Salary statistics

Average salary in Ukraine

According to 110 639 jobs jobs 4 532 212 resumes; Updated weekly.

Accounting & auditing

Administration & middle management

Agriculture & agribusiness

Beauty, fitness & sports

Construction & architecture

Culture, music & entertainment

Design & creativity

Education & science

Finance & banking

Hotels, restaurants & tourism

HR & personnel management


IT, computers & Internet

Journalism, publishing & printing


Logistics, warehouse & international commerce

Marketing, advertising & PR

Medicine & pharmaceuticals

Real estate


Sales & procurement

Secretarial, clerical & administrative assistants

Security & guarding

Service sector

Skilled trades & manufacturing


Transportation & auto industry

Upper & senior management

Other fields

Average salary

  • 20 179 UAH - based on job postings
  • 20 973 UAH - based on resumes
* The calculation uses a weighted average to keep the impact of individual job postings or resumes with unrealistic wages to a minimum. Resumes and jobs without a salary aren't included. The calculation includes data from resumes and job openings from the last 7 days.