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Резюме от 18 мая 2023 PRO


Customer support representative, sales manager

Полная занятость.
21 год
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Ровно, Удаленно

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон, эл. почту и адрес.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Опыт работы

Sales manager

с 05.2021 по 07.2022 (1 год 2 месяца)
NTK Store, Острог (Роздрібна торгівля)

For over seven months, I`ve been working as a product researcher and sales manager in a small dropshipping store. I had to constantly look for products that could bring good revenue. To do that, I had to analyze the marketplace, look for popular buzzwords, make out what marketing techniques are used for promoting products, and later implement them in the shop where I was working. To achieve this, I attended quite a few webinars on SMM. I had to understand what products people are most interested in, analyze whether the brand of that product allows small businesses to sell it. The most commonly used software was Excel, where I worked with margin, product lists, etc. This job taught me to how to multi-task, take care of many different processes at the same time, stay persistent and keep pushing even when things are not looking bright.

Logistics manager and customer support

с 05.2021 по 07.2022 (1 год 2 месяца)
NTK Store, Острог (Роздрібна торгівля)

As a logistician, my main tasks included finding a manufacturer and a transporting company that would be willing to perform delivery for a reasonable cost. Besides, I constantly had to stay updated on the status of deliveries so that there would be no late deliveries and unprecedented situations, like damaged or even lost products. This experience helped me become pertinent and succinct since I often had to negotiate with shipping companies about various topics. I had to do a lot of troubleshooting whether these were customer related problems, careless delivery by delivery service which lead to damage of product. Besides that, I had to help improve our company`s software, enhance it with the feedback from other employees which required a lot of effort and persistence. By doing that it helped me become a more confident power user ready for new challenges. At times I was in the mix of numerous tasks, on the one side I was handling a call which required immediate solution, but at the same time I had to direct a driver having troubles navigating through a city.


Національний університет "Острозька Академія"

Romance and Germanic Languages, Острог
Неоконченное высшее, с 2019 по 2022 (3 года)

Currently I`m studying at the department of Romance and Germanic languages which main specialization are languages in particular English and German. This education helped me improve all of my skills and become a fluent speaker able of speaking and dealing with native speakers from different countries.

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

Основи усного перекладу

2020, 1.5 місяці

Google IT Support

2022 28.08.22-25.12.22

Знание языков

  • Английский — продвинутый
  • Немецкий — начинающий

Дополнительная информация

If to speak about my hobbies, they mainly have to do with sports, it can be going to the gym, playing basketball, going cycling etc. Talking about my interests I would say that I enjoy improving my language skills, finding some new words, fixing up my mistakes, communicating with people, getting to know their interests. Besides, I adore working with computers, software, replacing hardware, if necessary cleaning it up. Since early age I have been a defacto IT specialist for my family members which transitioned to school where I was the head of a computer class where we did all kinds of activities with PC and its` hardware.
Speaking of my qualities, I`m a highly responsible and hard-working person who is ready to deal with challenges, setbacks, discover and learn new things even if it means going out of my comfort zone. If someone entrusts me with a job, I will try to do my best to prove that I was the right person for this job. Also, I am a good team player who loves working in a team since it increases efficiency and helps reach the best result. Moreover, I am quite stress-resistant having worked at a small dropshipping shop on Amazon I learned to handle rude, bossy, and impolite customers. What is even more, I`m good at noticing small details that often get overlooked, and adapting to new working conditions.

Похожие кандидаты

Sales manager, customer support representative, dispatcher
30000 грн, Удаленно

Sales manager, Customer support representative (Logistics)
18000 грн, Удаленно

Logistics manager, Sales, Customer Support Representative
30000 грн, Винница, Удаленно

Sales Manager, Customer support, Call Agent

Sales Manager, Customer Support Representative
Другие страны, Удаленно

Customer support representative, Sales Manager
42000 грн, Удаленно

Все похожие кандидаты

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