- Перевірено
Terre des hommes - Helping children worldwide, Foundation in Ukraine
Неприбуткові, благодійні та громадські організації, 10–50 співробітників
Terre des hommes is the leading Swiss organization for children’s aid. Through our health, protection and emergency relief programs, we provide assistance to over three million children, youth and their families in more than 40 countries each year. Through a rights-based approach, Terre des hommes (Tdh) aims to guarantee a respect for and the implementation of the rights of children to bring about positive and sustainable change, both at institutional and community level. Tdh develops programs that support children and youth rights and their best interests, create a strong local presence in close proximity to children, their families and communities, establish close cooperation with local bodies based on respect. Tdh has built expertise in Europe (Romania, Moldova, Albania, Kosovo) in programs aimed at supporting vulnerable families with children to develop income generating activities. In Ukraine, Tdh has worked since 2009 through partnerships and established offices legally since 2014. The programs in Ukraine address children and youth in the conflict affected area.
For more information, please check https://www.tdh.ch/en, https://tdh-ukraine.org/en www.facebook.com/TdhUkraine/