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Резюме от 13 февраля 2023 Файл


Администратор хостела


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Personal information:
Oksana Skorchenko

Data of Birth: 23.01.1994 Nationality: Ukrainian Marital status: Single
Languages: English(fluent), German(a1), Russian(native), Ukrainian(native),arabic ( just srart to learn,going to be a1)

Location: Ukraine,Kiev

Ukrainian sim -[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Skype: Oksana Skorchenko
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»); [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)


I have good experience in the hotel and restaurant industry, as well as experience on passenger ships “Carnival” in the position of assistant waitress. In total, my work experience is 3 years. I have all the necessary knowledge of understanding procedure what is going on in restaurant, kitchen and all hospitality sphere.
Cooking is one of the biggest passion in my life. In 2011 I changed university of culture and art to National University of Food Technologies. I still love literature that is why I always reading new recepies, technique, hotel industry news
First job of my dream I got in 2014, that time I was 20 years old member of “work and travel” programm. Iowa agricultural state with good quality food, american and mexican dishes took my heard deeply. Chef was my second job, cause all work and travel participant were looking for second one, I picked up not regular and perfect one
In 2015 I worked in Ukraine in restaurant of japanese food. It was great I was proud to learn so exotic for ukrainians cuisine and culture. I got experience of making sweet panckakes with a shape of rolls.
As a trainee during my last year of studying I worked in France in restaurant “Les Bories est Spa”. This is the most sophisticated restaurant I’ve ever worked,

Michlen restaurant star shows me level of Quality which now with me whenever I go.

. I am responsible, hardworking, easily trained, attentive to details, team-player and also always work for the result.

From dreamer and writer I became chef. Now I want to find myself in management and I am ready to start from any low position in administration

My on board experience: Carnival cruise line, assistant waitress. Florida. America My chef positions:
Resataurant “Gardens”, Location Iowa, USA. May-august 2014 Restaurant “Sushia”, Location Kiev.Ukraine. August-february 2015 Restaurant “Les Bories est Spa”. Provance, France. Summer 2016
Restaurant “Сrepe and more” Qatar, start march 2020

Summer 2020 - baby siter in Qatar

The point from which my career has changed is my live and work in Turkey

August- September 2020 – translater on turkish ship «Happy divers»
October 2020 – translater of menu for turkish restaurant Oludeniz
October 2020-january 2021 – manager of front office, hotel «Tyatro», Istanbul, Turkey
February 2021 – restaurant worker in Oludeniz city
Spring 2021 – manager of travel agency, Bodrum, Turkey
Summer 2021 – «Hilton Kiev» trainee in security department
November 2021 – trainee «Insignia» company
Goals: from the time I tried office job I see nearest future in pre manager position. I wish to be assistant of manager or administrator

My education – National University of Food Technologies 2011-2017,master degree with honor, restaurant and hotel business department

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