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CEO, Medical director, CRA


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United Kingdom/Ukraine

Sergii Rybalchenko
MD, neurooncologist

Employment History
State Institution "Research-Practical Centre of Endovascular Neuroradiosurgery of the Medical Academy of
Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine – 2002 – Dec2021

Chief Medical Officer– 2018 – Dec2021

Head of the Department of Neuro-Oncology – 2005 - 2018
• Manage the work of the following Departments: Neurosurgery, Vascular Surgery and Diagnostic department
• Perform surgeries and surgical procedures ("direct" neuro-oncological and endovascular surgery, including the
techniques of microsurgeries) according to the patients` needs/diagnosis
• Correction of the treatment plans, assessment of the results of diagnostic tests (lab data, MRI, CT scans and PET
scans, etc.), ensuring patients receive the highest standard of medical care
• Overseeing the daily operations of a hospital/health facility
• Responsible for hiring, coaching and mentoring medical/non-medical staff. Initiate, plan and implement
appropriate staff development and disciplinary programs
• Implement strategies to achieve the divisions' productivity goals
• Maintain and further develop facilities and processes relevant to the hospital
• Act as contact for local regulatory authorities

Medical Adviser– 2010 - 2021
• Acting as a Medical Adviser in the clinical trials (psychiatry, neuro-ONC)
• Accountable for the medical oversight of the clinical trials from the site side during the study conduct,
• Provide medical review of data listings for Adverse Events, Concomitant Medications, Medical History, eligibility
criteria, protocol deviations, labs, vitals, ECGs and RECIST criteria, other study-specific data, and patient profiles
• Identify anomalies in patient-reported data by performing subject/site level data review, working with the site to
answer the queries to determine accuracy as required
• Ensure the provided data are in line with protocol and reporting needs
• Perform routine study activities a needed

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Staff neurosurgeon – 2002 - 2005
• Hospitalization of patients with neoplasms of the brain, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, stroke, and other lesions of the
• Perform physical examinations/medical histories and other participant assessments as delegated by the Head of
the Department
• Responsible for prescribing and supervising necessary treatment, performing essential diagnostic, therapeutic,
rehabilitative, and preventive procedures, and monitoring patients` progress
• Checking/updating treatment plans based on the patients' conditions and determining the need for additional
methods of examination (if necessary)
• Assessment of the results of diagnostic tests (laboratory, MRI, CT/PET scans, etc.)
• Performing surgeries and surgical procedures, participation in IUC as required
• Close work with psychiatrists, therapists, and neurologists
• Participation in scientific conferences on the actual problems of neuroradiosurgery

Company "UA Support"– 2008 – Dec2021
Chief executive officer – 2008-2021
• Import/export service of materials for clinical trials (laboratory kits/preparation/equipment)
• Storage, distribution, and destruction of materials for clinical trials (laboratory kits/preparation/equipment)
• Export of biological images collected as a part of a clinical trial to the central laboratory
• The purchase of materials for clinical trials (drug/equipment)
• Permits obtaining
• Translation services

Therapeutic Experience
• Oncology: malignant brain tumors and concomitant diseases
• Psychiatry: schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy

Language Capabilities
• Ukrainian – native
• Russian – native
• English – advanced
• Polish - advanced

• «Health Management», Certifying Course, P.L. Shupyc National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education,
Kyiv, Ukraine, since 2016 (the highest category)

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• Medical Doctor, «Psychiatry», Certifying Course, P.L. Shupyc National Medical Academy of Postgraduate
Education, Kyiv, Ukraine, since 2016 (the highest category)
• Medical Doctor, «Neurosurgery», Certifying Course, P.L. Shupyc National Medical Academy of Postgraduate
Education, Kyiv, Ukraine, since 2012 (the highest category)
• Medical Doctor, «Oncology», Certifying Course,P.L. Shupyc National Medical Academy of Postgraduate
Education, Kyiv, Ukraine, since 2012
• Medical Doctor, Internship, Neurosurgery, Kyiv Nation Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2002
• Medical Doctor, Kyiv Nation Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2000

• The Global Health Network course training, February 2022
• «The pre-MBA program Business», MIM Business School, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2018

Publications/Scientific-research work/Patents
• "To evaluate the results of combined treatment of patients with malignant brain tumors using the endovascular
intra-arterial method of chemotherapy", code AMS - 4.06. 2006 – 2008
• "To evaluate the results of combined treatment of patients with malignant brain tumors using intra-arterial
monochemotherapy and polychemotherapy", GDR code: AMN-4.09, № state registration 0109U001270. 2009 –
• "To develop a method of prolonged intra-arterial administration of chemotherapeutics and evaluate its
effectiveness in patients with malignant brain tumors." Code - AMN-4.12, № state registration 0111U010208.
• Patent of Ukraine № 100027 UA, IPC (2015.01) А61М 5/00. Shcheglov VI (UA), Rybalchenko SV Method of
increasing the effectiveness of antitumor drugs in the treatment of malignant brain tumors (UA), Oliynyk GM (UA);
applicant and patent owner of the Scientific and Practical Center for Endovascular Neuroradiosurgery of the
National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (UA). - № u201411458; stated 21.10.2014; publ. 10.07.2015;
build. № 13.
• More than 20 scientific articles as an author and co-author.

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