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Резюме от 19 мая 2023 Файл


Керівник, заступник керівника, project-менеджер

27 лет
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Serhii Puzko
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
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As a highly motivated and adaptable professional with experience in finance, IT, and manufacturing, I am
actively seeking new opportunities to contribute to a dynamic team.

Successfully developing and managing the production of biodegradable tableware and striving to enter the
European market, I also combine my scientific activities with practical business experience. In addition to my
professional experience, I am a lifelong learner who is eager to expand my expertise and stay up-to-date with
industry trends.

My diverse experience in various sectors allows me to apply a global approach to problem-solving and adapt
to new fields and industries. I am using my knowledge and skills to achieve the best results in addressing the
tasks set before me.


CEO, Founder
Mar 2019 - Present (4 years 1 months +)
Production of eco-friendly disposable tableware from cornstarch.
Main responsibilities:
- creation from scratch of an enterprise for the manufacture of innovative environmental products;
- control of development, purchase and installation of equipment
- participation in the continuous improvement of business processes and controlling tools;
- negotiating with international partners.

Blockchain technology and trading
Apr 2017 - Present (6 years +)
- Investments and management of financial assets;
- trading in cryptocurrencies;
- risk management;
- settings and resale of equipment for mining.

Financial Analyst
Joint Stock Company "Gastransit"
Sep 2019 - Dec 2019 (4 months)
- Development of a project for the installation of an industrial solar power plant for 5 MW;
- miscalculation of financial indicators;
- communication with contractors.

Serhii Puzko - page 1
CEO, Founder
Feb 2018 - May 2019 (1 year 4 months)
- Management of the enterprise on development of mobile applications and web sites;
- negotiating with key customers;
- tracking updates and trends in the financial and foreign exchange markets;
- conducting a project to develop innovative software for financial transactions in international markets.

Alternative energy sources
Apr 2016 - May 2019 (3 years 2 months)
- Supply of equipment;
- project development;
- installation, connection and commissioning of private SES;
- battery installation;
- optimization of energy consumption;
- registration and submission of documents for connecting the feed-in tariff.

Project Manager
Feb 2018 - Nov 2018 (10 months)
- Discussing potential projects;
- participating in and supervising each stage of the project.
- ensuring project stays on schedule and adheres to the deadlines.
- serving as a liaison to communicate information regarding changes, milestones reached, and other
pertinent information.

Foreign Exchange Trader
2013 - Sep 2017 (4 years 9 months)
- Trading on currency, stock and commodity exchanges;
- work with different strategies;
- technical and fundamental analysis;
- situational trading.

Printing house
Sep 2015 - Feb 2017 (1 year 6 months)
Own production for applying logos and images to various products.
- Sublimation printing;
- silk-screen printing;
- thermal transfer;
- release of its line of clothing;
- communication with distributors.

Serhii Puzko - page 2

Cambridge Judge Business School
Accelerate Program, Start-Ups
May 2023 - Jul 2023

Cambridge Judge Business School
Doctor of Philosophy - Visiting PhD Student on Scholarship, Entrepreneuship
Oct 2022 - Currently

Kyiv National Economics University
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD, Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities
Oct 2020 - Currently

Kyiv National Economics University
Master degree, Economics
Sep 2018 - Mar 2020

Kyiv National Economics University
Bachelor degree, Economics of enterprise
Sep 2014 - Jun 2018

Business Development • Project Management • Python • Fundraising • Investments •
Manufacturing • Automation • Manufacturing control • Cryptocurrency • AutoCAD • CNC

• Ukrainian - Native or bilingual proficiency
• Russian - Native or bilingual proficiency
• English - Professional working proficiency

Honors & Awards
2nd place - All-Ukrainian competition of diploma works in the specialty
"Enterprise Economics"

Gratitude for the high level of preparation and organization of participation in the
international forum

3rd place - Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the specialty
"Oil and gas industry" - Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Certificate for significant contribution to the development of research and
innovation activities of the University

Serhii Puzko - page 3

In scientific professional:
1. Improving the efficiency of the enterprise through the use of alternative energy sources /
Scientific and Production Journal "Business Navigator" – 2019. – Vol. 6 (55). – P. 135-140.

2. "Valley of Death" as a phenomenon of the life cycle of innovations and the problem of
overcoming it / Collection of scientific works "Scientists' Notes". – 2021. - You.k.a. 22. – P.
https://vz. kneu. edu. ua/ua/

3. Innovative technologies of validation of the idea to bring the product to market /
Scientific professional journal "Economic Bulletin. Series: finance, accounting, taxation". –
2021. – № 7. – 126-139. http://ojs.nusta.edu.ua/index.php/ojs1/issue/archive

4. Bringing a new product to the international market: customs barriers for Ukrainian
producers / Customs security: scientific journal. 2021. Issue 5. – 2021. – 186-196.

International Conference (foreign edition) :
1. Innovative technologies as a driver of innovative development of entrepreneurship /
Serhii Puzko / Scientific research: paradigm of innovation: theses were made by the IV
International Scientific Conference (Prague, Czechia, "27" November 2020).
https://doi.org/10.25313/2520-2057-conf-2020/november/6613 International Scientific Journal
“Internauka”. 2020. Access mode : https://www.inter-

In other editions:
1. Research of the phenomenon of the life cycle of innovations "Valley of Death" / Actual
problems and prospects for the development of accounting, analysis and control in the socially-
oriented enterprise management system [Electronic resource] : c. materials IV Vseukr.
sciences.-conf., March 31, 2021 Poltava. 2021. – P.369-372. https://www. pdaa. edu.

2. Risks in project activities and peculiarities of start-up implementation / Andinnovative
solutions in economics, business, public communications and international relations [Electronic
resource] : cc. materials internar. sciences.-pract. Internet conf., April 16, 2021, Dnipro, Atlant,
https://drive. google. com/file/d/1t5AjMhYEPKn4UKlEjAbet2wfey3h4-4U/view

3. Opinion leaders and their influence on the formation of the "Technological framework" of
new products. Entrepreneurship in the face of modern challenges: threats, limitations and
opportunities: collection of materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference
"Economic Prospects of Entrepreneurship", (February 18-19, 2022, Irpin) : Irpin: State Tax
University, 2022. – 206 p. – p. 63-64.

Serhii Puzko - page 4
Under consideration publication

1. Developing a Comprehensive System of Indicators for Assessing Consumer Capital
Assets and Project Management Effectiveness in Introducing New Products to Market
with a Focus on Eco-Packaging.

2. Ergodesign and formation of the "technological framework" of new products.

3. Revolutionizing Packaging: Innovations in Eco-Packaging Market and Promotional
Tools for New Products with Corn Starch-Based Packaging.

VIII International Scientific and Operational Conference "INNOVATIVE

Serhii Puzko - page 5

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