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Sales Manager (Amazon), Account Administrator, Customer Support Associate

43 года
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Готов работать:

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон , эл. почту и LinkedIn.

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Sergii Grechman Tel: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
WhatsApp, Telegram: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Barcelona, Spain


A responsible individual who performs duties carefully, shows creativity and always strives
to improve skills. I have experience in providing online customer support in SaaS, in sales on
Amazon and other marketplaces, as well as administration of Amazon, eBay, and Etsy seller


● Ability to work well with others
● Knowledge of computer operating systems, hardware, and software
● Analytical thinking skills
● Knowledge of technology
● Thorough and pay attention to detail
● Customer service skills
● Excellent verbal communication skills
● Flexible and open to change
● Proficient in using Microsoft Office
● Advanced English, intermediate Spanish (B2), pre-intermediate German, native Ukrainian
and Russian.

Employment Since Mar 2021 Sellerise, United States
History Online Customer Care Manager, SaaS

Online support of customers – sellers on Amazon by:

● Handling inquiries from customers and potential subscribers
● Carrying out onboarding calls, presenting the software, and
explaining to users how the tools work;
● Informing the development team about the issues/questions of
● Developing tutorials, preparing the draft instructions for
working with individual functions of tools;
● Collecting feedback about the company's tools from
subscribers, forming the database of the frequently asked
● Studying the functionality and characteristics of the newly
presented tools;
● Requesting and controlling the appearance of reviews about
companies and tools (Amazon, Facebook, Google Business,
● Collecting reviews for landing the tools, controlling the
company's rating on sites.

Apr - Nov 2021 ASAP Warehouse, prep center, United States
Online Customer Service Manager

● Customer connections and support
● Managing customers’ inventory and shipments
● Attracting new clients to the service

Since Mar 2016 Selling on Amazon.com, Amazon.es, Amazon.co.uk, etc.

Sold my own brand goods on Amazon.com. Developed Private
Label products manufactured in Ukraine and China selling them
on major market websites. Was responsible for the account
administration, listing products, brand building, and
bookkeeping. Communicated with Seller Support and buyers.

Managed different Amazon seller accounts including the one for
the sale of climate equipment on the EU and UK marketplaces.
Was responsible for listing products, shipping them to Amazon
FC, launching PPC, communicating with customer support and
buyers, creating A+ content, etc.

Sep 2007- Feb 2018 JSC Ukreximbank, Ukraine
Economist – Lead Economist, International Borrowings

Responsibilities Trade (export) finance /
International capital markets finance

● Arrangement of export loans ("Tied buyer’s credits") from
foreign banks. Attracting funds to finance contracts of
Ukrainian equipment importers under the insurance cover of
Export Credit Agencies.
● Attracting unsecured interbank loans on international capital
markets: syndicated loans, Eurobonds (LPN), bilateral and
subordinated loans.
● Working with foreign banks’ colleagues: correspondence,
● Drafting and reviewing loan agreements; translation.
● Analysis and summarizing of international lending
experience, forms and products, borrowed funds utilization,

During 2017 Profpereklad Translation Bureau, Ukraine
Freelance translator

Translation from Ukrainian/Russian into English and vice versa.
Documents for economics, business, and law.

2013 “Trade finance” workshop by IBContacts, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Education 2009 “Trade finance 2010” training, Berlin, Germany.

1998-2003 Kyiv National Linguistic University, Humanitarian Institute.
Master of Law with English and German Languages.

References available on request.

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