Master" in specialty - "Public Administration"
2022 – entered postgraduate school of the Institute of Public Administration Kharkiv National
University. V.N.Karazin in specialty - "Public Administration"

Additional education:
● Simon Forrester's trainings on gender equality and community mobilization for
● CEASC training “Project writing. EU funds”;
● Training of United Nations Peacebuilding and Reconstruction Program (UN RPP);
● Training Influence Group Training Human Rights-Based Approach: Key Theses.
● Advocacy. Tools of local advocacy. Examples of successful advocacy campaigns”;
● Training course on conflict management and inclusion in local communities of the NGO
● Online course of the European space "Financial Management";
● CEASC online course "Development of individual professional and scientific careers using
grant instruments of the European Commission";
● Online course “How to effectively plan and conduct a dialogue”;
● Training “Influence Group” “Local Advocacy for IDPs”;
● "Prevention of domestic violence and provision of social and psychological assistance to
victims of domestic and gender-based violence";
● Distance course "All together: Involvement of public activists in the system of early response
to cases of domestic violence in communities";
● training "Women's Rights and Gender Equality";
● Business Planning - as a step towards attracting;

2019 – 2020
● "Professionalization in the field of peaceful methods of conflict resolution. Standards and
Ethics at Work”,
● UN Peacebuilding Program online training Mediation. Basic course (90 hours) Center for
Law and Mediation, Kharkiv;
● training program "Business in turbulent times";
● online training "Tools for effective remote work in the conditions of COVID-19 for
intermediaries of the Geoinformation System for Monitoring, Assessment and Conflict
Resolution (GISMAOVK)".
● Participant of the III Studies of Women's Political Interaction

2020 - 2021
● Project Democratic Governance in Eastern Ukraine “Women in Local Self-Government II”;

● Online-training Equal Opportunities Policy on the ground: issues, directions, tools
(“Ukrainian Women’s Congress”);
● Online-training “Policy of equality and inclusiveness” (“Ukrainian Women’s Congress”);
● Online-training “Gender-oriented budgeting at the local level” (“Ukrainian Women’s
● “Support to executive bodies and local governments in Ukraine in the implementation of the
State Strategy for Regional Development for 2021-2027 in the field of development and
revitalization of urban areas”;
● Online-training “National Action Plan “Women, Peace, Security”: what is the role of
communities?” (“Ukrainian Women’s Congress”);
● Online training “Combating violence against women and domestic violence and the Istanbul
Convention: myths and facts”;
● Participant of the V Ukrainian Women’s Congress (Kyiv);
● Participant in the seminar in Hungary “Social work in the modern world”.


● Entered Wen-Do Training Academy (Krakow, Poland);
● Training on humanitarian law and humanitarian cooperation;
● Tools for involving the public in making management decisions in local self-government
bodies of Ukraine

● Completed a course in Hostile Environment Awareness Training & Basic Life Support
● Completed the training in Child Protection& Cash and Voucher Assistance (The ALLIANCE
for child protection in humanitarian action and Global Protection Cluster)
● Silver Parenting without Violence workshop (Save the Children)
● Inter-Agency Child Protection Case Management training (UNHCR, Save the Children,
Ukraine Child Protection AoR)
● OSCE/ODIHR two-day training on Addressing human trafficking risks in light of military
attack on Ukraine: Training for civil society and frontline responders. (Warsaw, Poland)
● Completed Training of Trainers Sexual violence linked to war providing comprehensive
support to victims ( La-Strada – Ukraine)
● Completed the training Case Management Training of Trainers (UNHCR, Save the Children,
Ukraine Child Protection AoR)
● Completed the training Case Management Coaching and Supervision Training (UNHCR, Save
the Children, Ukraine Child Protection AoR)

Additional information:
● 9 years of public activity, starting from September 2014, as a volunteer;
● knowledge and experience in the area of conflict mediation, facilitation of dialogues,
● working experience with representatives of vulnerable groups.
● practical experience of coaching;
● experience in organizing public events, press conferences, round tables, conferences;
● experience in NGO finance and governance;
● experience in local government;
● experienced PC user, working in MS Office, MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point, Outlook
● driver's license (category В).

Personal skills:
Ability to work with a large amount of information; sociability; responsibility; positivity;
discipline; psychological stability; ability to learn; focus on results and continuous improvement.

• Ability to work in emergency contexts
• Excellent knowledge of the Project Cycle Management tools
• Ability to work quickly, under pressure, and with short deadlines
• Necessity to manage priorities and to adapt them daily according to the context
• Flexibility to adapt to changing requirements
• Cultural sensitivity and ability to work in a multi-cultural environment
• Ability to listen and share decisions
• Ability to communicate effectively with contacts from various organizations and agencies
• Team player
• Excellent level of English
• Office pack proficient user level
• Experience of using participatory approach
• Ability to adhere to requirements for confidentiality of records.
• Ability to prioritize and work with short deadlines.
• Ability to concentrate for lengthy periods and perform accurately with adequate speed
• Ability to work both independently and within a team environment.
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
• Cultural sensitivity and ability to work in a multi-cultural environment.
• Facilitation skills desirable.
• Ability to listen and share ideas and opinions
• Excellent writing skills
• Team player

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